Gas Cars vs.Electric Cars Essay: Compare & Contrast

Need to write an electric cars benefits essay or an electric cars vs. gas cars compare and contrast paper? Then make sure to read this sample for inspiration!

There has been a lot of development in the car industry, especially if comparing the current achievements to the first car models in the 19th century. Many people believe that electric cars are the future as they have numerous environmental and health benefits. Others think that electric cars are bad and gas cars cannot be replaced.

The reasons for the newest modifications also include environmental issues and the cost of gas. Gas- and diesel-powered cars are getting more of a luxurious item than ever before. Therefore, people have started looking for alternative power solutions.


Through trial and error, developers could come up with the idea of electric cars. Today, all the most notable car brands have their electric car model. The variety of choices can be confusing for the potential buyer, however.

It leads us to the purpose of this compare and contrast essay on electric cars vs. gas cars. Similarities and differences between them are discussed in the first two parts. Then, the advantages of each type of car are presented separately. The conclusion reveals the outcome of this battle.

Similarities between Electric & Gas Cars

Electric and gas cars look the same on the outside. Even though the models vary from brand to brand, a newbie probably will not know the difference between electric and gas cars.

Both types are shaped to resist the wind, which is common sense in the car industry. Also, they share standard features like mirrors and indicators as they are the universal parts of all cars. It also includes the wheel, pedals, and car seats.

Besides, it is quite evident that both electric and gasoline cars serve the same purpose, transporting passengers and goods. Moreover, the general interior features would also be similar.

Furthermore, there are only a few differences in how the owner can tune his car. Just like washing both vehicles would be quite the same.

However, this is where the similarities between electric and gas cars end. The engines, the way they are powered, and all the related processes are entirely different. It is even easy to distinguish an electric car from the gas one by sound.

Therefore, if the way the car works does not matter to the owners, they would only notice the difference in general maintenance. However, as soon as it comes to the inside of the car, there is minimal resemblance.

Differences between Electric & Gas Cars

First, it is evident from the name that electric cars are powered by electricity, and gas cars need gasoline to work. Next, let us move to the engine. One of the most amazing things about electric vehicles is that they have the motor as the only big moving part.

There is a pack of rechargeable batteries inside it, which powers the motor. In turn, it powers the drive train, and it causes the car to move. Gas cars, on the other hand, need combustion engines for that. Fuel or diesel is burnt inside, providing enough power to start the engine.

Gas cars have a fuel tank hidden in the back behind the seat. In electric vehicles, there is a set of batteries installed. Therefore, instead of filling the tank with gasoline, an owner would need to top off the battery in the electric vehicle.

There are fewer moving parts in electric cars too. It also means that their owners face fewer issues with maintenance. The engine of the gas car is amazingly complex, not to mention all the other parts needed to make power out of fuel.

Last but not least, electric cars do not leave a trace of emissions on the roads. Unlike gas-powered vehicles, they do not have a tailpipe because it is unnecessary. However, there is a recharge socket on the body of the car. Its place depends on where the batteries are located.

Which Is Faster: Electric or Gas Cars?”

Generally speaking, gas cars are faster than electric cars. However, the latter ones accelerate way much quicker because there is no need for the usual transition. Also, an electric vehicle can reach your destination point faster than a gas one. However, for now, its top speed is lower than the standard fuel-powered vehicles can reach.

Electric Cars: Advantages

Now, let us check the advantages of electric vehicles compared to standard gas cars. This part of the essay would benefit those considering purchasing a car soon.

Efficiency related to energy might be one of the best benefits of electric cars. Sixty percent of all the energy contained by the set of batteries goes to powering the wheels. On the other hand, gas cars only convert 20 percent of the energy that comes from fuel to run the wheels.

Another top advantage of electric cars is that they are environmentally friendly. This topic is so popular now, not only because eco-friendly stuff is trendy. It is a significant concern for the whole population of our planet. Switching to options that do not harm our ecosystem is a matter of survival, not fashion.

Unlike their fuel-powered counterparts, electric cars do not produce any emissions. However, there is a trick. If they are charged from a generator, there may be some concerns about how eco-friendly it is. However, if the power used for charging derives from wind or solar plants, the whole process is 100 percent clean.

Electric cars are also considered to be more comfortable and pleasant with a bonus of surplus performance. They are much quieter and drive smoother than their gas-powered relatives. Another pleasantly surprising feature is that their acceleration rate is extreme.

Another excellent addition to owning an electric car is that the maintenance of these cars is much cheaper, thanks to the small number of moving parts. Moreover, owners of electric vehicles can be proud of significantly reduced energy dependence.

Since the invention of cars, people have had to rely on a low number of energy sources. A simple shortage of oil can shut down a big chunk of transportation. Moreover, it is not just an assumption but our foreseeable future. Electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell cars are here to secure the transportation industry.

Fuel Cars: Advantages

Despite all the benefits of electric cars, internal combustion engines have significant advantages against them. One of the main reasons that probably keeps people away from buying electric vehicles is their driving range.

With the full tank, a gas vehicle can go about 300 miles before being refilled. On the other hand, fully charged electric vehicles can only travel 100-200 miles without an additional recharge.

Therefore, fuel-powered cars are more reliable in terms of going for long-distance travel. Moreover, some remote areas do not necessarily guarantee a regular electricity supply. For instance, going for a road trip in Iceland or a safari in Africa on an electric car might not be 100 percent safe.

Advantage number two is that refilling a gas car is much faster than charging an electric one. It might take a long time for the latter, depending on the vehicle type and the charging speed. It could take somewhat from 30 minutes to 12 hours.

Tesla cars were supposed to have a speed-up feature on the development day. They were promising that it would also be possible to change the battery pack in a few minutes at the charging points. However, it would cost quite a lot. The project ended up being closed.

In contrast, you only need to stop for about 5 minutes at the gas station to fill the car with gas. Moreover, there are many more gas stations around the country than charging points. In case of an emergency, carrying a heavy and large battery pack that provides driving power for electric cars is not the most pleasant thing.

The last point is that fuel-powered cars are much more common everywhere than electric vehicles. Therefore, finding a replacement for any damaged part is not a big challenge. It is not the case with electric cars, especially in places where they are not so popular yet.

Which Is Better: Electric or Gas Cars?

It is hard to tell whether electric or gas cars are better. It all depends on how popular electric cars are in a specific location. From the perspective of maintenance and efficiency, they can easily beat gas cars. However, there should be enough charging points. So, owning an electric car can be troublesome if the infrastructure is not developed.

Conclusion: Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars

This essay on electric cars vs. fuel cars discussed the similarities and differences between them. After that, the unique strengths and weak points of both types of vehicles were highlighted.

The cars may look alike outside, but the engines and everything inside are drastically different. Electric cars are cheaper and more efficient in maintenance. Besides, they do not harm the environment. On the other hand, fuel cars are better for long distances and faster to refill.

The conclusion of the electric cars essay is that fuel cars appear to have fewer strengths. However, it might take time for electric vehicles to become more common so that recharging and maintenance issues would be solved.

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Kanellos, M., 2012. Which Are Better: Electric Cars Or Natural Gas Vehicles?. Forbes. Web.

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