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Depression in Middle-Aged African Women


The presented research study investigates depression in middle-aged African women. The mental health of the population is a serious concern of the modern healthcare sector. Moreover, the tendency toward the complication of the situation and the emergence of an increased number of cases every year explains the topicality of the research. For this reason, the proposed research focuses on analyzing the selected cohort, its peculiarities, factors leading to the development of depressed states and depression, and possible interventions to address it. The study offers a literature review of the credible and relevant sources that create the theoretical background for the discussion. The data is collected using the qualitative research method, such as case studies and a questionnaire distributed among the chosen sample. The acquired findings might be used in new projects to investigate the selected problem and provide a better vision of its current

Research Context

The mental health of populations is one of the most topical problems of the modern age. Following the official statistics, 21% of adults in the USA have the experience of suffering from various types of mental problems (Villarroel & Terlizzi, 2020). It means that about 52.9 million people suffer from a reduced quality of life because of this problem. Furthermore, 5,6% of adults in the USA reported a severe mental disease in 2020, requiring qualified help and medical assistance (Villarroel & Terlizzi, 2020). The problem worsens as the number of cases grows annually. The major factors causing mental diseases include the high level of stress because of the complexity of the social relations today, financial pressure, problems within a family, chronic medical conditions, and traumatic events, such as the death of close people (Villarroel & Terlizzi, 2020). For this reason, the problem is becoming more topical every year and requires increased attention. Depression is one of the common mental diseases affecting the population. (Corbani et al., 2017) reports that about 17.3 million adults in the USA, or 7,1% of the population, suffer from the given condition. It justifies the relevance of the problem and the necessity to analyze it.

Furthermore, research shows that some population groups face a higher risk of acquiring depression because of specific peculiarities. Thus, the research conducted by Salk et al. (2017) reveals that women aged from 40 to 59 have the highest depression rates. One in eight females in this cohort has this issue, meaning that about 12,3% in general experience the given condition (Ps et al., 2017). The high rates compared to other groups demonstrate the critical situation regarding the mental health sphere. The problem is also complicated because depression might precondition the development of other chronic conditions and diseases, such as high blood pressure, gastritis, insomnia, and more problems (Corbani et al., 2017). Walton (2022) emphasizes that if left unnoticed and untreated, it might result in a suicidal attempt. Under these conditions, depression is becoming a critical problem that should be addressed to improve the health of the population and the quality of life. However, the additional problem in addressing this mental health disease comes from the differences between ethnic groups and the factors affecting them.

The racial differences in rates of depression have become one of the most relevant research issues. Thus Hastings and Snowden (2019) say that following the latest findings, the discussed mental health condition is most prevalent among Hispanics, with 11% of the group affected, and African Americans, with 9% suffering from it. Moreover, as stated previously, middle-aged women face a higher risk of acquiring and developing this disorder. In such a way, middle-aged African females become one of the most vulnerable groups suffering from depression and the conditions associated with it. Ching-Chu et al. (2017) say that the social and family pressure, combined with some biased stereotypes and unfair attitudes, create the basis for the deterioration of the given group’s mental health and inability to function at the desired levels. Furthermore, it serves as the primary cause of disability and premature mortality (Walton, 2022). It proves the critical importance of the selected topic and the necessity to discuss peculiarities and unique aspects of depression peculiar to middle-aged African women.

Analyzing the problem, researchers devote much attention to the causes leading to the development of the condition. Speaking about the selected cohort, it is possible to outline two major groups of triggering factors, such as general and linked to the ethnic aspect ones. The first category includes both physiological and social causes. First, some experts are sure that the higher chance of depression in females is linked to the hormonal changes occurring throughout a woman’s life (Albert, 2015). The major alterations occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, especially after giving birth or miscarriage (Albert, 2015). Furthermore, each month’s menstrual cycle preconditions the changes in moods and swings influencing daily interactions (Corbani et al., 2017). As a result, the alterations in the endocrine level might trigger the development of the first signs of depression and its further development. It explains the higher risk rates and severer outcomes.

The social factors also impact the higher depression rates in middle-aged women. First, the ongoing psychological stress, the fear of losing a job because of gender issues, relationship stress, and fear of divorce impact the given group (Hastings & Snowden, 2019). As a result, women experience more pressure and become anxious, which might transform into depression (Corbani et al., 2017). Moreover, the age-related changes in the body influence the vision of self, which is critical for women (García-Montero et al., 2022). It might impact the quality of their sexual life and promote isolation and loneliness due to being less desired (Albert, 2015). These factors might trigger the emergence of depressive moods and cultivate the evolution of the undesired medical condition. In such a way, women suffer from numerous specific factors that might be viewed as the causes for the discussed issue, and its becoming more relevant.

At the same time, there is another group of factors that are unique to African women. First, García-Montero et al. (2017) say that regardless of the focus on building a tolerant society, black women suffer from biased attitudes and stereotypical judgments. It results in the development of higher depression rates and undesired outcomes. Furthermore, environmental factors become more significant compared to white women. Statistics show that African households have lower socioeconomic backgrounds, which increases the likelihood of depression (Hastings & Snowden, 2019). The necessity to work hard to avoid poverty impacts mental health and might precondition the emergence of critical issues (Bansal et al., 2015). Furthermore, black women more often suffer from abuse or psychological trauma, which might also impact the emergence of undesired behaviors and critical changes (Hastings & Snowden, 2019). Finally, some studies evidence the significant impact of genetics as depression might run in families, making it an inherited problem (Bansal et al., 2015). In such a way, there is a set of unique factors affecting the selected group.

Furthermore, the degree to which depression impacts an individual’s life might also differ. Bansal et al. (2015) say that various women belonging to different social classes and ethnic groups might experience different symptoms. For middle-aged African women, the severity of depression might be complicated because their quality of life is worse compared to white females (Bansal et al., 2015). It means that social pressure and the problems traditional for the given group might serve as factors promoting the emergence of severer forms of depression and the development of more problematic outcomes (Hastings & Snowden, 2019). As a result, there is a critical need to address the problem to ensure African women are provided with the care necessary to manage their conditions and guarantee the improvement of the situation in general.

Treatment of depression might include various approaches regarding the complexity of the case and its unique peculiarities. Usually, medications and psychotherapy are viewed as appropriate and effective interventions to help patients improve their mental health. As for the selected cohort, depression treatment might be complicated because of the differences in social status compared to white women, which might complicate access to necessary treatment and medications (Hastings & Snowden, 2019). As a result, the impossibility to address the triggering factors and the problematic access to therapy and medications might precondition the deterioration of the situation and promote worse outcomes compared to other groups. It means that treating depression in middle-aged African women should also be viewed as an essential concern vital for the healthcare sector and its further evolution. It is critical to consider major factors and select the most appropriate method.

As stated previously, psychotherapy is one of the possible methods to help depressed women. Counseling supported by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) might be a potent tool for working with middle-aged women (Health Quality Ontario, 2017). It will help to discuss the most stressful events and problems to reduce anxiety levels. However, Corbani et al. (2017) admit that fewer African women work with counselors compared to other cohorts. It might introduce a specific problem in addressing depression and managing its outcomes. At the same time, educating individuals about the possible ways of managing the condition is fundamental to attaining positive change (Corbani et al., 2017). Under these conditions, counselors are viewed as essential figures who might help African women to recover from depressive states. It means an improved understanding of this aspect is required.

At the same time, there is a particular gap in knowledge linked to the discussed topic. First, few research works analyze mood changes associated with aging and the development of depression in women (Hastings & Snowden, 2019). However, the alteration in the endocrine profile along with the changes in the social roles coming with age is inevitable and might affect the mental health of a woman. These factors might precondition the development of clinical depression. Furthermore, much attention should be devoted to analyzing how the differences in depression among African women influence their experiences of acquiring the necessary help. In other words, it is vital to investigate whether these differences are considered and addressed by therapists while working with this cohort. These gaps should be filled to acquire an enhanced vision of the selected research issue and its impact on people’s mental health.

In such a way, the existing research context proves the relevance of the selected topic. Depression is one of the major causes of the critical deterioration in the quality of people’s lives. It might lead to their disability and the development of chronic issues. It becomes a severe challenge for middle-aged African women because of the unique factors affecting them. The social pressure and differences, along with genetics, hormonal changes, and acquisition of new roles, impact a woman and might serve as the causes for the emergence of depression. For this reason, it becomes central to conduct an in-depth and comprehensive investigation of the selected issue to determine the nature of the problem and its current state, fill the existing gaps in knowledge, and offer recommendations for improving the situation in the future.

Research Questions

The nature of the research and the topic selected for the discussion help to formulate the following research questions:

  • What are the major factors associated with the emergence of depression in middle-aged African women?
  • What factors might Impact depression’s progress and its treatment in middle-aged African women?
  • What counseling methods can help to promote better results within the discussed group?

From these major questions, the secondary ones can also be derived:

  • What causes and factors lead to higher depression rates in the selected group?
  • How do social conditions impact depression in middle-aged African women?
  • What are the practical approaches to address the problem regarding the cohort’s peculiarities?

The given research questions are vital for the study. First, they will guide the research and impact data collection procedures. Second, information acquired to answer them will promote a better understanding of the research topic. Finally, they can help to promote a positive shift within affected communities due to a better understanding of causes and how to address them.

The following objectives also support the research questions mentioned above:

  • to understand the major peculiarities of depression in middle-aged African women
  • to outline unique factors differentiating the group from others
  • to discuss aspects impacting the progress of depression and its outcomes
  • to analyze counseling methods applicable regarding the selected cohort
  • to correlate social conditions and high depression rates among middle-aged African women
  • to create the basis for the future research devoted to the same problem

In such a way, the proposed research questions and the objectives serve as the basis of the study. They impact the choice of the research paradigm and data collection methods. At the same time, answering these questions and meeting the objectives is critical for acquiring credible results.

Research Methods

The qualitative data collection methods are selected regarding the nature of the research, the research questions, and objectives. Several factors justify the choice of the paradigm for creating the basis for the discussion. First of all, qualitative methods are effective in collecting personal data of individuals possessing the features necessary for the research (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). For this reason, it is possible to work with middle-aged African women suffering from depression and analyze their experiences. Second, the qualitative research paradigm provides a researcher with a higher level of flexibility (Creswell & Poth, 2017). For this reason, it is possible to alter the research settings regarding the conditions and access to participants. Finally, qualitative methods allow making conclusions regarding the information gathered from individuals, which is critical for the study (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). For this reason, the given framework is selected for the investigation.

The literature review forms the theoretical framework of the study. The major advantage of the given method is the possibility to select sources that would be included in the research (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). For this reason, only credible and relevant academic articles, books, and websites offering official reports are utilized. It will contribute to the increased practical utility of the study and increase the credibility of the findings. Furthermore, existing case studies and reviews will also be analyzed and integrated into the research to ensure offers an up-to-date description of the problem and its analysis. Finally, a literature review helps to reveal the gaps in knowledge linked to the discussed issue and address them.

The study also implies using case studies and interviews as the data collection tools. The first method means utilizing existing case studies of middle-aged African women suffering from depression. It will lead to an enhanced understanding of the current state of the problem. At the same time, a new case study based on the acquired information will be created. It will introduce the major trends regarding mental health and depression in the given cohort. Interviews will be conducted among the representatives of the selected group to acquire information about their experiences of living with depression, factors that impacted its emergence, barriers they faced, and peculiarities of specific treatments. In such a way, the following research methodology will help to collect necessary data and answer research questions.

Significance of the Research

The significance of the given research comes from several factors. First of all, it will expand the existing body of knowledge linked to depression and mental health. As stated previously, the given topic remains relevant and attracts the attention of numerous researchers. However, the major peculiarities of the given condition pertaining to middle-aged African women remain underresearched. They have unique social and psychological conditions impacting the disorder’s emergence and development. It means there is a need for a specific approach to consider their peculiarities and promote the best possible outcomes. Under these conditions, by answering the study’s research questions and meeting its objectives, it is possible to contribute to the improved understanding of the problem and its better analysis. From this perspective, the proposed investigation is a significant step toward a better understanding how depression impacts different ethnic groups and promotes changes in them.

Furthermore, depression remains one of the major causes of the reduced functionality and critical changes in the quality of life. The research shows that globally, middle-aged African women have a lower income compared to other groups, and their access to benefits is limited. Compared with the negative impact of the depression, it contributes to the overall deterioration of the existing situation, and its becoming critical. Under these conditions, the findings of the proposed study are vital for the discussed group and the existing body of knowledge. It will help to support the existing incentives aimed at promoting the positive shifts regarding the problem and contribute to a better vision of the issue by specialists. For this reason, it remains a significant step towards addressing the problem of gradually deteriorating mental health of the population.

In such a way, the significance of the research is linked to its possibility to promote positive social shifts and improve the state of a particular group. It means that the results acquired during the investigation possess high practical utility and are essential for other researchers who are also interested in investigating the same problem. From this perspective, the proposed study might be used as the basis for new projects focused on analyzing the problems of middle-aged African women in the sphere of mental health. Using the new information acquired during the investigation, specialists might plan more effective interventions and guarantee better results. For this reason, the significance of the given research is justified by its importance for communities and the ability to promote the positive social change necessary at the moment.

Finally, the proposed study delves into the problem of mental health, which remains one of the most relevant topics for the modern healthcare sector. The statistics discussed above show that every year the number of patients with various mental conditions grows. It means that the topicality of the issue remains high, and it is necessary to continue its investigation. At the same time, it is impossible to promote the critical improvement in the nation’s mental health without addressing depression and anxiety problems which remain one of the most common issues affecting women. Under these conditions, the proposed study can be viewed as a step towards promoting the improvement of the situation in the selected sphere and its discussion from various perspectives. It might help to succeed in helping vulnerable populations and addressing their nagging problems.


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