77 Artists Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Artists

✍ Artists Essay Topics for College

  1. Liz Kotz’s Statement About Artists` Personalities
    In most cases, all the artworks can be effectively perceived with reference to the context in which they were created, much attention should be paid to the artist’s personality.
  2. Hendrick Avercamp, the ‘Mute of Kampen’ Artist
    Known as the ‘Mute of Kampen,’ Hendrick Avercamp was a non-verbal artist of the late sixteenth-early seventeenth century who specialised in writing winter scenes.
  3. Mat Collishaw’s Artist Talk “Inspired by Caravaggio”
    Contemporary artists are motivated by the works of ancient painters such as Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.
  4. Miguel Cabrera: The Outstanding Mexican and Spanish Artist
    This paper will provide information about Miguel Cabrera as an artist and analyze one of the most notable works, “The Virgin of Guadalupe”.
  5. Tracey Emin as a Post-modernist Feminist Artist
    The main characteristic of a postmodern artist, like Tracey Emin, is anything that anyone does which has a profound effect on somebody or something else.
  6. “In Search of a Discourse and Critique That Center the Art of Black Women Artists” by Tesfagiorgis
    This paper aims to summarize and analyze the article “In search of a Discourse and critique/s that center the art of black women artists” by Wasikhongo Tesfagiorgis.
  7. Madonna as a Controversial Artist of the 20th Century
    One of the prominent controversial artworks of the 20th century related to sexual revolution and women empowerment is a song called “Like a Virgin” performed by Madonna in 1984.
  8. Artists’ Difficulties to Gain Listeners and Views Through Social Media Client
    The paper argues social media has a strong influence on the world and it is important for novice musicians not only to create quality music but to use SMM to become popular.
  9. Beethoven’s Influence on Later Artists
    Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the greatest German composers of the 19th century. The romantic school, which resonated with Beethoven’s work, was the first phase of his posthumous popularity.
  10. Beethoven’s Innovations and Their Influence on Romanticism
    Beethoven’s influence on later artists is borne from basing his music on impact and emotions, thus, enabling the audience to build a connection and relate with his style of music.
  11. Man Ray Artist and His “The Gift”
    Man Ray, an American of Jewish descent, is one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century and a true revolutionary.
  12. Whether Artists Reject Society, or Are Rejected by Society?
    The concept of an artist with points of alienation, identity, self-martyrdom attitude, refusal of the society.
  13. Female Artists: War Paintings
    This exhibition is aimed at showing how female artists depict war, its catastrophic effects, and its futility. It is the main theme that the chosen painters explore.
  14. Bachata as a Music Genre and Artists’ Creativity
    One of the most popular vocal and dance music genres came from the Dominican Republic known among music enthusiasts as the bachata.
  15. Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?
    The essay and the arguments that Nochlin has brought forth have increased the awareness of the restrictions that women face today in any sector.
  16. Contemporary Artists: Andrea Zittel, Cindy Sherman, Krzysztof Wodiczko
    The paper discusses contemporary artists who will end up being published in history books. It includes Andrea Zittel, Cindy Sherman, and Krzysztof Wodiczko.
  17. Silent Films and Foley Artists
    A silent film is a black-and-white movie without sound. From the invention of film technology to the advent of modern sound films, silent films were the most popular entertainment.
  18. Rauschenberg’s Minutiae: Abstract Expressionism & Maya Lin’s 11 Minute Line Analysis
    Rauschenberg combines panels, collaged photographic images, fabric found images together with some pieces of furniture unified with gestural images of brushwork.
  19. Yayoi Kusama: Avant-Garde Artist and Her Infinity Rooms
    Yayoi Kusama remains to be one of the most significant artists in the modern art. Her style is easy to define and what is most special – she is sticking to it throughout her life.
  20. Marianne McGrath’s Artist Talk
    Marianne McGrath has extensive experience working with artists, collectors, and galleries. Therefore, it is essential to analyze and respond to Marianne McGrath’s Artist Talk.
  21. Women Artists During Renaissance
    Women artists produced their self-portraits by painting how they felt, how they viewed themselves, and how they wanted to be seen by others.
  22. Kleon’s “Steal Like an Artist” Speech Analysis
    The speech “Steal like an Artist” has a provocative name and may seem controversial or offensive to some people.
  23. Artist Analysis: Elvis Presley
    Elvis Aaron Presley, popularly known as the king of rock and roll, was a revolutionary artist who significantly influenced the music culture. He is one of the most influential artists as far as music history is involved. Elvis was a diverse artist who made several contributions to the different genres…
  24. The Art Festival in Milan: Theme, Location, Artists
    Many artists and critics have contacted art establishments and curation, and this is why there is a need to artistically evaluate and reevaluate the concept of curation itself.
  25. Jazz Styles and Artists: Louis Armstrong and Others
    Jazz is one of the most famous music genres, and the most famous jazz performers are Louis Armstrong, Ramsey Lewis, Miles Davis, and Duke Ellington.
  26. How Do Different Artists Confront the Modern Age?
    Modernity, while often associated with nonconformism and nuanced approaches to stagnant processes, is also connected to a vision of the past under the circumstances of the present.

👍 Good Artists Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Artist Katsushika Hokusai’s Life and Artworks
    Katsushika Hokusai was a brilliant Ukiyo-e artist who is estimated to have created over 30,000 prints, drawings, and sketches throughout his lifetime.
  2. Artist Teju Cole Biography’s Analysis
    Teju Cole is one of the most famous African artists who have mastered the art of writing and have expressed their thoughts through literary works.
  3. Gerhhard Ritcher: Artist Biography
    Throughout his career, he has addressed painting via a broad and varied spectrum of concepts that have included realism focuses on found images and pictures, squeegee abstractions.
  4. Religious Artists’ Work and Their Meaning
    The pictures of Masaccio, Filipino Lippi, and Andrea del Castagno are a symbol of the Renaissance because they have unique characteristics and share similarities.
  5. Tanya Aguiñiga and Other Artists From the US
    Tanya Aguiñiga is a designer, artist, and social activist in New York City. As for Kelly Akashi, she represents a bold and out-of-the-box thinking person.
  6. Frida Kahlo: A Current Dialogue on the Artist
    Frida is the most significant Mexican artist whose art captivates various viewers. This essay describes Frida more.
  7. Works of Artists in the Style of Impressionism
    The artists who utilized the impressionist style intended to make their work a captivating sketch of real life
  8. Artist Role in Twilight: Los Angeles and The Day of The Locust
    To understand the role of an artist in world life, we are going to consider two eminent art masterpieces: the drama Twilight: Los Angeles and the novel The Day of the Locust.
  9. Artist Profession: Relationship to Drawing
    Many artists do not have warm feelings for their profession. This essay aims to analyze such a historical figure as Michelangelo Buonarroti to explore his relationship to drawing.
  10. Famous Artists of the 18th Century: Jacques-Louis David’s Life
    Jacques-Louis David is one of the most famous artists of the 18th century, not only for his art but also for his participation in France’s revolutionary movement.
  11. Henry Moore: Study of the Family Through the Prism of the Artist’s Works
    Moore presents the family in light of the government rules. While trying to correct the shortcomings in family life shown he employs the use of various government policies.
  12. Post World War II Artist
    Big names in the sculpture industry as David Smith of the United States of America also could arguably be named as the most influential artists in the industry general.
  13. French Landscape Painting: Main Artists
    Much of the art of France in the first part of the 19th century was dominated by the academic schools of the Academy, the School of Fine Arts and the Salon.
  14. Music Artists and Advertising Deals
    There has been a change in terms of the attitude of artists regarding the issue of getting involved in advertising deals as a way of supplementing their income.
  15. Banksy and Scott Wade: The Impromptu Artists
    Banksy provides a visual record of the places, people, and events that surround them as he is an artist working in England among the ‘common’ people.
  16. Pierre-Augustus Renoir: A Famous French Artist
    Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) was a famous French artist who was one of the major contributors to the Impressionist movement.
  17. Maggie’s Social Motivation: Intrinsic Drives in Graphic Design
    This paper studies the social motivation on the example of a woman, who has created a business providing services as a graphic designer and a photographer.
  18. Why No Great Women Artists? Exploring Social Forces
    From the third-wave feminist perspective, it is easy to blame social structures for preventing the development of female artists.
  19. Iconography Art: Understanding Symbols in Art
    Iconography is defined as the description and systematization of typological features and patterns taken by the portraying of any character or storyline scenes.
  20. Impact of Contemporary Artists on Modern Culture: Trends and Innovations
    This paper discusses the specific features or factors that interest people in contemporary artists’ works and what questions they pose.
  21. Tish Jones: Exploring the Work and Impact of a Contemporary Artist
    Tish Jones is an influential artist, poet, emcee, and a master of the spoken word. This paper highlights how he interacts with the society and his contribution to the world.
  22. Middle Eastern Artists: Abdulnasser Gharem, Imran Qureshi, Sabhan Adam
    This essay examines three artists from the Middle East, Abdulnasser Gharem, Imran Qureshi, and Sabhan Adam, in terms of their socio-political surroundings and the nature of the arts they produce.
  23. Harlem Renaissance: Redefining African American Identity Through Art
    In this study, the researcher will focus on the works of Palmer Hayden and Jacob Lawrence, great African American artists who made a great contribution in redefining the cultural identity.
  24. Music Artist Tupac Shakur
    Tupac Shakur was an American artist who had great influence on the hip-hop genre of music in the United States.

🎓 Most Interesting Artists Research Titles

  1. Artists and Art and Learning During the Renaissance
  2. Impressionist Artists and the Influence of Japanese Art
  3. Neoclassical and Romantic Artists
  4. Roman Artists and His Influence on the Public‘s Opinion
  5. Promoting Professional Artists and Their Art
  6. African American Artists During the Great Depression
  7. The Most Significant Artists of Pop Art in America
  8. Renaissance and Baroque Artists and Musicians
  9. Male Pseudonyms and Female Artists
  10. Human Capital and Artists’ Labour Markets
  11. Great Artists Expressing Their Ideas Through Artworks
  12. Italian Women Artists Century Artistic Renaissance
  13. Visual Qualities Dutch Artists 17th Century
  14. Twentieth-Century Artists and Abstract Impressionism
  15. Female Artists and Their Effects on Society
  16. Rousseau and the Artists of the French Revolution
  17. Twentieth-Century African-American Artists
  18. Gustave Courbet Artists Who Have Influenced the Art World
  19. Renaissance Artists: Fillipo Brunelleschi
  20. The New Creative Skills That Artists Need for Making

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