Foster Care: Advantages and Disadvantages

The Definition of the Concept of Foster Care

Foster care is a system that helps children whose parents are unable to provide them with decent living conditions. As a rule, such children can get help from child welfare agency staff. According to the rules and norms of foster care, a child may live with his relatives if they can take proper care of him. If they are not able to do that, the child stays either with foster families or in group facilities (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). In the majority of cases, children who once were in foster care return to their parents.

Why Foster Care System is Important

Foster care is necessary for children whose families face a crisis and struggle to overcome it. The system helps children avoid the negative influence of the crisis or, in the worst cases, abuse from their parents they may face on a regular basis. Foster care helps children feel safe, secure and loved by their relatives or members of the foster families. However, being in foster care does not mean that the children do not have any contact with their parents at all. As a rule, they have regular contact with their parents or other family members (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). The frequency of their visits depends on the foster care institution’s policy. The key aim of the foster care system is to ensure that children live in stable families and that their parents love and cherish them. Apart from that, it is the child welfare staff’s responsibility to ensure that the parents do their best to provide their children with everything required to lead healthy and safe life.

The Advantages the Foster Care System Possesses

The most significant advantage of the system concerns the fact that the majority of children who live in foster care suffered abuse from their parents, and the child welfare staff helped them survive it. Apart from that, the foster care system provides children with the necessary conditions that help them become properly educated and not repeat the scenario of their dysfunctional parents. When it comes to families that face crises and cannot raise their children properly but still love and cherish them, foster care helps them live through the hard times without causing harm to the children (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). The foster care system also encourages meetings between children and parents, so the former will not forget the latter.

The Disadvantages of the Foster Care System

When speaking about the disadvantages of foster care, it is necessary to mention that the majority of them are connected with the children feeling abandoned and forgotten by their parents and other family members. If their relatives do not come to visit them, the feeling of loneliness only grows and may, in some cases, grow into depression or increased anxiety. Apart from that, not all children realize that being in foster care is a better option than living with their alcohol- or drug-addicted parents who do not pay any attention to them. However, one more difficulty is related to the conditions in the foster care facilities since not all are properly equipped with the necessary things for the children’s needs (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). Thus, it is necessary to provide more financial support to foster care institutions in order to make children feel safe and secure there.


The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2021). Foster care explained: What it is, How it works and how it can be improved. The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Web.

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