Discussion: DegreeWorks Has Been Updated

DegreeWorks, CUNY’s degree audit and counseling tool, has just been upgraded by the IT department to keep up with the latest technological advances. Taking students’ requirements into account, the updated version is a simplified and better-looking variant incorporating new helpful features. Although the basic functions of Degree Works remain largely unchanged, the updated version proposed a mobile-friendly user experience, project status updates, drag-and-drop course management, and ensured ease of access.

The new user interface improves browsing and availability, including a visual layout, and adjusts and organizes card material to meet the gadget’s display capabilities. For a broad overview of Degree Works, updated fast guides and instructional resources are provided for students and advisers. Exploration of different majors, courses, certifications, and transfer opportunities is now feasible.

Students may now visit DegreeWorks via the DegreeWorks link in the CUNYfirst Student Center or the college’s portal. Students, tutors, and personnel should consult CUNY IT Help first for assistance and insight on IT tools and projects such as DegreeWorks.

CUNY is dedicated to realizing its strategic goal of IT Resiliency in the 21st century, which is directly related to the DegreeWorks upgrade. Resilience is defined as the capacity to anticipate and respond to changing situations, as well as recover quickly from functional disturbances. The update offers value by supplying intangible factors that significantly contribute to both CUNY’s success and students’ demands.

Maintenance is required for CUNY software and services in order to make improvements or to carry out certain business operations. Service maintenance is often planned for a specific time period, known as a maintenance window. It is critical to pay attention to maintenance notifications beforehand to raise awareness since DegreeWorks access may be restricted during scheduled maintenance.


DegreeWorks – Stay on Track for Graduation. (n.d.). The City University of New York. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Discussion: DegreeWorks Has Been Updated." April 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-degreeworks-has-been-updated/.


StudyCorgi. "Discussion: DegreeWorks Has Been Updated." April 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-degreeworks-has-been-updated/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Discussion: DegreeWorks Has Been Updated." April 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-degreeworks-has-been-updated/.

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