Google`s and Microsoft`s Business Models

Google and Microsoft are major multinational technology companies, together with Amazon and Apple they constitute four ‘Tech Giants’ – corporations which dominate the information technology sphere. While Microsoft and Google have similar business models, it might be relevant to research the differences in their functioning.

Microsoft was the first company that suggested providing home computers with packaged software. It remains the leading operator in the sphere; it also offers email service and produces mobile devices, games, and video and audio equipment. Google, first developed as a search engine, now provides a variety of products – it has an email service, a web browser, and various online tools; its sub-companies include Android and YouTube. In some areas, the companies compete – in 2009, Microsoft launched its search engine, Bing, which was not particularly successful. Google introduced Google Docs, which has attracted many customers due to its efficient collaboration features but has not significantly shaken the positions of MS Word. However, it prompted Microsoft to launch Office Live.

The companies have some differences in terms of public perception. Google is believed to be built on innovation and customer service, while Microsoft’s reputation has suffered after some years of dominating the sphere. Google is also known for attracting creative and talented employees and giving them 20 percent of their workweek to pursue individual projects (Adams, 2016). According to some research, the company is better at proving work-life balance than Microsoft, though the difference is not striking (Vourakis, 2019). Google is also claimed to have a better corporate culture (Vourakis, 2019). Both companies are considered to be good working places for LGBT people (Jackson, 2019). Microsoft and Google seek out smaller promising companies and either consume or collaborate with them.

Both Microsoft and Google are similar in their primary business strategy – continually developing, but Google may have a slightly better reputation in that area. Both companies emphasize seeking out talented employees and encouraging their creativity. As of yet, Google’s positions on the web are stronger than Microsoft’s, while Microsoft is more influential in the desktop application market. However, Google is trying to create successful desktop products, while Microsoft – improves its positions online.


Adams, B. (2016). How Google’s 20 percent rule can make you more productive and energetic. Inc.

Jackson, Amy E. (2019). Amazing companies that champion LGBTQ equality hiring now. Glassdoor.

Vourakis, A. (2019). Analyzing employee reviews: Google vs Amazon vs Apple vs Microsoft. Medium.

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