Forest Walk as Thought-Provoking Outdoor Experience

Nature is our mother, and humans cannot exist without it. It is rather hard to choose just one experience of my contact with nature that shaped my attitude toward the environment. Still, I remember one walk with my friend in the small area of forest near the city that provoked me to think about the power of nature and its defenselessness in front of a human being.

That was the period after a long illness when I had to spend almost a month within four walls of my home, so I felt sick and tired. At first, we were full of enthusiasm, but approaching our favorite place, we suddenly found something unusual. It used to be a charming and clean place, but that day the litter was everywhere. I have to admit that my first thought was to go further and find a more appropriate place for a rest. However, recalling our previous time there, that joy and happiness, we finally decided to collect as much litter as we can. Even doing such a job was fun with my friend, and it took less time than I expected. Then we had a rest and contemplated the results of our work. It was as if two friends provided justice to that place.

We had been there many times, and every time we enjoyed the relaxing effect of that place. I completely agree with scientists who recognize the beneficial effects of nature. Exposure to nature is a kind of therapy: it can heal anxiety, depression, irritability, and nervous tension (Franco et al., 2017). Fractals, natural curves, and hues of blue and green are aesthetically preferred by most people worldwide (Franco et al., 2017). The sounds of nature relieve stress as well as the smells and feeling of the grass under your feet. When we feel overwhelmed with our problems, a beautiful spot somewhere outside the town is the best place to escape.

From a short-termed stroll through a local park to all-day-long hiking, exposure to nature relates to a wide range of advantages, including better mood and improved attention. The power of nature is striking, but we should do something in return. Enjoying nature people should not forget to keep it clean. Making tremendous changes to the environment, people should not neglect to maintain the natural balance.


Franco, L. S., Shanahan, D. F., & Fuller, R. A. (2017). A review of the benefits of nature experiences: more than meets the eye. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(8), 864. Web.

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