Globalization and Democratization Relationship


There has been an intense debate on the relationship that exists between democratization and globalization. The debate has been focusing on whether globalization that aims at bringing nations together through structural policies has some credible relationship with democracy. The issue has elicited mixed reactions from various individuals, including policymakers and academicians. Indeed, some think that the two aspects are not related in any way while others have a strong belief that the two work hand in hand. Scholars affirm that achieving democratization and globalization requires effective policy formulation. This is essential in ensuring that best practices and noble operating ideals are adopted in various facets of the operation.

The policy framework should also be put in place to facilitate the execution of democratic ideals and globalization guidelines since they hold the capacity of influencing performance at various levels. The scholars further affirm that the debate that is being witnessed about the relationship between democracy and globalization is healthy. This is because it seeks to enable various individuals to understand the relevance of the two concepts in steering economic development. The debate is also healthy for various stakeholders to enable them to establish the truth about the issue.

Indeed, globalization and democratization are a systematic process that drives social and economic activities in various countries in this century. They aim at building strong economic, social and cultural integration between communities and nations globally. They also aim at ensuring a holistic understanding of individuals by bringing people together through participation in various activities such as trade.

According to economists, globalization has led to the formation of strong economic blocks, for example, EU that propels delivery of services to customers globally. The concept aids the advancement of a strong global network and market share that is crucial for growth. Globalization is aided by various factors that include political stability, favourable trade policies, operating guidelines, quality internal structures and internet-enabled systems that drive the global village concept. It is also achieved through the execution of activities under democratic ideals and practices that ensure fairness in all aspects of the operation. That is globalization is a systematic process that can only be achieved under favourable conditions that foster fairness, accountability and transparency.

This explains why nations or societies that are liberalized and operate under democratic ideals are getting closer towards attaining the benefits of globalization. Such nations operate in a free space that has limited bureaucratic procedures that facilitate trade and exchange of various valuables. This paper gives credible information about the existing relationship between democracy and globalization. The discussion focuses on democratization, globalization, their imperativeness, and how they are linked.

The Purpose and Imperativeness of the Study

Democracy and globalization are two elements that are instrumental in enhancing the international relationship between nations. The two elements provide basic incentives that foster trade, international engagement, fairness, accountability and effective utilization of resources. They also facilitate trade activities between nations through the development of conventional trade policies that are not restrictive in any nature. In this regard, the study seeks to give the relevance of these elements in driving economic and social empowerment, especially in the current environment where nations are facing various challenges. The study is also set with a purpose to facilitate the understanding of these aspects and how they are linked.

This is essential in enabling key stakeholders who drive globalization activities such as policymakers, traders, consumers and government officials to understand the significance of the concepts. They are also bound to understand the imperativeness of the elements and how they contribute to economic development in various nations. Consequently, it will enable them to establish the link between the two elements and how they are dependent variables that work hand in hand. This will ensure that they make holistic policies that hold the capacity for addressing both democratic and globalization challenges. The information will also enable them to develop credible guidelines to streamline commercial activities and ensure the adoption of democratic practices that promote trade liberation.

The Link between Democracy and Globalization based on structural, economic and diplomacy issues

The intense debate about the relationship between democratization and globalization that has elicited mixed reactions has enabled most individuals to understand key issues of the aspects (Compton, 2000, p. 5). This is evident since most empirical studies indicate that at some point, even those who have reserved opinion about the existing links between democracy and globalization recognize that there is a factual basis on the matter. This shows that these elements have a link that cannot be ignored. This is evident since becoming a globalised society requires the systematic adoption of favourable policies that facilitate accountability and transparency that democracy presents. It requires determination, adherence to the rule of law and eradication of bureaucratic procedures as evident in the US. Indeed, the link that exists between the two concepts can be defined structurally, economically, diplomatically, politically and socially (Riggs, 2012, p. 1).

Firstly, effective globalization depends on the nature of operating structures that democracy helps in developing. The structures that aid proper management of activities, formulation of effective trade agreements, accountability, importation and exportation are significant in developing a globalised society. This is evident since achieving globalization demands high profile execution of activities that must be within set guidelines and structural systems that are effective (Compton, 2000, p. 9). It also requires the development of effective trade processing bodies such as government departments, security bodies and the vibrant chamber of commerce facilitating agencies. Secondly, a democracy that provides the requisite incentives that enhances decision making and efficiency in service delivery is a vital element that drives globalization. That is it enables key stakeholders to make timely and credible decisions on issues that affect international engagement that appertains to trade, and politics (Pollard 2004, p, 5).

This drives the process of globalization that requires a high level of decisiveness and efficiency at all levels of operation. Thirdly, a democratization that ensures effective execution of activities under set regulations enhances diplomatic relations between nations. This is evident since most nations in the current world are keen on forming a relationship or diplomatic ties with partners who show commitment to the rule of law. They also seek to relate to nations that have favourable trade and market deregulation policies that can promote the open exchange of products. The nation’s focuses on democratic ideals when determining their partners since democracy depicts how well the nations can benefit from each other (Pollard 2004, p. 5). Studies show that democracy enhances openness and development of proper ways of executing business activities. This creates an outright opportunity that enables various nations to find credible reasons for forming trade partnerships.

Consequently, democracy is linked to globalization since it contributes to eliminating the evident bottlenecks that have been impeding commercial operations in most settings by promoting trade liberation. That is democracy ensures that the right of individuals to executing trade activities is protected by developing favourable trade policies. The trade policies that are formulated under democratic ideals are relevant since they aim at eliminating stringent trade guidelines that have been impeding international commercial integration. The trade barriers that the process seeks to correct include trade embargos, high tariffs and quarter system (Pollard 2004, p. 5). Their eradication is essential since it would create a viable opportunity to individuals and various nations to participate in trade activities that facilitate globalization effectively. Further, democratic ideals help in streamlining social and political activities by ensuring adherence to the rule of law. It ensures that political and social activities are executed under well-designed guidelines that foster international cohesion. This is significant since social and political conditions are major factors that affect international relations.

The link between globalization and democracy based on social dependency and human rights

Initially, different research studies have indicated that there are different links between globalization and democracy. The studies showed that globalization has the capability of impeding or narrowing democracy. This is because globalization is capable of changing the social classes in a given region and creates new ones. Consequently, the occurrence of such cases results in the enlargement of private decision-making spheres, thus encouraging public decision-making. Most of the countries experiencing such changes are in Africa, where there are many issues regarding social inequality and incidences of disparities in social-economic are widespread.

Additionally, the different ways in which globalization has been affecting different countries can also act as a link between globalization and democracy (Johnston & Almeida, 2006, p. 3). Notably, it has come to the realization that globalization has made many countries around the globe to disengage themselves from vital economic activities. This finally results in a negative impact on their economic status and political authority.

Furthermore, different studies indicate that globalization has raised economic issues through democratic processes where most decisions regarding foreign matters in government become economic deliberation rather than political. This implies that globalization will play a significant role in ensuring the adoption of appropriate ways of executing economic activities, especially in developing nations. This is evident since some of the nations lack structured and democratic systems that can foster effective international trade engagement. Hence, the nations would benefit from various globalization initiatives and support systems that hold the capacity of enhancing their stability. This will help in inculcating a democratic culture that will enable third world nations to build effective trade capacities and eradicate trade barriers to foster the execution economic activities (Przeworski, Michael, Jose & Fernando, 2000, p, 59).

Globalized dependency can also act as a link between democracy and globalization. For example, since the issue of globalization came into consideration, most African countries have been increasing the rate of dependency on the western countries for sponsorship. However, globalization has increased the issue of dependency on other developed states, which negatively affects the democracy and governance of the affected nations. This happens because most of the developing countries depend on developed nations such as the US for sponsorship. This makes subjects of other nations since they become more answerable to the donors compared to the authorities in their nations. Based on such circumstances, one can agree that there is an inescapable link between democracy and globalization. Social spending tends to be another crucial link between globalization and democracy. It is because there are some leaders with the main interest of sacrificing their control over their assets in order to lower the rates of their losses.

According to Johnston & Almeida (2006, p. 6), democracy puts the issue of human rights into consideration. Conversely, this implies that human rights also act as a link between democracy and globalization. In many cases, different researchers have been arguing on whether globalization supports or discourages the realization and appreciation of human rights. This has seen some researchers claim that globalization is an important factor in contemporary society because it encourages the integration of all countries around the globe (Przeworski et al., 2000, p. 59). It does so by removing all barriers that block the circulation of food, capital and products in different countries around the world.

Moreover, this is an indication that globalization will be beneficial since it will encourage richness in the world. This will be a fueling factor for democracy and acceptance of human rights, among other beneficial factors. On the contrary, not all researchers agree to this since some claim that globalization is likely to bring about conflict because of competition originating from different countries around the globe, thus leading to violation of human rights. This is a common cause in African countries because they experience issues of abuses in human rights (Kurtz, 2004, p. 269).

Globalization has a strong relationship with democracy because it made the world to turn into a global market to exchange goods and services. This is so because most of the developed countries produce goods and services and export them to the developing countries so that they can maximize their profits. Additionally, elite unity and incentives is a link between globalization and democracy. This is because globalization in contemporary society has turned out to be a real source of unity that steers democratization (Compton, 2000, p. 5). The rate at which globalization has been affecting financial and trade liberalization is different in both developed and developing countries. Globalization has affected democracy in different countries because it encourages individuals participating in international business to support a liberal political system, which will permit them to conduct their interest at will.

Considerably, globalization has been able to increase economic risks as well as uncertainty, making it difficult for the elites to have control over their economy. This has increased the issue of social instability and lowered elite legitimacy around the world. Globalization will also affect democracy because imperfectly democratic states will make their elites to have the fear that the losing countries will apply more democracy so that they can take from them their privileges. Different countries also believe that in case countries implement social spending as a way of compensating the injured individuals, it will lower the issues of people attacking the elites through politics. Such state implies that elites will be in good terms, and this will increase democracy (Kurtz, 2004, p. 270).

Democratization and its Relevance to Globalization

Democratization is a process that fosters accountable and transparent leadership that gives every individual equal right without discrimination. It enhances international engagement since it creates a level and fairground for executing of various activities (Fedorov, 2000, p. 1). It is earned through the formulation of viable operating policies and engagement frameworks that are socially relevant and economically viable. The policies should accord everyone equal right to promote peace that fosters international relations. Democratization also shapes political activities and undertakings that determine the stability level of a nation. Indeed, most nations such as the US, Britain, Russia and Canada have realized the significance of democracy towards achieving globalization objectives. The nations are keen on building strong democratic systems and processes to advance trade through favourable or quality product importation and exportation protocols. They are also keen on developing strong institutions and policy frameworks to facilitate the management of political activities, social differences and the emerging cultural issues (Fedorov, 2000, p, 1).

This is vital since democratization is the only way that nations can secure effective integration, especially in the current environment. This is evident since democracy, especially political fairness, forms a key cornerstone for peace and development that is necessary for attaining meaningful global interrelations. Without proper policy framework to drive political activities, democracy may be a dream. This is because politics set the pace for economic and social integration (Fedorov, 2000, p. 1). That is hostile political conditions leads to low integration in key sectors such as education while favourable conditions create a conducive environment for engagement. As noted, achieving globalization in free political and democratic societies is easier since such societies have no stringent business restrictions. That is mobility or transportation of goods and other valuables across national borders by individuals is effective in politically free societies.

Democracy also facilitates the adoption of effective management practices and participation of individuals in decision making at various levels of operation (Przeworski et al., 2000, p. 61). It ensures that stakeholders in the business sector are allowed to express their views on how they expect trading activities to be conducted and the best guidelines that should be put in place. Democracy is a tool that fosters mutual understanding, integration of new ideas, formulation of innovative procedures of operation and development of a viable structural framework that support exemplary execution of activities. The ideals of democracy promote openness and creation of mutual trade policies that enhance commercial cohesion between nations. These elements explain why democratization is an important step in ensuring effective globalization.


Indeed, globalization, that is a systematic process that drives social and economic activities in various settings is dependent on democracy. The two aspects cannot be isolated, as indicated since globalization can only be actualized effectively under democratic ideals or guidelines that promote fairness. This is evident since becoming a globalised society requires holistic adoption of favourable policies that facilitate accountability and transparency. It also requires determination, adherence to the rule of law and eradication of bureaucratic procedures. This explains why it is important for nations and individuals to understand that globalization is a process that is driven through mutual understanding since it requires effective cooperation between nations. It also requires proper and favourable policy formulation on issues of trade, investment, employment and infrastructural development. The policies regulating these aspects should be favourable to attract international attention to find mutual friends who also subscribe to similar ideals or operating guidelines. This is essential in driving economic and special activities such as education interchange programs that globalization strongly advocates for and strive to achieve.

List of References

Compton, R 2000, East Asian Democratization: Impact of Globalization, Culture, and Economy, Praeger, Westport US.

Fedorov, Y 2000, Democratization and Globalization: the Case of RussiaWeb.

Johnston, H & Almeida, P 2006, Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization, and Transnational Networks, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham.

Kurtz, M 2004, “The Dilemmas of Democracy in the Open Economy: Lessons from Latin America.” World Politics, Vol. 56, no 2, pp. 262–302.

Przeworski, A., Michael A., Jose C, & Fernando L 2000, Democracy and Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Pollard, V 2004, Globalization, Democratization and Asian Leadership: Power Sharing, Foreign Policy, and Society in the Philippines and Japan, Ashgate, Aldershot.

Riggs, F 2012, Democratization and Globalization: a Manifesto, Web.

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