An electronic commerce website requires the input of a well-developed infrastructural design that permits it to function efficiently and optimally. The infrastructural design should incorporate every function of the firm’s information systems to ensure that all components are included in the right position and configured appropriately to run specific functions as scheduled. This document will outline the hardware and software requirement of the information system that the Health Tactical needs to run its operations online. As electronic commerce starts, the company is gearing up to increase its performance in detailing retail products such as health food products and food supplements for health-conscious individuals. The specific components of the system will include the identification of the major hardware and software parts. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) business runs on an online platform that exposes it to vulnerabilities. Health Tactical’s e-commerce platform requires both hardware and software design that will enable it to integrate with other systems to offer the product to the target clients.
The demanding nature of the e-commerce environment presents both opportunities and challenges for the enterprise. However, the ones that will survive will have to keep innovating and discovering new ways of value addition. The infrastructure of the company is significant in this endeavor. At the same time, its capabilities are important for the business’s success in the dynamic environment where firms have to compete for their online space. Therefore, this document will serve as an implementation plan for the proposed infrastructure built purposely for the firm. It is the hope that the management will use and stick to in its entirety to realize the best results for the company.
Major Software and Hardware Components
The infrastructure of Health Tactical will permit it to deliver products and services to its customers. It is crucial since it will enhance the quality of services in terms of speed and responsiveness to customers’ queries. Additionally, the system will link the company to its customers, vendors, and suppliers. Health Tactical will launch its services as a cloud-based infrastructure using the Amazon Relational Database (RDS) platform. The RDS will enable the startup to set up quickly and upscale a relational database in the cloud. The application has a resizable capacity and automates a task that is time-consuming such as database setup, backups, provisioning, and patching. Amazon RDS offers clients various choices to select such as T Type Instances. The T Type Instances will be employed for this case since it permits burstable Performance. The cost of the Amazon RDS for MySQL is as outlined below.
- The Monthly cost of RDS is estimated at = 6,570 USD
- Price for storage space 3TB monthly = 490.05 USD
- Additional 30TB backup storage (Monthly 30GB) = 2.85 USD
- Total Monthly Cost = 7062.90 USD
Since the firm will need a stable baseline performance where it anticipates occasional peaks in demand, the RDS will work best. The company has been given three storage options, and the system engineer has chosen to work with Provisioned SSD storage. Although it is costly, it provides consistent performance compared to the other two options. Amazon has six database engines to select from, but the startup will work with MySQL because it has customizable capabilities and is easier to access and open source (Hassan & Asghar, 2021). The firm will not entirely rely on the database as the only storage for the cloud. Therefore, the company will have in place onsite backup servers and Amazon’s cloud-based servers. The cloud-based servers will help the firm organize, process, and manage the data related to the customers, inventory, and vendors (Hassan & Asghar, 2021). The information will also be available on the backup servers in the network room in case of any failure or intrusions of the system by the hackers.
The network room will have a Cisco switch and router, and cabling, the most important part of the whole setup. The networking system needs to be reliable to ensure that it does not cause system outage when the company needs it most. CAT 6A cables will be used throughout the building, including the office and warehouse. The CAT cables run on a standard frequency of 500 MHZ and a speed of 10Gbps for 100 meters (Hassan & Asghar, 2021). Additionally, they also allow for the Wireless Access Points, which is important in a warehouse where the router will compete with the building’s thick concrete walls and steel frameworks. The building will have three access points, two at the entry and exit points of the warehouse, while the third port will be in the office.
Health Tactical will incorporate cloud computing in capturing orders using overhead monitors. Moreover, orders will be fed through industrial-grade Bluetooth headsets to the order pickers. The warehouse will have three desktop workstations and laser printers for producing printing receipts and dispatch orders. Additionally, the computers will be connected directly to FedEx. On the other hand, the office will feature six computer stations but later will be increased to match the company’s growing needs.
Additionally, employees will be issued with a laptop and internet connection to enable them to work remotely. However, Google will remain the provider of the internal domain. Google will provide employees with customized emails, virtual conference capabilities, and policy controls.
Hardware and Software Design
Hardware Design
Intel Core i7 Processors
The control Processors maximize the efficiency of business management. The Heath Tactical organization looks forward to using a fast processor based on its objectives of diversifying to other cities worldwide. After evaluating the company’s workflow, the management decided to settle for an all-in-one setup with a workstation; the move was made to enhance business productivity and employee satisfaction. The selection of the central processing unit of the corporation depended on the clock speed, core, RAM, cache, and the thread needed for the chosen CPU. The consultations among the top managers and computer gurus facilitated the company to settle for the Intel Core i7 processors for the business. According to Menezes et al. (2018), Intel Core i7 processors are power user-friendly and characterized by physical cores ranging from 2 to 4. Besides, the high levels of graphic qualities portrayed by the Intel Core i7 made it a priority for the company.
Network Bandwidth
Any online business relies on steady network flow and supply. Considering the bandwidth of a network in the Health Tactic organization will come with challenges, especially with the range of point-to-point internet connections. However, the effective management of the organization needs a bandwidth of network ranging from between 50 Gbps up to 100Gbps. Public IPs and VPC endpoints will dictate the bandwidth channeled on the wire cables. The company needs each S3 operation to have a latency significance of communicating to the API on ranges starting from tens to hundreds of milliseconds.
Since most of the company’s transactions will be conducted online through cloud computing, the company needs a stable, fast, secure, and reliable internet provider. The system will be connected to a Dedicated Internet Access through a fiber IP network. The configurations will ensure that the internet network is private and dedicated static IPS, speed, and bandwidth of up to 940Mbs (Gralha et al., 2018). The company will consume over 2 TB of internet bundles per month.
Server Room
The server room will be located on the ground floor, far from the warehouse and refrigeration areas, to avoid dampness, water intrusion, and leaks, among other factors. The room will have a standby generator to power it if there is a power outage. The cloud servers will provide the company with 30 TB of storage which is more than enough for a startup company. The enterprise solutions of cloud storage will be outsourced from the Box providers; 10 GB is required from the stakeholders. Furthermore, the OneDrive cloud storage provider will provide 6 TB window user cloud services to aid the company’s functionality.
The room will be cooled by a computer room air conditioner (CRAC) fitted with humidity regulators.
Aisle Containment
The room will also feature a cool shield that separates the cold air from the hot air equipment exhaust. A third party will be contacted to install HVAC and must be familiar with IT infrastructure before installing it.
The Health Tactic will incorporate the use of a desktop to process information from numerous departments. The goals of meeting customer needs begin with the availability of adequate customer care services. The growing nature of the business exposes the organization to the adoption of a full-sized Dell XPS tower, all-in-one, HPAio24-df1014ne PC, and core i5 complete desktops to realize her dreams. The company will use the Dell XPS tower in product creation to meet the customers’ needs alongside the community in which it is set. Moreover, the organization will use the all-in-one desktop for marketing the services and products processed, retailed, and supplied by the company. Accounting and administration roles will be assumed by the core i5 complete desktops.
Mobile Devices
Mobile devices drive globalization in businesses; as a result, eh company will adopt the iPhone 13 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S22 in the running of business activities. Samsung galaxy has a resolution of 1080*2340 pixels. The property will enable the organization to use it for marketing and trading commodities. The ultra 5G component in Samsung S22 will enhance the company to access its customer request online at fast rates. On the other hand, the iPhone 13 Pro has Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), which provides enough internet speed for posting the events and periodic celebrations for the organization.
Software Design
The software will be downloaded from the internet through the official link. For this project, version 8 X64 bit was found suitable. Once it has been installed, the database administrator will configure it. A backup will be stored in the cloud, while a secondary copy of files will be maintained in the mainframe server in the server room. MySQL can integrate with other systems such as ERP, payment gateways, and Amazon RDS.
Amazon RDS for MySQL
The application was selected because it is easy to set up, scale, and operate. The Amazon RDS comes preconfigured with the settings, and other parameters need to integrate with MySQL. At the start of the project, 2 TB of space will be availed, and 30 GB reserved for backup. Lee (2018) highlighted that as the store expands, more storage capacity will be available with zero downtime; thus, space is paramount for the Amazon RDS for MySQL software design. The management interface will show memory, storage, computation, I/O activities, and instance connections. Additionally, the RDS offers security through its Amazon Virtual Cloud (VPC) and encryption that will establish AWS Key Management Services (KMS).
Web application/ Website
Health Tactical will be using the SaaS e-commerce platform, which involves email marketing, social media synchronization, website design, SEO tools, and product /order management. According to Lee (2018), Web applications feature an online shopping cart with a link connecting it directly to the credit card processing gateway. The SaaS online commercial application will play a critical role in the design. Although the integration is free, the company must Shift4’s payment gateway and processing. Additionally, there will be an application for both iOS and Android. Despite Java not being a suitable language for iOS, both applications will have to be adapted around Java script for easier flexibility and popularity. The system will collect the following information.
Integration with other System
Integration is a key factor in the development and design of the software. MySQL will bring together other smaller components of the company’s information into single system functionality. MySQL will be integrated with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), finance, marketing applications, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), to facilitate the achievement of a productive website for customers. According to AlHinai (2020), integrating MySQL and ERP finance will allow the company to synch customer and other relevant records from the firm. Apart from MySQL, QuickBooks, Sage, and NetSuite can be used to integrate the organization’s financial records. Moreover, AlHinai (2020) suggested that integrating marketing and MySQL will enable the corporation to avail the customer contacts; the information will be significant for the marketing applications, and equitable and equal marketing maps can be achieved through the merger. Integrating CRM with MySQL will allow the company to synch customer information, particularly their contacts and relevant information, across its applications. Partnering with Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce, and SAP marketplaces will enhance the effective integration of MSQL.
The introduction of SaaS integration on the e-commerce platform will help customers easily link with the firm’s products and services. Using API2Cart, an iPaaS solution, will help the company integrate over forty shopping platforms into the current data. Partnerships with other marketplace carts would facilitate the productivity of the company. For example, collaborating with eBay, Shopify, Magento, and PrestaShop will lead the organization into the safety integration of SaaS and API2Cart. Integration is necessary to coordinate the backup end systems and e-commerce websites similar to the one designed in the assignment.
The payrolls of MySQL developers in the US are promising and eye-catching. As of 2022, the average annual pay linked to the software developer was estimated at $112200 (Menezes et al., 2018). However, most MySQL developer salaries range from $83000 to $156 000; therefore, the averages pay range for MySQL software is $ 72500. The salaries communicate the potential of interacting with discoveries in the future. Modifications may also be needed in the coming years; youth and computer enthusiasts are thus motivated by the earnings associated with business integrators and software development. In addition, the employment opportunities created by the development of MySQL software are a positive attribute worth celebrating. The technicians behind the design of the software should continue earning the salaries listed because they have impacted the speed, reliability, and safety of online transactions.
MySQL is effectively designed for organizational billing. First, the software can conduct billing by maintaining a balance against a licensed record. The individual responsible for billing will be positioned to create a table for licenses to pave the way for the effective and efficient management of purchased amount fields. However, Menezes et al. (2018) critiqued the method because the approach might lead to the complexities of getting statistics of a particular business period. The only benefit of the framework is tied to its capability of reading and updating billing information on a single process. The second billing technique adopted by MySQL developers involves simultaneously adopting the payment table and credit balance. According to the technique, billing experts using MySQL software first check the requests to create room for balance consultations. Later, the positive amount recorded in the system is isolated from influencing the billing process. The count function plays a key role in creating bills using the second approach.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
The Health Tactical will use the Oracle Cloud ERP to run the business. The SaaS will grant the shop access to financial reporting and analysis, which will provide crucial information for decision-making. It will help in tracking receivables and payables and automated procurement by identifying the best suppliers. The ERP also successfully integrates with MySQL and Amazon RDS, which will not pose any problem to the firm.
Potential Security Vulnerabilities and Security Design
Cybersecurity is the main avenue that risks attacks on the company; corporate espionage, vandalism, financial crime, and hacktivism are major threats to the company. Jiang et al. (2019) demonstrated that, in case of the hacking of private documents and information regarding the company, the business would exhibit losses and closure risks. However, by incorporating data privacy tools and software, the organization might prevent such issues. As a team leader and IT expert, I will advise computer wizards to install security features in the company’s database department. First, the use of firewall software will assist the team in creating a barrier between the company’s private information to the public. Secondly, installing the anti-spyware packages will facilitate the reduction of hacking in the business’s webpage. Packages of anti-spyware will help the company to monitor employee and organizational information. Computer backups and complex passwords could also save the company from falling prey to professional hackers. The application of encryption and two-factor authentication (2FA) second layer protection can be productive in the elevation of hacking.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and authentication methods will be incorporated into the platform for authentication purposes. The protocol will be meaningful to the Health Tactical company in mitigating online business risks. In addition, the IWS will ensure the safety of all databases, networks, and internal websites from cyber threats. Alternatively, the VLAN will be configured to filter the web interface for hackers and malware. According to Jiang et al. (2019), reducing the incidences of collisions on wasted network resources needs the implementation of the VLAN Configuration. The data packets sent through switches and bridge exposes VLAN Configuration as a security tool.
Collaborative and Cooperative Partnerships will be a priority in the fight against hacking threats. The company may partner with Polychain Labs, KnowBe4, JumpCloud, and Red Canary organizations to maximize cybersecurity for the health tactic corporation. Jiang et al. (2019) echoed that achieving productivity in cybersecurity demands collaborations from companies with common agenda. In this case, the health tactic company will consider collaboration because it is a growing institution with less experience in cybersecurity matters. The anti-hacking strategy would be meaningful based on the holistic approach implemented by teams and stakeholders from different dimensions. Prioritizing teams in the war against cybersecurity is paramount because it leans on coaching; the company cannot prevent hacking by itself; some software is rare and only accessed by particular firms. Collaborating is the only way growing firms can associate with such privileges.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
The following diagram depicts the data flow of the Health Tactical e-commerce platform. It explains the buying process to the order fulfillment by the admin.

The above flow diagram shows the movement of data at the level of the e-commerce platform. It depicts the inputs and the outputs of the customer order, payment, and product description information as captured by the system. Web application administration is the first phase of data movement; Customers can gain information regarding the e-commerce application via the “order details,” “customer data,” and “price details” segments. Price details lead customers to familiarize themselves with the webpage. In addition, customers can only access the e-commerce application or webpage through “customer data.” In other terms, the functioning of the infrastructure is based on the availability of information or data regarding target product consumers (Trautman, 2017). The Amazon Rational Databases in the flow diagram had no links with the application and the customers directly; however, it was associated with all order details in the web application administrator. The Amazon RDS facilitated the transition from price details to order details. Customers use payment details to access the e-commerce infrastructure system, which leads such individuals to gain membership. As a result, customer data are retrieved through the login histories of the target groups into the company’s webpage. The more frequently a customer acquaints themselves with the platform, the firm has higher the chances f associating with their data and private information. The purchase powers are directly proportional to the number of visitations on the webpage.

The efficient and optimal performance of a website purposefully created for an online business requires the implementation of well-developed infrastructure. In this case, the designed e-commerce information system was characterized by functioning commands powered by its software and hardware components. Particular schedules were run by the properly positioned and configured elements; Amazon RDS and website development skills facilitated the design of MySQL. The electronic commerce application system was successfully designed based on the outputs showcased on the company’s monitors. The developed infrastructure will help associated farms to gain profits with the incorporation of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. E-commerce tools are reliable, easily created, less demanding, and easily implemented in business. As a result, the collection of the system’s components will be beneficial to the company and its users. The Gantt chart visualized the scheduling and management of tasks using the e-commerce information system update.
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