Discussion of Food Security Technologies

The most promising technological innovation to help promote global food security is providing farmers with networking opportunities through mobile technologies. For example, alerting agricultural workers to changes in weather conditions or outbreaks of disease will help them adapt to changes and protect crops and livestock. This can be done through a dedicated application or by SMS. Additionally, various applications can provide farmers with information on market prices, supply chains, and distribution channels, which will allow them to manage logistics and costs more efficiently. Access to online banking will also allow agricultural workers to conduct transactions more easily and quickly, as well as expand possible sectors of operations. Thus, the creation of mobile applications for farmers will allow them to communicate in a shared system and exchange information, which will greatly increase the efficiency of their activities.

A potential negative consequence of this initiative could be a significant increase in costs and complications in the accounting process. Many rural areas do not have constant access to the Internet or mobile communications, which requires the development of a network in these places. Moreover, farmers need appropriate devices to access and use these applications. Additionally, agricultural workers will need to acquire new skills that will enable them to use networking effectively. Large businesses can maximize the benefits of this technology, while smaller companies can be in a disadvantageous position. These aspects can become a reason for increasing the cost of agricultural products, which negatively affects global food security.

However, the positive potential outcomes of this initiative outweigh the negative ones, as the technology will allow for the production of better quality agricultural products. The technology will also improve business planning and maximize the efficiency of operations. As a result, each agricultural enterprise will be able to release more products to the market and receive more profit for development. Finally, the technology can be used to more effectively control the quality of products released to the market, which will significantly increase food security.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Discussion of Food Security Technologies." October 3, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-food-security-technologies/.


StudyCorgi. "Discussion of Food Security Technologies." October 3, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-food-security-technologies/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Discussion of Food Security Technologies." October 3, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-food-security-technologies/.

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