Dragonfly Solutions Company: Sales Advisors’ Job


Employee recruitment refers to the process of identifying people who can work for an organisation. The process begins with the stage of identifying an organisation’s employee needs. Employee selection refers to the choosing of individuals suitable to fill a position from a list of several applicants. The process of employee recruitment or selection can be either internal or external. Internal employee recruitment refers to the selection of workers from within the organisation while external sourcing denotes hiring people from outside the company.

Employee recruitment or selection may be significant as it forms a framework for the delivery of organisational objectives. This paper underscores the need for Dragonfly Solutions to achieve the right balance of employees to deliver its mandate. Employees may be critical to the attainment of goals of any company. The topic is relevant to the advertising industry where the level of competition may be high. This report affirms the need for organisations to recruit and select employees from different professions. This aspect is because of the multidisciplinary collaboration benefits that accrue from the interrelationships among different professionals. This aspect promotes leadership in an organisation through concepts like teamwork, group development and enhancement of a collaborative culture.

This paper presents a job description and advertisement and personal specification for sales advisors of Dragonfly Solutions Inc. The report illustrates the various employee qualities and job responsibilities for the company. It considers diverse theoretical and research perspectives on the job demands of a sales advisor in the car industry. The evaluation also reviews the organisational context of Dragonfly Solutions.

Job description

The job title for the position will be of a sales advisor. The position will be under the supervision of administrators and line managers. The job will be under the department of car sales. The purpose of the assignment is to deliver targets for the sale of cars. The post will have different dimensions. The first element will relate to financial management. The job will require that the employee receives cash and cheques from clients who buy cars from the company. The individual will take responsibility for safekeeping of funds.

The project will involve ensuring compliance with safety and health regulations and control of substances that may be hazardous to the wellbeing of workers and prospective clients. The professionals will be responsible for opening and closing car showrooms and being accountable for equipment and materials used in selling of cars. The core functions of the task will entail the achievement of maximum sales profitability for Dragonfly Solutions. The experts will ensure growth and oversee the expansion and penetration of the company into new markets. They will ensure success in their market territories through effective selling of Dragonfly Solutions’ products and related services. The specialists will ensure the promotion and success of the Dragonfly Solutions brand.

The employees will ensure that Dragonfly Solutions is one of the leading advertising companies in the car selling industry. They will be promoting the web space of the company by sourcing for clients for the organisation and building a relationship-based approach with their customers (Pell 2011). The sales advisors will promote the products and services of Dragonfly Solutions to current and potential clients. They will also assist customers to select the best products for their needs. They will be responsible for selling web platforms to both private car sellers and auto trading businesses.

Dragonfly Solutions can benefit from a diverse range of professionals. The integration of experienced authorities and fresh graduates will provide the company with an appropriate balance to attract and retain a loyal base of clients. It may also translate to effective utilisation of the company’s web based advertising program.

This paper asserts the need for Dragonfly Solutions to merge the job specifications of its employees. In addition, it will need to integrate the employee cultures of Fly Solutions and Dragon Solutions to find the suitable equilibrium for work in the new amalgamation. This fact will provide the business with the starting point to achieve its objectives. Employees will need to go through training of the new integrated culture and receive assurance of their concerns and new chains of command and company structure.

Job duties

The sales advisor appointment will have different duties. The specialists will be responsible for establishing, developing and maintaining commercial linkages with existing cluster of clients and creating connections with new customers. They will work hard to attract clients in assigned territories and develop commercial networks for Dragonfly’s products and services. The professionals will market Dragonfly’s web initiatives to prospective customers through personal approaches. They will be responsible for building close relationships with all stakeholders.

The authority will be responsible for making telephone calls to clients and visiting them and making presentations about the web design of the company to existing and probable customers. The expert will take responsibility for conducting research for the attraction of potential customers. The appointment will also cater for information management to determine the company’s potential. The duty will involve development of a clear and effective structure of proposals and quotations for current and likely clients that would like to conduct business with Dragonfly Solutions. The advisors will ensure that they maintain contact with clients in an appropriate manner that will enhance Dragonfly Solutions’ reputation.

They will seek to promote opportunities for Dragonfly to exploit the web based advertising space. They will expand the customer base through effective transactions and offering products that meet the market demands. The specialists will undertake this duty through progressive improvement of their car advertising knowledge, finance products, accessories and warranties. They will also have a mastery of the consumer car dealers (Messmer 2009).

The professionals will be responsible for accelerating the resolution of clients’ complaints and problems. They will ensure that they provide effective customer care to Dragonfly Solutions’ clients through a personal level approach and ensure that they satisfy the clients. In addition, the sales advisor will take the responsibility of coordinating the sales activities through the web based dimension of Dragonfly Solutions and sales management. The authorities will also be responsible for providing technical advice to the company, performing accounting tasks and undertaking logistical responsibilities for the organisation.

The experts will conduct an analysis of the territory market potential and find out the value of the existing and eventual clients of Dragonfly Solutions. This aspect will help in setting applicable targets for the team. The expert will also develop and manage a client value plan for current customers. The profile will comprise of the client’s personal information and transactions with the company.

This point will necessitate a close relationship between the clients and the company and also enhance the sharing of information between the two parties on available opportunities in the future. The advisors will identify advantages and draw comparisons with competing firms’ products and services. They will conduct an organisation and planning strategy on how to undertake personal sales of the Dragon Solutions’ products. They will also maximise the return on time investment for their market segment.

The employees will conduct supplies management through written and oral reports, interests, competition in the market and problems on the needs of clients (Judith 2008). These aspects will enable Dragonfly Solutions to develop new and innovative products that meet market requirements in the competitive car advertising industry. The sales advisors will track clients’ needs in terms of product applications, market environment, technical services and competition from rival companies. The team will conduct research on car promotion and advertising market trends through a comprehensive review of relevant literature and consultation with technical service areas and marketing. In addition, the sales advisors will participate in car dealers trade shows, exhibitions and conventions.

The workers will ensure that clients meet the specifications of the law before undertaking a transaction. The advisors will ensure that documentation procedures are appropriate as laid down by Dragonfly Solutions before they contract a deal. They will promote the activities of the company when the need arises. The professionals will ensure that the company meets its quality procedures and promote a positive attitude through teamwork to improve its market rating. In addition, the sales advisors will undertake other functions as may be demanded by the line manager and business demands of the company.

This paper upholds the need for the company to integrate skills of the workforce to achieve and sustain success in the contemporary car sales advertising field. Improvement in employee diversity will increase the outlook of the company and expand its creative strategies to provide resource and relevant products in the market. This aspect underscores the best practices that Dragonfly Solutions should adopt.

Personal specification

Dragonfly Solutions will combine skilled sales advisors with the raw talent of university graduates in its endeavour to achieve competitiveness in the car sales advertising industry. However, the candidates for the posts must have a thorough knowledge of Dragonfly Solutions’ guidelines, procedures and policies. These components will ensure that these principles of conduct reduce risks to the business (Gioia 2011).

The minimum education requirements will be an “A Level certification” or its equivalent. However, a university degree will be desirable for the position. The advisor must have a suitable personality. In addition, the expert must have good organisational skills, high level of motivation and a positive attitude. The person must possess proactive, positive and professional approaches to diverse issues. The person must also possess information technology literacy.

A number of the essential skills and abilities for the position will include sales experience in the car advertising sector. The workers will have periodical targets to achieve. They will need to possess the capacity to work in diverse environments and customer relations skills. Listening and attention values will be essential for the advisors. They will need to be accurate and capture full information of the clients. They will have to prove their competency in information technology. A number of the significant attributes for the position will include a target and result oriented mentality. The professionals will need to be intrinsically motivated and have a dynamic response to various challenges.

They will need to show adequacy on diverse issues and flexibility to perform different tasks (Deems 2011). They will have to be intelligent and articulate on their tasks. The experts will need to show the ability to communicate in a fluent manner and integrate good public relations skills. In addition, they will demonstrate their determination and self-motivation to deliver the mandate. Explicit knowledge on the car advertising sector and previous work experience and past success in car advertising will be significant to the position.

The other personal specifications for the post will comprise of the ability to meet sales goals for the company, show strong motivation for car sales advertising, ability to appeal to a customer’s requirements and possess documentation, report writing, record keeping, basic accounting, scheduling and customer focus skills and knowledge of the job.

A review of the current literature on employee recruitment and selection reveals that most of the best practices in the car advertising sector include listening to the clients’ needs before recruiting. This paper lays emphasis on the need to identify with the organization’s market before selecting employees. It observes the need to source for employees from local communities where the organisation works. Another best practice entails the screening of employees to detect skills and technical competencies before placement. In addition, organisations use performance monitoring as a tool to enhance the productivity of workers.

Job advertisement

Position: Sales advisor

Dragonfly Solutions seeks to recruit 50 persons to fill the advertised positions. The business is a car advertising organisation formed as a result of the merger between Fly Solutions and Dragon Solutions in September, 2013. The company operates in a highly competitive advertising industry. The business strategy emphasis is on growth, innovation and new product development. Dragonfly Solutions will provide a web policy for both private car merchants and auto trading corporations (Ahlrichs 2010).

Dragonfly’s board has bought an additional office space range in the second level of the office block based in Surrey. The space can accommodate an additional 50 employees. The business intends to recruit and fill these positions. The recruits will be reporting to the sales line director. The location of the position will be in Surrey. The job working time will be from Monday to Friday, 5pm to 9pm as the core hours. The working hours for Saturdays will be from 10am to 4pm, and Sundays between 10am and 4pm. The level of the job will be non-managerial.

Remuneration package

The expert will receive a salary of up to £14,365 per year after successful completion of a three months’ probation period. The base initial salary will be £12,818 per year. This salary will comprise of work performed for a period of 42.5 hours per week. In addition, the position will have a bonus of £10,400 per year. The reward will constitute work done for a timeframe of 42.5 hours per week.

The position will have a maximum of 20 days for holiday of which 8 will be statutory per year. In addition, the company will provide an additional enhancement package of £2,600 per year. The employee will have a free membership of Dragonfly Solutions Inc. In addition, the professional will receive commissions and incentive schemes from the company. The responsibility will also have a discounted health care plan. Candidates will send their applications to Dragonfly Solutions Inc., Surrey.

In conclusion, employee recruitment or selection can be a comprehensive exercise. The process is a crucial part of any organisation. This study asserts the need to ensure that the method is efficient. Appropriate employee recruitment or selection enhances the capacity of the organisation to meet its goals. It also promotes an organisation’s investment on human resources.


Ahlrichs, N S 2 010, Competing for Talent: Key Recruitment and Selection Strategies for Becoming an Employer of Choice, Davies-Black, California.

Deems, R S 2011, Interviewing: More than a Gut Feeling, Provant Media, Iowa.

Gioia, J L 2011, How to Become an Employer of Choice, Oakhill Press, Virginia.

Judith G C 2008, “Development of an Interprofessional Competency Model for Healthcare Leadership”, Journal of Healthcare Management, vol. 5.no. 6, pp. 1-17.

Messmer, M 2009, Human Resources Kit for Dummies, IDG Books, New York.

Pell, R A 2011, Embracing Excellence: Become an Employer of Choice to Attract and Keep the Best Talent, Prentice Hall Press,New Jersey.

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StudyCorgi. "Dragonfly Solutions Company: Sales Advisors’ Job." October 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/dragonfly-solutions-company-sales-advisors-job/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Dragonfly Solutions Company: Sales Advisors’ Job." October 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/dragonfly-solutions-company-sales-advisors-job/.

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