Fullerenes and Their Applications in Nanotechnology

Carbon exists in a variety of allotropic forms, including graphite and diamond. The third allotrope of carbon is known as fullerene (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). A fullerene is any molecule composed entirely of carbon atoms in varying combinations, such as a hollow sphere, tube, or ellipsoid (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). Fullerenes are composed of carbon atoms that are joined in rings of pentagons and hexagons. Buckminster Fuller was the architect who developed cage-like geometric domes in the 1960s (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). The name Fullerene as Bhakta and Barthunia (2020) suggests, was bestowed upon this allotrope in honor of the architect. Fullerenes are composed of isomers varying in size from the most researched lower homologs, C60 and C70, to greater fullerenes, C240, C540, and C720(Nimibofa et al., 2018). As a result, Nimibofa et al (2018) suggest that fullerenes have gained application in various science and technology sectors, including detecting and separating organic compounds.

The science and art of designing materials on a size smaller than 100 nanometers is known as Nanotechnology (AlKahtani, 2018). It has transformed the dentistry and medical fields by enhancing the mechanical characteristics of substances, enabling novel diagnostic techniques and nano-delivery mechanisms (AlKahtani, 2018). Numerous studies have examined the applicability of fullerenes in various fields, including health, photovoltaic cells, gas adsorption, retention, and pharmacology due to the peculiar chemical and physical characteristics of fullerenes (Nimibofa et al., 2018). As such, the applications of fullerenes in nanotechnology can be summarized as discussed below.

Applications in Medicine

Fullerene’s structure, electrical configuration, hydrophobicity, and three-dimensional potential are among the most attractive properties that have driven them to the forefront of medical chemistry (Nimibofa et al., 2018). Despite evident solubility issues, fullerenes’ unique carbon cage architecture and broad possibilities for functionalization distinguish them as possible medicinal agents (Nimibofa et al., 2018). In medicine, the application of fullerenes can be seen in the following sectors.

Antioxidant, Neuroprotective Activity, and Biophamaleutical (Nimibofa et al., 2018)

Fullerenes have neuroprotective effects because they have the potential to combine with oxygen species such as the radical hydroxyls, which can destroy proteins, lipids and other biomolecules without consuming them (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). Fullerenes are referred to as radical absorbers due to their efficacy as radical scavengers (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). Additionally, fullerenes function as a medicinal antioxidant (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020). In disease conditions, the formation of reactive oxygen species by cells can result in apoptosis. Thus, Bhakta and Barthunia (2020) enumerate that fullerene derivatives can protect cells from apoptosis by neutralizing the reactive species of oxygen.

Diagnostics Application (Bhakta & Barthunia, 2020)

Whenever a metal ion is placed in a fullerene framework, an endofullerene is created. This cage of endohedral metallofullerene can behave like an isolated room, separating reactive atoms from their natural surroundings. One fast-growing EMF utilization is the gadolinium-encapsulated EMFs that have since been identified as potential upcoming magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents (Nimibofa et al., 2018). Further, Nimibofa et al (2018) demonstrate that metallofullerenes are localized to macrophages. Therefore, implying that they are explicitly targeted to microphage-rich tissues and may be extremely useful as chemotherapic drugs to treat leukemia and cancer of the bone.

Applications in Energy Materials

Ultra capacitors’ surface electrodes are typically formed of a conductive material of carbon. Their electric capacity is primarily determined by their electrical conduction, accessibility of electrolytes, and size of the pore distribution (Nimibofa et al., 2018). Low accessibility from electrolytes to solid surfaces generally leads to insufficient capacity. Therefore nanotechnology has created new possibilities through a broad spectrum of carbon-based nano-materials to overcome these shortcomings (Nimibofa et al., 2018). Some of the few energy materials that Nimibofa et al (2018) suggest to use fullerenes are:

  • Super condensers (Nimibofa et al., 2018)

A hybrid model of fullerene molecules, as per Nimibofa et al (2018), has an electrochemical performance of 135.36 Fg-1. This performance of fullerenes compared to the exceptional electrical capacity of pellucid graphene electrode when utilized as an electrode of super condensers is (101.88 Fg-1) (Nimibofa et al., 2018). The graphene and fullerene hybrid also demonstrated a high holding duration of 92.35 percent following 1000 charge/discharge cycles (Nimibofa et al., 2018).

  • Lithium-ion cells with exceptional performance (Nimibofa et al., 2018)

Carbon-based compounds are employed as a lithium-ion anode in dry and wet cells due to their increased stability and life cycle. Nimibofa et al (2018) studied an excellent performance anode substance predicated on fullerenes hydrogenated on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Findings of the literature review of Nimibofa et al (2018) demonstrate the fantastic reductions in the irreversible capacity of industrial carbon. Furthermore, an improvement of its reversible capacity by deploying fullerenes that are hydrogenated as industrial graphite supplements is observed (Nimibofa et al., 2018).

In conclusion, fullerenes were initially thought to be inactive compounds; their distinctive cage configuration and solubility in organic compounds have demonstrated their vulnerability to endohedral and exodehedral surface modification. Exohedral complexes are formed during additive processes, whereas endohedral derivatives are formed during redox processes. A thorough overview of the theories regulating the surface modification of the most prevalent fullerene ( C60) maintains the linchpin for the ever-growing opportunities for the application of the third carbon allotrope. Therefore, additional research on utilizing functionalized fullerenes in environmental studies, catalysis, and methane preservation should be conducted.


AlKahtani, R. N. (2018). The implications and applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: A review. The Saudi Dental Journal, 30(2), 107-116.

Bhakta, P., & Barthunia, B. (2020). Fullerene and its applications: A review. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, 32(2), 159.

Nimibofa, A., Newton, E. A., Cyprain, A. Y., & Donbebe, W. (2018). Fullerenes: Synthesis and applications. Journal of Materials Science Research, 7, 22-33.

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