English Language Learners Should Be Immersed in English

English language learners (ELLs) cover a significant number of students in the United States and require distinctive educational strategies to comprehend the learning material better. From the educator’s point of view, it is a genuine art to permeate the second language into the native language of a student. Proper knowledge of English might be the key to success in both education and professional paths for international students in the US. However, the question of using the first language of oneself throughout the process of English learning is a highly controversial issue. This is mainly caused due to the divergence of views regarding its role as the enhancer or the obstacle to successful language knowledge.

In my opinion, the immersion of English towards beneficial English acquisition can be, on the one hand, useful when a student is closer to the upper-intermediate or advanced level of English. On the other hand, such an approach at the beginning or in the middle of the learning process might limit one’s comprehension abilities and slow the language training in general. The most important aspect of each of these strategies is the properly designed teaching program for the best academic outcomes. It is indeed a complicated task to support only one teaching strategy since both have a broad spectrum of benefits and disadvantages. To begin with, integrating native language into the English learning process might facilitate teacher-and-student relationships on the cultural level, which also enhances the educational process and helps students develop language associations. They are highly efficient in memorizing new words and notions in the second language.

From my perspective, the best teaching strategy is to balance the use of both native language and English immersion within a single classroom activity. Thoughtful and strategic use of a student’s primary language might assist in English language learning, specifically in understanding the grammar concepts, vocabulary, and instructions. Furthermore, implementing the native language of a student facilitates cognitive and academic performance. The intertwining of both native and second language intensifies the English literacy for ELLs. With that said, I agree that English immersion might be perceived as a practical approach to challenge oneself and fully practice the language one aims to learn. In fact, ELLs commonly refer to their first language when they feel uncomfortable or deal with complicated tasks. For this reason, I believe that using the native language may be helpful for those who just started learning English.

To sum up, the most crucial aspect of learning a new language requires self-control towards independent studies that reinforce one’s English competency and promote better language results in a short period. I think that achieving linguistic harmony is of the utmost importance for both educators and ELLs in the United States. English immersion is not about the replacement of the native language; it is about general enrichment of personal and academic attainment, which sharpens the mind. Therefore, adequate second language training advances one’s knowledge of their first language and creates a results-oriented environment focused on effective language acquisition.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, April 23). English Language Learners Should Be Immersed in English. https://studycorgi.com/english-language-learners-should-be-immersed-in-english/

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1. StudyCorgi. "English Language Learners Should Be Immersed in English." April 23, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/english-language-learners-should-be-immersed-in-english/.


StudyCorgi. "English Language Learners Should Be Immersed in English." April 23, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/english-language-learners-should-be-immersed-in-english/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "English Language Learners Should Be Immersed in English." April 23, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/english-language-learners-should-be-immersed-in-english/.

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