Preparing Nurses for EHR Implementation Using Rogers’ Theory


Nurse facilitators undertake numerous roles to support any form of change and empower clinicians to focus on the changing needs of their patients. The selected hospital in New York has planned to introduce a new electronic health records (EHR) system. This new initiative must be supported using a powerful change process if positive gains are to be realized. This paper describes how Rogers’ theory of foundation can be applied to prepare nurses for the proposed technology and increase chances of success.

Purpose Statement

Any innovation has the potential to improve the nature of health services available to different patients. Currently, some nurses in this facility are unhappy with the proposed change. More often than not, caregivers tend to be concerned about the potential impacts and disadvantages of new technologies and EHR systems (Wisdom, Chor, Hoagwood, & Horwitz, 2014). As the nurse facilitator in charge of this change, I will use a powerful model to ensure that every follower supports the idea. To prepare my followers for this system, I have decided to use Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory. This model offers five unique qualities that can ensure that the entire process is successful.

Preparing Nurses for the Proposed Implementation

The first quality to consider during the planned meeting is that of relative advantage (Raddaha, 2017). Followers will be informed about the importance of EHR as an incremental technology. This means that the targeted nurses will find it easier to deliver quality services, minimize medical errors, and support the needs of more patients. These individuals will be informed about the relevant pieces of training and resources that will be used to empower them. This activity will be pursued through the use of sketch diagrams and discussions (Rogers, 2003). This approach will reveal the potential benefits of technology (Wisdom et al., 2014). This means that the strategy will reduce the current level of discontentment among the practitioners.

The second aspect is that of compatibility. This quality will ensure that nurses are informed about the technology’s ability to maximize service delivery and performance. This information will prepare and guide every practitioner to deal with barriers to implementation (Wisdom et al., 2014). This tactic will decrease the existing level of uncertainty regarding this new technology.

The idea of complexity is the third quality to consider during the meeting. Stakeholders will learn how this idea can transform their care delivery processes. This means that the proposed system is not complicated or complex (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2014). This EHR system will improve practitioners’ nursing models and ensure that the needs of more patients are met. At the same time, I will liaise with different information technology (IT) experts throughout the implementation process. This move will make sure that the implemented systems are user-friendly and sustainable. This information will also minimize the existing level of resistance.

The fourth quality or area outlined in the above theory is trialability (Rogers, 2003). Nurses will be informed about the nature of this EHR technology and how it can meet their expectations. They will also understand how this system will be updated continuously to address every concern.

The last attribute is that of observability (Wisdom et al., 2014). I will ensure that targeted caregivers are aware of the advantages of the intended technology. During the meeting, some specialists will be guided to engage in role modeling. This means that they will empower and guide their followers. With the use of these aspects, nurses will be aware of the above advantages. Consequently, they will find it easier to support the implementation process (Wisdom et al., 2014). The level of acceptance will increase significantly through the use of the above initiatives. Additionally, different specialists and professionals will be required to train targeted practitioners to use technology efficiently. The practice will eventually improve the quality of health services available to different patients.

Response to Resistance

As described above, each of the above qualities will be supported using adequate information to sensitize nurses about the intended benefits from the proposed system. Activities such as role-modeling and demonstration will make it easier for every practitioner to learn more about the power of EHR technology. These evidence-based measures will create a favorable environment for implementing this system (Raddaha, 2017). Despite the use of these measures, chances are high that some nurses might be opposed to this idea. As the facilitator, I have decided to apply a powerful change model to minimize this obstacle. Kurt Lewin’s model for change stands out as the best strategy.

During the first phase of the model (refreezing), the unique attributes of Roger’s theory will be applied to educate and sensitize more nurses about the projected gains. During this phase, clinicians and nurses will be educated to understand the benefits recorded by facilities that embrace the power of concepts such as meaningful use (Cummings, Bridgman, & Brown, 2016). The use of case studies will sensitize these professionals about the importance of EHRs in the medical sector. Consequently, the hospital will support the health needs of more patients. The subsequent stages (change and freezing) of the model will be used to make the technology part of the targeted hospital (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2014). Throughout these phases, nurses will be educated and equipped with adequate resources to support the change. The move will eventually transform the effectiveness of my institution.

Nurses’ Roles

Every nurse in this institution will have a role to support the implementation of this technology. To begin with, practitioners will embrace the power of training to acquire new technological skills. They will apply the acquired competencies to empower more patients and guide them to use the technology effectively. Secondly, nurses will be guided to engage in lifelong learning. This approach will ensure that every nurse acquires advanced skills and concepts in an attempt to support this innovative idea (Raddaha, 2017). Nurses can also pursue other applications that echo the attributes of EHRs. This move will improve their care delivery models and make the institution one of the leading providers of superior medical services in New York.

Concluding Summary

This discussion has revealed that Rogers’ qualities can be used as powerful predictors for supporting the rate at which innovative ideas are adopted in healthcare organizations. These attributes will empower different nurses and inform them about the gains associated with the intended EHR system. Kurt Lewin’s model of change will be applied accordingly to deal with any form of resistance that might arise. Nurses will also be expected to embrace modern technologies, educate their patients, and engage in lifelong learning to support this new change.


Cummings, S., Bridgman, T., & Brown, K. G. (2016). Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management. Human Relations, 69(1), 33-60. Web.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2014). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Raddaha, A. H. (2017). Nurses’ characteristics and perceptions toward using the electronic health record system as predictors of clinical nursing performance improvement. Clinical Nursing Studies, 5(4), 32-41. Web.

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.

Wisdom, J. P., Chor, K. H., Hoagwood, K. E., & Horwitz, S. M. (2014). Innovation adoption: A review of theories and constructs. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health, 41(4), 480-502. Web.

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