Has Technology Killed Personal Contact?

Technology which has been experienced in almost all sectors has greatly changed our lifestyles in many ways. The benefits of technology to human life are immense, as it is evident in the modern society where everything has become more convenient and easily accessible, due to advances in the trend.

However, regardless of the many benefits associated with technology, there are also varied disadvantages. This powerful trend has made communication easier in the contemporary world, but at the expense of important aspects such as personal contact as many people prefer to interact through technological equipments.

Lack of personal contact is one of the significant trends that have been affected by the technological changes. Over the years, technology has gradually killed the conventional way of interaction among people. Just before technology became popular in the world, there were special means of interaction where people would have personal contact with their families and friends more frequently.

However, this has changed completely presently, due to advances in technology. The connectivity and closeness observed in the past has been swallowed in the advent of modern technological era, where people are able to interact with their loved ones, through cell phones and computers.

The advancement of the cell phone technology for instance, has made the biggest contribution in the destruction of personal contact. People can communicate with each other effectively, at the press of a button. This way, it would be hard for them to consider the importance of meeting face-to-face with each other, on regular basis.

This efficiency and ease of interaction has gradually erased the importance of personal contact from the minds of many people (Ashton and Stacey 87). This habit has been facilitated by the development of the smart phone and other models of modern cell phone innovations, whose impressive features have succeeded at improving connectivity.

Today, people can hardly imagine of a life without technological innovations, which make our life more comfortable. Advancement of technology has over the years contributed to the emergence of dangerous trends of lifestyles in humans. Nowadays, people utilize much time in front of their televisions, playing video and computer games, among other activities such as surfing the internet. The current boom of addictive social networking sites has attracted a significant number of users all over the world, both young and old.

People, especially the younger generation, have more than enough to remain occupied, in terms of leisure, and they spent most of their time chatting with friends and family members over the interactive sites (Wilson, Fornasier & White 175). All these technologies have made people forget the value of personal contact, since they believe that they do have all what they would need to interact with each other, in those equipments.

It is apparent that, “access to technology has increased opportunities for effective communication and interaction in a non threatening environment” (Wilson, Fornasier & White 173). However, there is no way the importance of this powerful trend to the modern society can be stressed upon enough, considering the great harm it has caused to significant trends of life, such as personal contact. Moreover, these changes have facilitated the degradation of societal norms, as people continue to acknowledge online interactions in front of computer screens, more than personal contact with each other.

The new possibilities of interaction offered by modern advancements in technology have made communication easier and convenient, thus contributing to loss of personal touch. Modern technology has exceeded the desired limits as far as interaction and communication are concerned and for that reason, there is a need for people to be reminded that technology can be put aside for a while, to pave way to the indispensable aspect of personal contact.

Works Cited

Ashton, Bradford and Stacey Gary. “Technical intelligence in business: understanding technology threats and opportunities.” International Journal of Technology Management 10. 1 (1995): 79-104. Print.

Wilson Kathryn, Fornasier Stephanie & White Katherine. “Psychological predictors of young adults’ use of social networking sites.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13. 2 (2010): 173-177. Print.

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