Hound Dog Song: Big Mama Thornton and Elvis Presley


Hound Dog is one of the most recognized songs performed by Elvis Presley in the 1950s. However, not everybody knows that Big Mama Thornton originally wrote and released the song. As a result, many speculate that the rock-n-roll star, Mr. Presley stole the song, which later became popular worldwide. Indeed, both performances are familiar in terms of rhythm and lyrics. However, despite the obvious similarities, the song Hound Dog, sung by Elvis Presley and Big Mama Thornton, is different when it comes to the style and tempo, which makes each performance unique in its own way.


First, it is important to emphasize the differences between the way the song was performed by the artists. As known, Elvis Presley is often referred to as the king of rock-n-roll, with each one of his songs having features of this style. In his version of Hound Dog, one can hear a combination of music genres, such as rhythm and blues, in addition to jazz. Among the instruments that were used, the most distinct ones include guitar and electric keyboard, drums, and cello, which gives the song uniqueness (Jorgeollie). In turn, the song of Big Mama Thornton has fewer instruments. Aside from guitars and drums, one can additionally hear the incorporation of piano sounds. All of these are usually present in songs of the blues genre, to which the given artist’s works belong.

Moreover, another distinct difference between the two performances of the song is its tempo. When listening to the performance of Big Mama Thornton, one can hear a slow melodic tempo, a combination of vocals, and musical instruments. Additionally, one can hear the pauses the artist makes, along with the prolonged singling of some syllables and the incorporation of bass voice in some parts. In comparison, Elvis Presley uses a higher pitch in his version. Aside from this, Presley’s song has a quick tempo with shorter pauses.

As for the similarities, the first one is the similar lyrics. Yet, it is only limited to several phrases that are crucial to the songs’ uniqueness. These phrases are “You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog” and “You told me you were high class” (Yxyoic 0:33). The rest of the lyrics were accustomed to the specifics of artists, with Big Mama Thornton singing about a man and Presley singing about a woman. As for another similarity, it includes rhythm, despite the fact that both songs are performed in different styles. This feature can especially be noticed when a chorus is performed.


Hence, despite their evident similarities, Big Mama Thornton and Elvis Presley’s versions of the song Hound Dog have different styles and tempos, making each performance distinctive in its own right. The first is that Elvis Presley is frequently referred to as the king of rock ‘n’ roll, and each of his songs has elements of this genre. The song’s originality comes from the use of an electronic piano, drums, and cello throughout the performance. In contrast, Big Mama Thornton’s blues song uses fewer instruments and includes piano tones. In addition, the song’s speed differs significantly between the two performances. Big Mama Thornton uses a slow lyrical tempo and a mix of vocals and musical instruments. Elvis Presley, in contrast, interprets at a higher pitch. In terms of similarities, the lyrics are the first element that comes to mind. Despite the fact that these songs are sung in distinct genres, there is another resemblance, which is rhythm.

Works Cited

Jorgeollie. Elvis Presley-Hound Dog [Video]. YouTube, 2008. Web.

Yxyoic. Big Mama Thornton – Live You Ain’t Nothing But a Hound Dog [Video]. YouTube, 2011. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Hound Dog Song: Big Mama Thornton and Elvis Presley." January 28, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hound-dog-song-big-mama-thornton-and-elvis-presley/.


StudyCorgi. "Hound Dog Song: Big Mama Thornton and Elvis Presley." January 28, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hound-dog-song-big-mama-thornton-and-elvis-presley/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Hound Dog Song: Big Mama Thornton and Elvis Presley." January 28, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hound-dog-song-big-mama-thornton-and-elvis-presley/.

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