Franklin Delano Roosevelt Inaugural Speech


The speech is the inaugural address of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the people, and the former president, Herbert Clark Hoover. It was composed by Raymond Moley (“Teaching with documents: FDR’s first inaugural address,” 2016). The historical significance of Roosevelt’s figure is hard to underestimate. He became president at the time of the Great Depression and managed to lead the country towards the exit from the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. He holds the title of the longest-serving president with four consecutive terms at the oval office. In the course of the Second World War, he managed to financially and diplomatically assist the Soviet Union, China, and the United Kingdom remaining officially neutral and thus prevent considerable losses for his country.

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The speech is historically significant due to the unique truthfulness and courage that Roosevelt managed to communicate. The time for the often-pompous speeches was not appropriate, so the statement addressed mainly the problems that all citizens faced. Roosevelt not only said that the problems exist but offered a concrete set of actions to conquer the crisis. He announced the foundation of what would later be known as the New Deal, a set of financial and economic reforms. The speech is also significant because it inspired many to believe that the crisis can be overcome.


The speech has given society the hope and power to fight for restoring the economy. In times of total frustration and disarray, Roosevelt outlined the common enemy, urged to engage in the common effort of aiding the nation to get back on track, and, most importantly, assured the people in full support of the government. After producing the speech, he boosted his popularity among people. The speech also boosted the spirit of common people who needed the image of a strong person who would lead them out of their misery.


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Dugan, A. & Newport, F. (2013). Americans rate JFK as top modern president. Web.

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King, M., L., Jr. (1963). I have a dream, Web.

Teaching with documents: FDR’s first inaugural address. (2016). Web.

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