History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section

Tina Cassidy provides a historical account on the issue of childbearing. The author offers lively, informative, and well-researched cultural history of childbearing. While the childbearing practice is present in every culture, each culture has adopted unique ideas on the best way to give birth. Central issues present in her discussion include the complexities of childbearing, trends in the perceiving the role of midwives, and the historical accounts of famous obstetricians. This paper identifies trends in cesarean section (CS) to be the most surprising issue discussed by the author. In addition, as an editor at the New York Times, I will state whether I would recommend this book to students and parents. Lastly, the most important lessons learned from the reading will be discussed.

Although there are several surprising issues presented in Cassidy’s text, trends in CS are the most surprising. The author highlights patterns of giving birth via cesarean section. Cassidy argues the cesarean section, initiated by Julius Caesar was a practice for wealthy women. Out of every three, two babies are born through CS in the developed countries. These statistics prove that despite the risks involved, women in the developed countries are willing to perform CS than virginal births. The author argues that women who go through CS do so because they do not wish to put their vaginas at risk.

As a future doctor, Cassidy examines concrete arguments against the CS and for virginal birth. In a physiological sense, there are long-term drawbacks associated with CS. Childbearing via the CS exposes a mother to the risk of damage by a scalpel. There are high chances of developing post-partum depression and severe placental irregularities. The severe placental defects can significantly affect future pregnancies. CS involve a long recovery period and rigorous healing process. On the other hand, virginal-births are of great benefit to a mother in the sense that it signifies the power of a woman. Despite the positive attributes associated with virginal childbearing as argued by Cassidy, it is surprising that most women have opted for CS. In line with the importance of the highlighted issue, it is necessary to conduct more research to understand this trend to offer reliable childbearing approaches for these mothers.

I would have chosen an Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) instead of a midwife for parental care before reading this book. OBGYN are informed approaches to caring for the female reproductive organs’ and thus provide obstetric difficulties management. Unlike midwives, OBGYN offers increased opportunity for a successful childbearing. My opinion on OBGYN as the safest childbearing approach has not changed after reading this book. I still view the OBGYN as the most useful individuals for childbearing because, through their knowledge, they lessen complications associated with giving birth.

As a New York Times editor, I find Cassidy’s text informative not only for the nursing students, but also parents. Cassidy’s book is relevant to nursing students because it accounts for a wide range of issues that surround childbearing. For instance, by focusing on the trends in the use of CS, it equips nursing students with knowledge on childbearing approaches. Through this knowledge, nurses can determine the direction for successful deliveries. I would also recommend this book to parents because it provides relevant information that would guide them in making sound decisions on a childbearing approach. For this reason, Cassidy’s book on the history of childbearing is not only important for parents, but also useful to nursing students.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, August 6). History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section. https://studycorgi.com/history-of-childbearing-trends-in-the-cesarean-section/

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1. StudyCorgi. "History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section." August 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/history-of-childbearing-trends-in-the-cesarean-section/.


StudyCorgi. "History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section." August 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/history-of-childbearing-trends-in-the-cesarean-section/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "History of Childbearing – Trends in the Cesarean Section." August 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/history-of-childbearing-trends-in-the-cesarean-section/.

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