Data Security in the Cloud Computing

Cybertechnology is becoming a major industry as more organizations begin to utilize the Internet in their infrastructure. Cloud computing is a segment of cybertechnology that is particularly relevant today since it offers many opportunities to enterprises. Specifically, cloud computing provides high efficiency of data processing, scalability, and automatic updates of software and other components and does not require a high degree of maintenance. At the same time, cloud computing also has certain issues, and one of the primary ones is data security. The issue of cloud data security involves various factors, including technology solutions, procedures, and policies implemented by enterprises, as well as user access. To provide a thorough analysis of the issue, proper sources of information had to be identified using a series of guiding questions.

The search strategy involved five main questions on the topic of data security in cloud computing, some of which were later modified. The first question utilized in the attempt to locate appropriate sources was the following, “What are the relevant methods of ensuring data security in cloud computing.” Another question concerned the exact procedures of data protection, “Which procedures do organizations use to protect data in cloud-based systems.” The third question was about the existing security issues, “Which data security issues do enterprises encounter most often when using cloud-based solutions?” The fourth question concerned the aspects of user access to cloud-based data, “Which mechanisms are utilized in the control of user access in the cloud environment?” The question later was modified to yield more relevant results and became the following, “What type of software is used in cloud user access management?” The change in the fourth question enabled me to identify more results that contained important information on the topic. Finally, the fifth question was, “What is the most effective system for the protection of data in cloud computing?”


Kumara, R., Rajb, H., &, Jelciana, P. (2018). Exploring data security issues and solutions in cloud computing. Procedia Computer Science, 125, 691–697.

Mehdar, Z. (2022). Cybersecurity and cloud computing: Risks and benefits. Rewind.

Sibai, R., Gemayel, N., Abdo, J., & Demerjian, J. (2020). A survey on access control mechanisms for cloud computing. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 31(2), 1–13.

Tariq, M., Balas, V., &, Tayyaba, S. (2022). Security and privacy trends in cloud computing and big data. CRC Press.

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