Tracing Family Roots: Genealogy of the Tynes and Lemane Families

The history of my family is always an interesting topic for me as it is a good chance to find out something new and improve my understanding of our traditions and the chosen culture. My parents came from two different families, Tynes and Lemane. Within the frames of this week personal family genealogical study, I was able to trace their history and investigate the early origins of Tynes and Lemane using a credible Internet source.

Both Tynes and Lemane are the representatives of the British tribes. During migration caused by the Norman Conquest in the middle of the 1000s, Tynes were firstly brought to Shropshire, England (“Tynes History, Family Crest & Coast of Arms”). This family included the representatives of the Lords of the Manor of Church Stretton (“Tynes History, Family Crest & Coast of Arms”). No information was possible to find about the living conditions of this family in England. The only true fact that could be used in this analysis included the necessity to move from England to the United States because of the political chaos and the desire to follow the American Dream. Unfortunately, traveling was not a successful experience of the Tynes, and many family members died because of unknown diseases and poor hygiene conditions on ships. Still, several family representatives were lucky to reach the goal and come to America. They became good farmers and laborers, proving their rights for existence in a new country. Buford Cleveland Tynes and Bonnie Powell Tynes became well-known American politicians, and Andrew Tynes is a famous sprinter.

Lemane history was not as bright as the one of the Tynes was. However, its origins and movements matter to my family and me. For example, it is known that first Lemane were the representatives of the Anglo-Saxon tribes with baptismal roots (“Lemane History, Family Crest & Coast of Arms”). No evidence was available to explain the reasons for their migration to the United States. Political and economic challenges could be defined as possible causes. In the middle of the 17th century, notable names included Sir John Leman and Sir William Leman, and both of them were politicians. As soon as the first Lemane came to the United States, they demonstrated good skills in cooking and housekeeping. Men preferred to work on farms and developed strong business and trade intentions. Because of different social and health conditions, the life expectancy of the Lemane was not high, and my ancestors had to work hard in order to survive and strive for better living conditions. The period before the 20th century was not an easy one for this family, as well as for other migrants from Europe.

In general, the stories of my possible ancestors are unique and educative. On the one hand, they show how persistent and goal-oriented people from not rich families could be. On the other hand, both Tynes and Lemane did not have great opportunities in the United States, and they had to survive, using their knowledge and gained skills. Our history is not rich in images or remarkable events, and someone can find it predictable and boring. However, the list of notable names, the migration history from England to the New World, and the conditions under which I have to live today make me proud and respect all the attempts made.

Works Cited

“Lemane History, Family Crest & Coast of Arms.” House of Names, Web.

“Tynes History, Family Crest & Coast of Arms.” House of Names, Web.

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