Description of Practicum Project Area About Implementing Video Reports in Healthcare Setting

A Brief Description of your Practicum Project Area and Focus

To provide efficient patient treatment and improve communication and cooperation between the staff and the patient, the specific focus of the project is made on the analysis of leadership and management (Chinn & Kramer, 2008). These dimensions shape the platform for a favorable and healthy setting. Adopting innovative strategies to the hospital environment can enable the nurses and their managers to sustain and improve various social, cultural, and ethical backgrounds developed in a hospital. Emphasis is placed on knowledge management, collaborative models, and technological advancement as the major pillars of enhancing leadership skills.

Objectives of the Practicum Project

While working at Magnet Hospital, I am planning to widen my experience in effective knowledge management and handle new people and new environments with regard to cultural and social backgrounds. Specific attention should also be paid to introducing and practicing shared decision-making and problem solving, which is the basis of quick adjustment to culturally diverse environments. At this point, I take up a specific training to analyze the process of nurse-patient cooperation. Finally, change management and analysis of contingency situation is vital in critical situations. A leader, therefore, should be able to make important decisions in a timely manner.

Evidence Necessary for Evaluating the Practicum Project

With the increased popularity of the evidence-based practice, as well as developed nurses’ roles, the health care professionals face a serious challenge in designing efficient evaluation practices due to the complex environments (Walsh et al., 2007). The complexity is specifically predetermined by the inability to work out advanced methods that would promote an understanding of evaluation procedures. In this respect, the Practicum Project will apply to the Nursing Outcomes Classification that implies a description of patient outcomes with regard to nursing interventions. Such a system incorporates the nursing process and introduces a number of indications and measures to achieve the desired results. All the outcomes will be carefully studied to deliver effective reporting and accurate information on the welfare of the patients. In addition, the sequence of actions within the nursing care plan should also provide ongoing provision of nurse interventions and assist in evaluating the quality of care.

Methods Necessary for Evaluating the Practicum Project

While designing an evaluation, analysis of specific bedside video reports has been studied to learn more about specific steps and measure to be taken while assessing a patient’s health conditions and defining how a plan of care should be prepared (Pchoothesa, 2010; SuperPhysioMan, 2011). Specifically, the videos provide sufficient information on a systematic general assessment of the patient where a nurse explains which techniques and approaches, as well as cautious measures, should be taken. Much attention should also be given to working out specific communication techniques while talking to the patient. A patient, thus, should feel comfortable. Each action that a nurse plans to perform should be informed to the patient so that he/she was aware of the consequences and reasons for conducting an assessment. In addition, the videos also demonstrate the steps of nurse shifting, as well as the procedures which need to be outlined. Overall, the video provides an extensive algorithm of how to behave in an alien setting and which decisions should be made to sustain a favorable healthcare setting.

Formative evaluation strategy will involve the first-phase assessment procedures including patient general assessment. The evaluation will be conducted twice a day, depending on the state of the patient. Summative assessment will be carried out on the basis of the numerical data, namely the medicine dose, and patient’s characteristics.


Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

Pchoothesa (2010). Bedside Report – As the Shift Changes… (Final). Web.

SuperPhysioMan (2011). Presentation for Completing a Bedside Assessment Video Lecture. Web.

Walsh, K., Duke, J., Foureur, M., Macdonald, L. (2007). Designing an Effective Evaluation Plan: A Tool for Understanding and Planning Evaluations for Complex Nursing Contexts. Contemporary Nurse. 25(1-2), pp. 136-145.

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