Human Resource Management’s Strategic Role in Achieving Organizational Goals

The HRM functions are related to stimulating the growth and development of the organization. HR managers utilize social support strategies to achieve the organization’s overall goals (Pak et al., 2019). The main goals of my organization include optimizing work processes and reorganizing the team to increase performance. My organization’s HRM has sustainability and stability tools to help employees adapt quickly and aspire to general purposes: this makes the work dynamic and convenient (Parul & Shabana, 2021). Our HRM has database where the potential of current employees is listed. They send it to our departments and we can quickly redeploy people to other business directions based on their talents. Teams are balanced and staffed to improve performance. HR managers facilitate the tasks of other managers in identifying personal and corporate objectives.

The HR managers contribute to business strategies by creating a baseline of the organization’s values. In my organization, HR managers help to align corporate goals and culture. They have special tests for employees that help us understand why our strategy does not work well. Since HR managers are the staff’s first contact points, they have the best understanding of human factors and risk management (Aust et al., 2020). Our HRs create support programs for staff and manage their talents for specific business strategy goals. I want to mention HR’s role in operational management: they create plans for strategy implementation and help switch to a new business approach.

The relationship between management and HRM is a two-way communication process to develop personal and corporate goals for employees. Our higher-ups give the HRM team the financial resources, and HR departments conduct business training to enhance employee talent. I also think HRM helps us to adapt to the business culture with union programs. From management side, there are opportunities for personal development based on the program’s results. It is vital to note the HRM’s role in ensuring consistency between corporate rules and staff behavior (Pak et al., 2019). In particular, our administration makes business plan lists or manuals, and HR managers help to spread them.


Aust, I., Matthews, B., & Muller-Camen, M. (2020). Common good HRM: A paradigm shift in sustainable HRM? Human Resource Management Review, 30(3). Web.

Pak, C., Kooij, D. T. M. A., De Lange, A. H., &Van Veldhoven, M. J. P. M. (2019). Human resource management and the ability, motivation and opportunity to continue working: A review of quantitative studies. Human Resource Management Review, 29,336-352. Web.

Parul, P., &Shabana, M. (2021). Core functions of human resource management and its effectiveness on organization: A study. International Journal of Social Economics, 9(5), 257-266. Web.

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