Healthcare Research and Social Change Relationship


Research is creative work carried out on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge. However, social change is the alteration of the social order of a society. Research forms part of the foundation of programs that seek to incorporate communities in the change process as well as the development of sustainable societies. Without appropriate research, programs aimed at social change are likely to be based on implicit or assumed problem identification and the inferred community needs and wishes.

The relationship between research and social change

Explaining the relationship between research and social change is complicated given that any project is intended to cover a limited space. Research helps in describing problems that need the suggested strategies for reform. Through research, people can investigate meaningful social topics (Alvin, 1990). The subjects are involved in the study to comprehend the sources of complications that directly impact them to take actions that influence such strategies via disseminating the findings. In most cases, the findings help in solving issues affecting the people, and recommendations are made to ensure that the implementation process leads to the desired social changes (Gottfried, 1996).

Through research, a researcher can analyze the collected data and give feedback on the findings. As a result, affirmative communal change results in the development of people and societal settings. Scientific investigators usually assist in responding to the issues related to domestic violence and abuse. When it comes to issues involving contact raping, studies have been essential not just in recording the project scopes but also in comprehending the elements that propagate the act. Research helps individuals to use the outcomes in order to consider the available options and classify facts that are hanging as well as where they may assist in altering the current situation. Research results in societal transformation as it generates activities such as partisan politicization and learning outreach (Stull & Schensul, 1987).

The role of a researcher as an agent of positive social change

A researcher’s role is to influence people to be able to make a change and create an effect on positive social change. In acting as a positive social change agent, a researcher must be able to engage others and implement or contribute to positive change. As a change agent, the researcher must appreciate that collaboration and engagement with communities lead to enriched and creative problem-solving strategies given that it contributes to the ongoing social change. Through an extensive network of researchers around the world, global perspectives on contemporary social development processes and problems are provided.

Plans I need to take in becoming a successful researcher and graduate student in public health

Research is important in the professional life of a public health student. Thus, to become a successful researcher, I plan to enhance my relationship with my colleagues. Through bond establishment with my colleagues, it will be easy to read each other’s work and exchange feedback. First, I plan to work in groups by attending seminars. Through this plan, I will be able to ask for feedback and provide comments on the discussed topic. Besides, I will have the opportunity to clarify points on my research and make necessary corrections. In addition, I will have a chance to hear opinions from scholars and non-scholars that may open another path for thought to analyze good points for my research. I will also prioritize my research by writing it down and sticking to it throughout the study. Just like a student doing exams who cannot take a chance in missing an exam paper, I will make my research work a priority. Another plan that would help me become a successful researcher is the adaptation to the realistic view of time. It will help me have a clue on how long it will take to complete the research task.


Based on data from multiple sources, research highlights a variety of considerations regarding the cause of social change. Without proper research, a researcher cannot influence society to have the desired social change.


Alvin, S. (1990). Social change and development: Modernization, dependency and world-system theories. New York, NY: Sage.

Gottfried, H. (1996). Feminism and social change: Bridging theory and practice. Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

Stull, D. & Schensul, J. (1987). Collaborative research and social change: Applied anthropology in action. Asylum Avenue, Hartford: The Institute for Community Research, Inc.

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