Does Cancel Culture Supress Offence or Diversity?


Freedom of speech is the basis of any sound democracy. The relevance of this freedom is nowhere more apparent than on social media sites, where the thoughts of multitudes are filtered and represented. Nonetheless, the significance of the platform and its impact on society is undeniable. The way of public support based on what people tweet has led to the creation of cancel culture, whose ever-growing menace has impeded free speech online.

Elon Musk’s Purchase of Twitter

Elon Musk’s recent interest in purchasing the social media giant Twitter has been hinged on protecting the freedom of speech. He insists that the withdrawal of support from a public figure due to controversial viewpoints made in the media serves only to compromise the freedom of speech (Carbonaro, 2022). Nonetheless, the billionaire’s use of Twitter has always been geared toward generating more profit for his technological pursuits. Twitter, under his control, would have little variety regarding freedom of speech, especially if it involves any critique toward the Tesla cars or the Space X program.

Furthermore, whereas woke culture has contributed to an atmosphere of corporate and social responsibility, it has given too much power to unknown individuals operating behind keyboards. Elon Musk has compared Twitter to a town square where public opinions are distilled; similarly, unintelligent people will occasionally steered these opinions (Carbonaro, 2022). Creating a filter on the site against wanton hate would go a long way in streamlining woke culture and ensuring only wrongdoers are targeted online.


In conclusion, cancel culture is a driving force behind Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. The tech billionaire has expressed interest in upholding free speech on the site, ensuring that ‘woke culture’ is not expressly used to target public figures online. However, the privatization of social media sites will only serve to exclude the opinions of the masses and only profit corporate business owners.


Carbonaro, G. (2022). Why does Elon Musk want to buy Twitter? Tesla CEO’s motivations explained. Newsweek.

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