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Digital Communications: Challenges and Opportunities for On the Beach


Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data

Evidence: Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is a significant challenge for companies in the travel industry, including On the Beach. Customer data is a valuable asset vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches. According to a study by Juniper Research, the cost of data breaches is expected to exceed $2.1 trillion globally by 2019. In 2018, the travel industry was the third most targeted industry for cyber-attacks, according to a report by Risk Based Security. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect in 2018, imposes strict requirements on companies that handle the personal data of EU citizens. This includes the requirement to report data breaches within 72 hours of discovery.

Implications: Data breaches and cyber-attacks can severely affect the company and its customers. According to a study by IBM, the average data breach cost is $3.86 million. This includes direct costs such as legal fees and customer notifications and indirect costs such as lost business and damage to the company’s reputation. In addition to financial implications, data breaches can seriously impact customer trust and loyalty. A survey by Accenture found that 68% of consumers would stop doing business with a company if their data was compromised in a data breach. This highlights the importance of On the Beach taking concrete measures to protect their customer data.

Managing online reviews and customer feedback

Evidence: Managing online reviews and customer feedback can be challenging for On the Beach travel company due to the high volume of reviews and diverse opinions received the need to comply with various laws and regulations, the importance of maintaining a positive reputation, and customer expectations. This task can be complex and time-consuming, but it is essential for running a successful business.

Implications: Managing online reviews and customer feedback can have several implications for On the Beach travel company, including a decline in customer satisfaction and loyalty, damage to the company’s reputation, and legal consequences. According to a study by the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, a 5% decline in customer satisfaction can lead to a 25% decrease in revenue, while a study by ReviewTrackers found that 89% of consumers read businesses’ responses to reviews. Failing to manage reviews and customer feedback effectively could also result in legal consequences, such as fines or lawsuits. Therefore, On the Beach must prioritize the effective management of its online reviews and customer feedback to maintain customer satisfaction, protect its reputation, and avoid legal issues.

Keeping up with changing technology

Evidence: On the Beach travel company may face challenges in keeping up with changing technology due to the rapidly evolving nature of the technology industry and the high cost of adopting new technologies. According to a survey by the Harvard Business Review, 43% of companies reported that the rapid pace of technological change was a significant challenge for their business. In addition, the cost of implementing new technologies can be high, and On the Beach may need to invest significant resources to stay up to date with the latest technology. For example, a study by Accenture found that the average cost of a significant technology transformation project is $1.3 million. On the Beach may need to weigh the costs and benefits of adopting new technologies to determine the most effective strategy for keeping up with changing technology.

Implications: A study by Accenture found that companies that are slow to adopt new technologies are more likely to see a decline in revenue and profitability compared to those that can stay up to date. On the Beach may face difficulties attracting and retaining top talent if it is not seen as a tech-savvy company. According to a survey by Deloitte, 79% of employees said that it is essential for their employer to keep up with the latest technology.

Managing online reputation

Evidence: Managing online reputation can be challenging for On the Beach travel company due to the high volume and visibility of online reviews and customer feedback. BrightLocal found that 84 percent of customers place equal or more faith in online reviews than personal recommendations, and 70 percent of consumers report reading reviews before making a purchase. This means that On the Beach’s online reputation can significantly impact its ability to attract new customers and drive sales. In addition, negative reviews and customer feedback that are not addressed promptly or satisfactorily can damage On the Beach’s reputation and reduce its attractiveness to potential customers. ReviewTrackers discovered that 89 percent of customers read companies’ comments to reviews and that unfavorable responses may significantly influence consumers’ decisions to use the company. Overall, it is essential for On the Beach to prioritize the effective management of its online reputation in order to maintain customer satisfaction and attract new business.

Implications: This could lead to a decrease in customer retention and revenue for the company. According to a study by the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, a decline in customer satisfaction of just 5% can lead to a decrease in revenue of up to 25%. Negative reviews and customer feedback that are not addressed promptly or satisfactorily can damage On the Beach’s reputation and reduce its attractiveness to potential customers. ReviewTrackers revealed that 89 percent of customers read companies’ comments to reviews and that a bad reaction may significantly influence consumers’ decisions to utilize the service. On the Beach’s online reputation can impact its ability to attract new customers and drive sales. BrightLocal found that 84 percent of customers consider internet reviews reliable as personal recommendations, and 70 percent of consumers said they read reviews before making a purchase.

Managing customer inquiries and complaints

Evidence: On the Beach travel company may face challenges in managing customer inquiries and complaints due to the high volume of customer interactions and the need to provide timely and satisfactory responses. According to a study by the customer service software company Zendesk, the average business receives over 200 customer support inquiries daily, and 70% of customers expect a response within an hour. This can be a significant challenge for On the Beach, especially if it lacks the resources or processes to handle customer inquiries and complaints effectively. In addition, On the Beach may face challenges in managing customer inquiries and complaints due to the diverse range of customer needs and expectations. Customers may have different preferences for how they communicate with the company and expectations for the level of service they receive. On the Beach may need to invest significant time and resources to effectively manage customer inquiries and complaints and provide high customer service.

Implications: It can lead to a high volume of customer complaints and negative reviews, damaging the company’s reputation and leading to a decline in bookings. Additionally, if the company cannot effectively manage customer inquiries and complaints promptly, it may lead to customer frustration and decreased customer satisfaction. This can result in a loss of repeat business and a decline in overall revenue.

Identification Of New Communications Acquisition Objectives

Increase the Number of Followers on IG From 12.2K To 14K In 12 Months (+13%)

Influencer marketing value declines precipitously beyond 10,000 followers since millions of individuals already have much more. On the other hand, you may try contacting smaller regional companies and offering to market their goods and services. Keep your email address visible in your bio since you never know what could happen to your profile.

Increase the Number of Subscribers On YouTube From 110 To 500 In 12 Months (+78%)

There is no denying that increasing the frequency with which you upload new videos will boost your subscriber count. Viewers are less likely to subscribe if they have not uploaded anything new. If you want your films to rank better on YouTube, you need to optimize them. The viewers of your videos are a captive audience ready to engage with your material. Optimizing the video’s title, description, video, and other meta tags may help the correct people see your videos. This goal relates to “Handling complaints and questions from clients.”

Increase the Number of Followers on FB From 108.731 To 112K In 12 Months (+3%)

Inviting people to like your page is the most straightforward technique to get more likes on Facebook. Your closest friends and family are the most accessible people to ask to come. When you begin advertising your shop on Facebook, you may get reminders to request friends to like your page. To accomplish this goal, you will need to tackle the problem of “Managing Online Reviews and Customer Feedback.”

Critiques: Critique of existing digital communications approaches

Email: Even if emails are the most basic form of digital written communication, there are compelling reasons for the 290 billion or more emails sent daily. It is inexpensive, dependable, and compatible with most common accessories. You may maintain track of current workplace dialogues by sending a simple note to a coworker or a bulk email announcing impending developments. While email is a convenient means of electronic communication, it has limitations compared to other digital channels.

Evidence: According to the research done by Trier (2008), while email may be sent and received quickly, it does not guarantee a quick answer. You should not use email if you need to get in touch with someone quickly. Fifty-two percent of working professionals who email about their jobs often wait between 12 and 24 hours for a reply. You should utilize a more direct method to keep your staff updated if you have an urgent message for your team or need a speedy reaction during company-wide interactions.

Instant chat apps for the workplace: Recent years have witnessed a meteoric rise in the popularity of this online communication method. Slack, a business messaging service has grown to have more than 10 million daily active users. In addition, the New York Times said the firm’s long-term goal is to make email obsolete in the workplace. Despite how far-fetched it may seem, the desire to outdo email is what has propelled the success of Slack and its rivals. Instant messaging tools for the workplace make internal communication easier and timelier.

Evidence: according to the study done by Kuntsman and Rattle (2019), this mode of communication mimics the look and feel of popular messaging apps while allowing for discussions involving many people. This allows for more in-depth group discussions and shorter, more intimate conversations among many individuals.

Internet-based video meetings: Ninety percent of those polled who said they had used video conferencing solutions for remote work said it enhanced their communication ability.

Communicating with your team members face-to-face will always be the most successful method. Communication via speech is more immediate. Empathy and understanding may also be fostered via nonverbal indicators such as body language.

Evidence: Liu et al. (2019) show that video software is an excellent investment if you and your team want to engage in long-term remote work. The fantastic news is that you do not have to go into debt to achieve it since several low-cost alternatives are readily accessible on the web. You may not even need to commit to any long-term software solutions if you and your team intend to return to the office permanently. In this case, a subscription service that charges every month would work well. As remote work becomes the standard, any video-sharing site will do.

Websites: One of the most influential textual communication channels at your disposal is the corporate website. The rationale for this is elementary: once your clients are on-site, you have complete editorial control over their experience. What this implies is that you have the opportunity to woo them without any rivals in the way. Branding, copywriting, and other forms of web-based communication allow you to convey a streamlined message. However, the average attention span for the next generation, Generation Z, is just 8 seconds. Because of this, you need to act quickly to seize your clients’ full attention. The quality of your site’s interface and design is crucial to its success. Considering that 75% of customers have claimed they would form an opinion of a company’s legitimacy based only on the appearance of its website. You should create your website with the most skeptical visitors in mind to make the most of this crucial communication channel.

Evidence: Potter et al. (2022) study states that this kind of interaction will do more for you than any other if you can establish credibility through reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers, showcase high-quality photos of your offerings, and highlight specific examples of how they might be used. Blogs, videos, and personalized suggestions are terrific ways to provide value for your clients and drive home the point that buying your product will result in a fantastic experience for them.

Production of an appraisal of proposed new/further digital communications approaches

The Power of social media: With over 4.2 billion active users, social media is here to stay as a marketing and customer service tool for companies of all sizes. Social media is popular with consumers because it facilitates instantaneous communication with many people and provides timely information about current events. Social media has become a vital means of communication for businesses, including the ability to reach targeted audiences and substantially enhance customer interactions. To maximize the effectiveness of social media as a promotional tool, you must provide updates that interest rather than boring your followers. Therefore, the material you share on social media had better be top-notch. It cannot merely be a constant barrage of PR and advertising.

Evidence: Use visual content like movies, photos, and GIFs to your advantage, and have genuine discussions with your followers to build a feeling of community. Check out some of our favorite customer interaction examples for some pointers on getting started. Live chat support through social media is another option to explore. This tool allows you to interact with your website visitors and social media followers from a centralized location.

Communication through Short Message Service and Instant Messaging Service: Now a day’s, messaging applications are employed for business and personal conversations. Communication with clients through text messages and instant messaging services like WhatsApp is becoming the standard. It is one of the more intelligent methods of spreading the word about sales and discounts among corporations with a vast client base.

Evidence: It works well for companies who need to send out regular updates on their progress. Consider the example of order and shipping updates. Customers will only find your SMS and WhatsApp messages beneficial if you send them at the right time and with the right content. Ensure that any business-related communications you send through these channels are not time-sensitive.

The Instantaneous Nature of Live Chat: Due to its efficiency and ease, live chat has a high level of client approval (73%). Because of this, it has rapidly grown in significance as a means of contact for any company maintaining an online profile. Choose flexible software that can be adjusted to fit your requirements if you want to provide live chat for your clients. For instance, if you have customers all over the globe, you may want to investigate live chat with built-in MLT.

Evidence: Similarly, if you want to increase your remote sales by accepting payments over live chat, you must ensure that your live chat software has card masking capabilities. Being compliant with PCI and HIPAA is also crucial. Following our web chat guidelines can help you better serve your consumers, no matter your business.

Video Chat: Aside from video conferencing, another great use of video as a communication medium is a video chat for customer support. Rapid adoption to attract and retain online visitors is attributable to its rising popularity. The number of video contacts with some of our clients has increased 400% in the last year. It is easy to see why: a video chat session gives the consumer the same sense of personal connection they would get in person.

Evidence: Video substantially enhances spoken messages’ efficacy, which improves comprehension. Your customer service representative’s body language and emotions can aid in communication and put clients at ease. A confident, straightforward grin, for instance, or an unruffled demeanor both build rapport. Regardless of your business, video is the only medium to replicate the in-store experience online.

KIPS: Production of key performance indicators (KPIs) to prove you have achieved your


The bottom line directly affects how well an organization communicates inside itself. In order to ensure the success of your company, you must determine whether you are using the best methods of internal communication. Here is where key performance indicators for internal communications come into play. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that may provide measurements for internal communication and reveal what is working and what is not for your organization. You may see our Key Information Proposition for communication goals down below:


Reference List

Trier, M., 2008. Research note—towards dynamic visualization for understanding evolution of digital communication networks. Information Systems Research, 19(3), pp.335-350.

Kuntsman, A. and Rattle, I., 2019. Towards a paradigmatic shift in sustainability studies: A systematic review of peer reviewed literature and future agenda setting to consider environmental (Un) sustainability of digital communication. Environmental Communication, 13(5), pp.567-581.

Liu, D., Baumeister, R.F., Yang, C.C. and Hu, B., 2019. Digital communication media use and psychological well-being: A meta-analysis. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 24(5), pp.259-273.

Potter, R.E., Dollard, M., Pignata, S., Zadow, A. and Lushington, K., 2022. Review of practice & policy strategies for managing digital communication and ICT use in Australian universities. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 5, p.100160.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "Digital Communications: Challenges and Opportunities for On the Beach." January 17, 2024.

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