134 Bullying Topics for Essays & Research Papers

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Bullying

🔥 Bullying Topics for Presentation

With bullying getting more coverage in the media, people started to realize the extent of the problem. Many individuals face severe mistreatment by their peers, coworkers, or family members. Why does it happen, and how can the issue be solved?

If you plan on doing a presentation about bullying, here are ideas you can discuss:

  • Advice for parents and students. Explain how parents can help their children if they are bullied. Also, mention what students can do to stand up for themselves.
  • Consequences of bullying. In the presentation, examine how bullying can affect a person’s professional and personal life.
  • Possible ways of addressing bullying. This presentation can demonstrate bullying intervention strategies both for students and teachers.
  • Signs of bullying. Explain how someone can recognize if another person is being abused by their peers, colleagues, or family members.
  • Signs of a bully. In your presentation, explain how someone can recognize a bully by their actions or behavior.
  • The responsibilities of teachers. Here, you can discuss how teachers can prevent and respond to their students being bullied or being the bully.

👍 Good Bullying Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Bullying Behavior and Its Negative Effects on Children
    Bullying behavior is a severe issue among school-age children. This essay addresses the negative effects of bullying on children and the ways of overcoming the problem.
  2. Workplace Bullying and Its Implications on Organizations
    Discrimination is one of the major challenges that organizational leaders face within the workplace. Workplace bullying refers to any acts intended to intimidate a colleague.
  3. Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign
    In the video “Stop bullying,” the subject matter is presented shockingly. The 47-second clip shows a high school girl receiving an aggressive text message from her peers.
  4. Teenagers’ Contemporary Issues: Bullying at School
    Bullying can be caused by differences between students, and the existing assessment and support options contribute to improving the situation.
  5. School Bullying and Student’s Development
    Bullying is one of the major social issues facing youth in schools today. This work entails research that was carried out on a student to studying the level of bullying in school.
  6. Bullying in Schools: Addressing and Preventing
    Addressing bullying in schools requires the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders to effectively work with students.
  7. The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System
    The present paper focuses on the connection between the social problem of bullying and the school system, describing each of these concepts.
  8. Online Bullying Takes Over the World
    In the context of a rapidly and highly digitized global environment, online bullying, otherwise known as cyberbullying, has become a prevalent issue.
  9. Bullying and Sexual Harassment at Work Place
    According to Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention, workplace bullying occurs when an individual direct irrational actions repeatedly towards their fellow worker.
  10. The Long-Term Consequences of Being Bullied or Bullying Others in Childhood
    This study attempts to discuss the main consequences on the mental and physical health of victims, bully-victims, and bullies themselves, and comment on the prevalent patterns.
  11. Bullying Problem in School
    Bullying is caused by genetic predisposition, relations with peers, and as a reaction to the situation in school or at home.
  12. Negative Bullying Outcomes: A Persuasive Speech
    Bullying has adverse effects on both victims and perpetrators. Bullying should be prevented, or should it occur, reported, and taken care of as soon as possible.
  13. Prevention of Bullying in Schools
    School bullying is a relevant and critical global issue, and while it affects all children, some groups may experience various disparities and increased exposure to bullying.
  14. Bullying and Parenting Styles
    There are many positive and negative outcomes of parenting on children. This paper aims at investigating the connection between several types of parenting and bullying behaviors.
  15. Addressing Nurse Bullying: Legal Interventions and Strategies
    Nurse bullying has to be addressed by healthcare establishments and national agencies to ensure proper work culture and adequate environment for patient care.
  16. Bullying Through a Friend’s Facebook Page
    In contemporary society, cyberbullying through Facebook has become very common and serious because of the growth of the internet, particularly among students.
  17. Bullying of Learners with Disabilities
    The problem of bullying remains one of the predicaments learners with disabilities encounter in their learning environments.
  18. Why Bullying Is Wrong and Methods of Resolving Disputes Without Violence
    Such methods of conflict resolution as mediation, communication, and listening may eliminate the harmful impact of such behavior without violence.
  19. “Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence, Bullying…” by Spector
    This paper is a critique of the article titled “Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence, Bullying, and Sexual Harassment: A Quantitative Review”.
  20. The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Victims of Bullying
    This paper will be able to ascertain that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a very effective therapy that defies the ugly trend of bullying in schools.
  21. Cyber-Bullying and Ways to Solve the Problem
    The primary goal of the given study is the investigation of cyber-bullying, which is nowadays one of the integral parts of social media and the Internet.
  22. Bullying From Religious Perspective
    I want to talk about the rising problem of bullying in the American educational system, how harmful these behaviors may be, and how to stop it in a way that pleases God.
  23. Bullying in Schools and Intervention Methods
    Various methods and programs of gang deterrence demonstrate the ability to effectively confront the problem, one of which is mentoring.
  24. Bullying in the Modern Society: Review
    Bullying is one of the major concerns of modern society. Following the statistics, about 40% of all individuals have experienced being bullied at least once.
  25. Bullying in School: The Negative Effects
    Victims of bullying have unresolved self-esteem issues and experience difficulties in building relationships. Thus, bullying has a negative impact on personality formation.
  26. High School Bullying: Psychological Aspects
    The study discusses the psychology behind bullying, the effects of bullying on all the involved parties, and emergent patterns.
  27. The Workplace Bullying Prevention Policy
    The problem of bullying creates a severe issue for the atmosphere of the workplace environment, the mental health of workers, and their performance.
  28. The Issue of High School Bullying
    Bullying cases among high school students have been on the rise in modern society. High school bullying is mainly caused by media exposure.
  29. The Consequences of High School Bullying
    This annotated bibliography includes summaries of four academic studies that explore the effects of bullying on high school students.
  30. Bullying at Pre-School and Preventive Measures
    This paper provides five tips for pre-school bullying prevention, the first of which is to give opportunities for children to show kindness and respect.
  31. Bullying and Methods of Solving This Problem
    The article is devoted to the causes of bullying which develops in almost any closed community among children and adolescents.
  32. Harsher Laws for Cyber Bullying
    The number of people using social networks is growing but they do not see the danger in remote communication and are subjected to cyberbullying.
  33. Reducing Bullying in Schools by Involving Stakeholders
    Schools should raise awareness among educators, instructors, and community members about their roles and responsibilities in the battle against bullying.

✨ Creative Bullying Titles for Essays: Best Examples

Now, you’re probably wondering how to make your title sound good and grab readers’ attention. Here are a few things to keep in mind while creating a title for your essay:

  • Use a catchy hook. Having a solid attention-getter will help you pique the readers’ interest in your paper.
  • Use a colon. A colon is mainly used in the titles of academic texts. It is usually followed by additional information or explanation that helps to reflect the paper’s contents better.
  • Use an inspirational quote. Picking a fitting quotation or idiom for your title can make it more exciting and familiar to the readers.
  • Ask a question. Using a question that fits your essay can be a great idea. Ensure it is related to the thesis statement and doesn’t contradict the tone of your paper.

Here’s what an impeccable essay title might look like:

  1. Meanness Is a Sign of Weakness: The Psychology Behind Bullying.
  2. What Should Teachers’ and Parents’ Responses to Bullying Be?
  3. Knowing What’s Right Doesn’t Mean Much Unless You Do What’s Right: The Role of Bystanders in Bullying.
  4. The Dark Side of the Digital Age: Cyberbullying and Ways to Deal With It.

✍️ Bullying Essay Topics for College

  1. Bullying in Poverty and Child Development Context
    The aim of the present paper is to investigate how Bullying, as a factor associated with poverty, affects child development.
  2. Bullying During Orientations in the Universities
    In order to address the issue related to bullying during orientations, only the most empathetic senior students should be allowed to participate in orientations.
  3. Bullying Among Adolescents Problem
    Studying the problem of bullying, its factors of influence, and the application of developmental theories are critical for finding ways to combat it effectively.
  4. The Relation Between the Teen Suicide and Bullying
    During the teenage years, bullying and harassment represent cases of social animosity that make suicide an option.
  5. Bullying: A Guide for the Parents
    The first way for parents to assist the kid in coming up with bullies is to teach them a set of responses, which they can use in case someone is picking on them.
  6. Cyber Bullying Messages in Communication Networks
    Bullying can come in different forms, but it always causes injury or even worse. Bullying victims may carry the psychological wounds of their ordeal for the rest of their life.
  7. Problem Scenario: Workplace Bullying in Teaching
    When the word “bullying” is used in the context of education, one often presumes the situation in which one student systematically mistreats another.
  8. Bullying and Patient Safety in Clinical Settings
    Besides damaging the atmosphere in clinical settings and negatively affecting the personnel, bullying can lower the quality of healthcare services and harm patient safety.
  9. Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace
    One of the best analyses of relationships between workplace stress and bullying has been done in the research study called “Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace.”
  10. Bullying as Managerial Issue in Nursing Sector
    Bullying is a significant nursing issue due to the negative impact caused on the performance level among the employees.
  11. Problem of Bullying Overview and Analysis
    Bullying can have harmful impacts on everyone involved, including bullies, the bullied, and bystanders. It can be prevented through the use of selective preventive programs.
  12. Nurse Bullying: Unprofessional Conduct
    Bullying can be exhibited in the form of physical and verbal threats, social seclusion, aggressive behaviors, and suppression of applicable care information.
  13. Bullying: A Concern for Modern Communities and Educational Establishments
    Parents can educate their children to create safe environment for healthy development, both physical and mental, guaranteeing the absence of abusive behavior or victimization.
  14. Bullying and Its Impact on My Life
    In this essay, the author talks about the impact of bullying on his life and how he managed to cope with the problem.
  15. Anti Bullying Prevention Program
    The standards for anti-bullying program aims to prevent not only the behavior of bullying but also behavior representing the full spectrum of inter-student cruelty.
  16. Workplace Bullying and Its Impact on People’s Mental Health
    Workplace bullying turns out to be a serious theme for discussion because of a variety of reasons, and one of them is its impact on people’s mental health.
  17. The Problem of Workplace Bullying: Literature Review
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature on the topic of workplace bullying.
  18. Anti-bullying Practices in Criminal Prosecution
    Anti-bullying practices have proceeded past only encouraging an individual to avoid ill-treatment of their peers to the establishment of laws.
  19. Workplace Bullying: Dealing With the Office Bully
    The psychological stress caused by bullying can be so severe that in the worst case, it can lead to depression and quitting.
  20. Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency
    Delinquency can be defined as a crime committed by a minor; in the recent few years, cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise.
  21. Bullying and School Drop Out Rate Relationship Analysis
    Bullying is rife in schools where physical and verbal abuse occurs among pupils/students. There is “a close relationship between bullying, school involvement, and literacy”.
  22. The Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy Against Bullying
    This paper discusses the analysis of the bullying in general and its understanding in the works of Dumfries and Galloway Council.
  23. The Meaning of Cyber Bullying
    The work reveals the meaning and purpose of cyberbullying, what signs characterize it and the solution to cyberbullying.
  24. Workplace Bullying in the Nursing Areas
    The paper is aimed to tell about the importance of overcoming workplace bullying in the example of a nursing collective.
  25. Nursing Workplace Bullying: Critique of Etienne’s Study
    This paper critiques Etienne’s 2013 study of workplace bullying in nursing and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the research.
  26. Addressing Bullying in Nursing: Prevention and Solutions for a Healthy Workplace
    The bullying in health care is still present, and health practitioners’ mental health, motivation, and ability to uphold precision and self-composure are compromised.
  27. Causes of Bullying in Nursing
    The relationship between medical staff is an important aspect that determines the quality of work in a particular institution and the healthcare system as a whole.
  28. Horizontal Violence in Nursing: Causes and Solutions
    There is a direct correlation between horizontal violence and job satisfaction among nurses, which affects the efforts of individuals who choose this profession.
  29. Bullying Effects on Health and Life Quality
    When children are subject to bullying by their peers, it affects their feelings and evokes negative emotions in the first place.
  30. The Issue of Cyber-Bullying in Education Field
    Bullying has been recognized as a pervasive and a severe problem as well as a significant concern, mostly in the educational field.
  31. Parenting Style and Bullying Among Children
    The investigation of parenting styles is highly essential to understand how they affect the bullying behavior of children to prevent it.
  32. Bullying in American Schools: A Persistent Issue
    Researchers distinguish two major kinds of bullying that take place in the academic setting: direct and indirect.
  33. School Bullying and Legal Responsibility
    The following paper will discuss and cover the rate of school bullies’ legally unregulated actions and the detriment that they constantly cause to other children who surround them.
  34. Cyber-Bullying and Cyber-Stalking as Crimes
    Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking are relatively close in meaning, but there is a slight difference in the definition of these terms.
  35. Cyber Bullying: Roles of Victim & Abuser in Online Environment
    There is a need to sensitize our children about cyber bullying and devise strategies to counter cyber bullies.
  36. School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life
    Bullying is aggressive behavior that can be seen in different children, teenagers, and adults. In this paper, the causes of bullying and the effects of it will be presented and discussed.
  37. Organization Conflicts and Bullying
    Workplace bullying is a serious problem with huge costs attached to it in terms of loss of working days. The topic requires academic attention to ascertain the factors that induce such behavior.
  38. Addressing Bullying in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms
    The study mainly focuses on teachers’ lack of knowledge on how to deal with the issue of bullying in the classroom in an effective manner.

✅ Good Titles for Bullying Essays: How to Choose

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

There is a huge number of bullying-related subjects to discuss. How do you decide on the perfect one for your essay? Well, here are a few things you can do to make sure the topic is right for you:

  • Discuss topic ideas with your supervisor. Your professor is knowledgeable in the field and may have interesting suggestions. Taking their advice will also help ensure that the topic fits the criteria.
  • Check the major journals in your field. This will help you gather information from relevant sources and understand what interests you most.
  • Go through past research. Checking the papers of other students or professionals can help you see what areas of research need more attention.
  • Pick a topic that excites you. The writing process will be easier if you’re invested. It’s also more likely that your work will engage the readers.
  • Make sure the topic is original. By choosing a topic that hasn’t been discussed much or looking at the matter from a different perspective, you can bring something new to the table.

Still not sure what to write about? We suggest you look into these research areas:

  1. Cyberbullying.
    With the development of technology, cyberbullying has become a big issue. This study focuses on online harassment and the psychology behind it.
  2. Verbal bullying.
    People often overlook verbal bullying, as it doesn’t leave visible scars on a person’s body. However, it has disastrous consequences and may ruin the person’s life.
  3. Religious bullying.
    This refers to instances of people being mistreated or discriminated against due to their background or religious beliefs.
  4. Physical bullying.
    This area is concerned with bullying that damages a person’s body or property. It causes not only physical but psychological harm to the victim.
  5. Social bullying.
    Research in this field is concerned with bullying that involves a person’s exclusion from a social group. It usually results in intentional damage to their reputation and relationships with others.

🎓 Most Interesting Bullying Research Titles

  1. School Bullying and Teacher Professional Development
  2. Bullying and Its Effect on Our American Society
  3. Physical, Emotional, and Social Bullying
  4. The Government Should Put Laws in Place To Prevent Bullying
  5. Childhood Bullying and Social Relationships
  6. Bullying and Its Effects on Individual’s Education
  7. The Emotional and Physical Aspects of Bullying
  8. Bullying and Its Effects on the Person Who Is Being Hurt
  9. Childhood Bullying and Its Effects on Children
  10. Cyber Bullying Affects People‘s Lives More Than One Might Think
  11. Managing Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
  12. Bullying Affects the Social Learning Theory
  13. How Has Bullying Changed Our Modern World?
  14. Bullying and the Workplace and Affect Morale
  15. The Bible Belt and Its Beliefs on the Problem of Bullying
  16. Cyber-bullying Through Anonymous Social Media
  17. The Difference Between Bullying and Harassment
  18. Racial Bullying and Its Effects on the Middle of the Twenty
  19. Bullying Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  20. Social Media Bullying and Cyberbullying
  21. Bullying Prevention and School Safety
  22. Physical and Verbal Bullying in Schools

📢 Persuasive Speech Topics about Bullying

Stuck on what to say? Try our free toolkit for inspiration:

Not everyone is aware of how serious and pervasive the issue of bullying is. Your speech or research paper can bring the issue to light and inform more people on the matter.

Check out these excellent topic ideas that can help you spread awareness:

  • The significance of prevention programs to stop bullying. Discuss how prevention programs can raise awareness, improve the educational facility or workplace environment, and reduce conflict.
  • What is the role of bystanders in bullying? In your speech, you can explain how bystanders can influence a situation they’re witnessing.
  • A culture of diversity and inclusivity can stop bullying. You can discuss how educating people on their differences may help them better understand each other and form positive relationships.
  • Parents’ and instructors’ role in bullying prevention. Explain how adults can help kids resolve their disagreements and teach them how to respect each other.

❓ Bullying Research Questions

  1. What Are Schools and Parents Doing for Bullying Prevention?
  2. What Are the Effects of Bullying in Public Schools?
  3. What Strategies Might You Employ to Encourage Pupils to Prevent Bullying?
  4. How to Talk to Your Children About Bullying?
  5. What Are the Six Types of Bullying Parents Should Know About?
  6. Which American State Has the Toughest Bullying Laws?
  7. Who Started and Invented Anti-Bullying Day?
  8. What Countries Have Anti-Bullying Laws?
  9. Which American State Is the Only One to Not Have an Anti-Bullying Law?
  10. What Is the Meaning of Anti-Bullying Law?
  11. What Is the Number One Determinant of Bullying Will Occur?
  12. When Was the First Anti-Bullying Law Passed?
  13. Is Bullying a Social Determinant of Health?
  14. What Should Be in an Anti-Bullying Policy?
  15. Why Is the Anti-Bullying Policy Important?
  16. Why Should We Be Aware of the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013?
  17. What Is the Meaning of Emotional Bullying?
  18. What Is the Punishment for Anti-Bullying Act?
  19. Is Bullying a Social Phenomena?
  20. Who Is the Father of Bullying Research?
  21. What Is a Good Slogan for Stop Bullying?
  22. Why Do the Bullying Programs Not Work?
  23. Why Do Students Engage in Bullying?
  24. Why Are Workplace Bullying and Violence Important Issues for Organizations?
  25. Why Should Bullying Not Be Harsh?
  26. What Is the Most Important Strategy for Bullying Prevention?
  27. Why Do We Need to Conduct a Study About Bullying?
  28. Are Bullying Prevention Programs Effective?
  29. Who Should Universities Have the Ability to Punish Students for Cyber Bullying?
  30. Are Neoliberalist Behaviours Reflective of Bullying?

🌐 Cyber Bullying Essay Titles

It’s a known fact that technology greatly affects every sphere of our lives. It has also transformed bullying. The development of social media gave birth to cyber harassment, which quickly became a prevalent issue.

With the problem’s relevance, cyberbullying can be an excellent essay topic. Here are some ideas you can discuss:

  • The Psychology Behind Cyberbullying.
  • Anonymity and Group Behavior in Online Harassment Scenarios.
  • Cyberbullying vs. Traditional Bullying.
  • Why Is Cyberbullying Especially Popular among Teens?
  • Online Bullying and How It Affects Psychological Well-Being.
  • Ways to Help Victims Overcome Harmful Consequences of Bullying.

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