Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the US: Last 10 Years

Selection of the Topic


The topic chosen is the prevalence of domestic violence in the US in the last 10 years.


The issue of domestic violence is a global societal problem. In most cases, women are the main victims of this uncivilized behavior with men being the perpetrators (Abraham & Tastsoglou, 2016). This form of violence occurs because the culprits believe that abuse is acceptable or an entitlement and the victims are unlikely to report it (Chisholm, Bullock, & Ferguson, 2017). On the debate surrounding this issue, one side believes that the prevalence of domestic violence has gone down significantly in the last decade, while the other side holds that such cases are on the rise. I think that domestic violence cases have been increasing in the last 10 years as explained in this paper. There is enough evidence to support my opinion, and it will be given throughout this paper.

Research Questions

  1. Has there been an increase in occurrences of domestic violence within our country in the past decade?
  2. What are the prevalence rates of domestic violence in the United States in the last 10 years?
  3. What are the main causes of domestic violence?
  4. Why are some cases of domestic violence not reported to the authorities?
  5. What can be done to reduce or stop the occurrence of domestic violence in this country?

Reflection on the Topic

How is the topic important?

The topic of domestic violence is important because the act is barbaric, and it should be stopped. In the contemporary times, people should not be engaging in practices that deliberately hurt others. The premise of any relationship should be love, and if two individuals cannot stay together through mutual understanding, they should separate peacefully.

How does it affect you?

As a nurse practitioner, I have come across different cases of domestic violence. In some instances, the victims are hurt badly, both physically and emotionally, and I always tell myself that something should be done to address the issue. Additionally, I have friends who have firsthand experience on domestic violence, and I understand their suffering. Therefore, this topic is personal to me.

What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic?

I want to understand the prevalence of domestic violence in this country within the last 10 years. The arguments that cases of domestic violence have dropped are not based on any data. Additionally, I hope to understand why some victims prefer not to report cases of domestic violence. As such, I will come up with suggestions on how such individuals can be empowered to speak up and take part in efforts to end this backward behavior.

What do you want the readers to understand?

I want my readers to understand that cases of domestic violence have not decreased contrary to the claims in the popular media. If people do not acknowledge the presence of a problem, they cannot come together to seek a solution. Therefore, I want readers to know the current prevalence of domestic violence and condemn the habit as a way of ensuring the safety of everyone in any form of relationship.

What actions do you want them to take?

After establishing the prevalence rates of domestic violence, I want my audience to start different campaigns to create awareness on the issue. They should use all the available channels to sensitize people on the need to speak up against domestic violence. Social media and other platforms will be ideal for passing this information.

Research, Audience, and Thesis

Consider Your Audience

My readers will be the victims of domestic violence. One of the needs is to create awareness to victims who do not report such cases to the authorities. Their actions might be motivated and influenced by the view that the authorities are not concerned about domestic violence especially amongst immigrants. I will structure my writing to motivate my readers to take action against domestic violence.

Narrow Your Focus

Unique angle

I will structure my writing by using pathos to appeal to my audience’s emotions and let them acknowledge that they deserve respect as human beings. My unique angle will be to let victims of domestic violence know that tolerating such abuses empowers the perpetrator. I will seek to inform victims who do not report cases of domestic violence that they are not alone. Such cases are on the rise in the country, and thus they should speak up and seek help from the authorities. Everyone has the right to be protected from domestic violence.


The occurrence of domestic violence has been on the rise in the last decade in the United States and most victims do not report such cases to the authorities.


Abraham, M., & Tastsoglou, E. (2016). Addressing domestic violence in Canada and the United States: The uneasy co-habitation of women and the state. Current Sociology, 64(4), 568-585.

Chisholm, C., Bullock, L., & Ferguson, J., II. (2017). Intimate partner violence and pregnancy: Epidemiology and impact. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 217(2), 141-144.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, May 5). Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the US: Last 10 Years.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the US: Last 10 Years'. 5 May.

1. StudyCorgi. "Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the US: Last 10 Years." May 5, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the US: Last 10 Years." May 5, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the US: Last 10 Years." May 5, 2021.

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