Future Goals in Nursing

The healthcare environment is witnessing a new set of ever emerging patient conditions. In light of this, nurses should be versatile with a wide array of healthcare tasks, including but not limited to drawing proper health policy, providing visionary leadership in the healthcare scenario, incorporating research to the planning process and networking with other healthcare professionals in a bid to offer top-notch health care. Therefore, for the nursing world to meet the ever growing healthcare demands, nurses should endeavor to have high levels of academic and training excellence through a practical and innovative education course, which can also support and provide avenues for continuing healthcare practice and research.

In the short term (5 years) I intend to be versatile with a broad-spectrum of healthcare techniques as a new nurse, which would not only broaden the scope of healthcare practices but would also see me synchronize information management systems with the technological hardware in offering quality healthcare to the wide class of patients. In as much as this is my primary goal, I also look forward to the pursuit of progressive nursing education (master level) for future healthcare needs since the healthcare environment is evolving. As part of my long-term (10 years) strategy I would to a great deal be interested in those innovative educational programs, which are central to the advancement of quality healthcare for all, this would pave the way for me to train novice nurses.

My nursing goals are anchored on the following tenets:

  • Practice healthcare to the fullest measure commensurate to my educational and training competencies.
  • Realize and attain high standards of healthcare education and training through an innovative education framework, which is just tailored for high-notch and quality healthcare provision.
  • Register and be certified as a health professional and take a proactive role in re-shaping the healthcare system in the United States of America.
  • Position myself along the information technological lines for the acquisition of good information systems which are very vital in data collection, organization, representation and analysis. Educate and train future nurses.
  • Relate and collaborate with a wide array of health professionals in a bid to keep myself abreast with the emerging trends in the healthcare system and promote progressive education.

In this present day and age, the healthcare problems affecting the nation have evolved drastically. With statistical projections citing 20% of the American populace to be elderly by the year 2030 the dynamics of healthcare demand and provision are bound to shift. As opposed to the 20th century healthcare system which was basically anchored on nursing acute sicknesses, the 21st century healthcare is more focused on curing chronic and pre-existing conditions. This can be attributed to the great number of aging citizenry and the current upsurge of obese cases – triggered by a passive lifestyle. The healthcare demands for the 21st century are more complex and cannot be quenched to satisfactory levels by the conventional 20th cCentury education system, thus, the need for the nursing fraternity to acquire requisite competencies in addressing these emerging healthcare challenges.

My experience at the nursing school has influenced my perception in that it has made me realize and appreciate the pivotal role played by continuous education in providing better patient care, since it is the gateway, through which new medical procedures are devised.

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StudyCorgi. "Future Goals in Nursing." July 8, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/future-goals-in-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Future Goals in Nursing." July 8, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/future-goals-in-nursing/.

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