🏆 Best Essay Topics on Discovery
✍️ Discovery Essay Topics for College
- Brain Areas & Language Skills: Localization, Aphasia, and DevelopmentThe ability of the human brain to correlate different aspects of language ability with specific locations in it can be defined as a localization view.
- Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and InventionMihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book “Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention” and is the latest book by the professor.
- Archimedes’ Bathtub Discovery: Advancements in Volume and Density AnalysisIf Archimedes’ bathtub discovery had not linked geometry with physics, advancements in volume calculation and object density analysis would occurred much later.
- The Animal Skulls: Anthropological DiscoveryOne recent discovery was the discovery of cuts on animal skulls. Such man-made cuts could indicate the existence of specific cultural practices among groups of Neanderthals.
- Neanderthals: Discoveries of Past and PresentNeanderthals have interested researchers since this species of ancient people was closest to Homo Sapiens in a genetic and behavioral sense.
- Antibiotics: The Biggest Medical Discovery of the Twentieth CenturyFor a hundred years, scientific and technological progress has reached such heights that people who lived at the beginning of the century could not even imagine.
- Significance of Major Discoveries in Modern BiologyCloning may significantly benefit life on Earth with sufficient regulation in place and can impact people by changing the world around them.
- The Great Geographic DiscoveriesDuring the Great Geographic Discoveries and the first division of the world, the first colonial empires emerged – states with colonial possessions in different parts of the world.
- Discovering Extraterrestrial Life on Human SocietyThe paper explores the potential implications of discovering extraterrestrial life on human society and discusses the potential positive and negative reactions.
- The Discovery of Additional Earth-Approaching AsteroidsThe paper aims to identify two main reasons astronomers started to dedicate more time to learning about the Earth-approaching asteroids.
- The Doctrine of Discovery Regarding Indigenous PeopleOver the years, the doctrine of discovery has been used to confiscate the lands of indigenous people and transfer them to dominating or colonizing nations.
- Terracotta Warriors: History, Mystery, and the Latest DiscoveriesThe terracotta warriors were discovered by accident by farmer Yang Zhifa. When Zhifa was digging a well, he uncovered pottery fragments in March 1974.
- The Discovery of the Rings of SaturnThe report identifies the concepts which formed the basis of knowledge associated with the discovery of the Rings of Saturn and explains its importance for contemporary society.
- Who Discovered America: Native Americans, Vikings and ColumbusAt the end of the 15th century, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, with his expedition, reached North America’s shores, mistakenly believing that he had arrived in India.
- Mature-to-Pluripotent Cell Reprogramming DiscoveryThis essay will examine the history of the discovery, the methods used in the studies, and its impact on humanity’s science.
- The Discovery of America: Effects on Native AmericansThe discovery of the New World stopped the independent development of native Americans and laid the foundation for their colonial dependence.
- Pythagorean Theorem: Significant Discovery of HumankindPythagorean theorem is one of the most significant discoveries of humankind since it is simple to understand, and with its help, one can derive many theorems of geometry.
- Discovery of America: The Land of Opportunities and ResourcesThe discovery of the Americas was a part of the global tendencies in the technological and scientific progress of the Old World.
- Columbus Discoveries and the Outbreak of the Smallpox ConnectionColumbus opened the New World in 1492, when the world was not researched till the end and most continents were not explored.
- Discoveries of Galileo and William HerschelAstronomy as a discipline has experienced major development in instruments or gadgets that make it easy to compile data and do meaningful research.
- The Human Rights and Freedoms of Canadian CitizensThe citizens should be ready to participate in the community by contributing their abilities, skills, and knowledge to make Canada a better country.
- Nonhuman Primate Culture Explored in BBC Earth Series: Insights and DiscoveriesCulture influences the humanity in many ways. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to explain its origin. Specific cultural characteristics have been forming for centuries.
- Evolution History and Scientific DiscoveriesEvolution is the theory that stipulates how changes occur among living organisms through the method that proves that all life is connected.
- California’s Gold Discovery: A Catalyst for Western MigrationPeople migrate from one end to the other with varied motives. The discovery of gold in California led to massive migration of people to the country.
- A Journey Through Texas History: Key Events Shaping the Lone Star StateThe native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land.
- Christopher Columbus: The Discoveries That Changed World HistoryThe paper considers the persona of Christopher Columbus, his travels, discoveries, and fascinating facts related to them.
- Galactic Structure of the Milky Way: Shapley’s DiscoveriesHarlow Shapley is renowned for his great work in identifying that the sun was not at the center of our galaxy.
- Jewish Community During and Before Christ: Insights from Dead Sea ScrollsWilliam Albright, who is one of the popular archaeologists claimed that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was one of the chief breakthroughs in the 20th century.
- Climate and Geology of the Solar System: Key Discoveries and TheoriesThis paper discusses the process of plate tectonics, ways humans have altered the planet, and composition of the solar System.
🎓 Most Interesting Discovery Research Titles
- Socio-Cultural Factors That Influence the Direction of Scientific Discovery
- Fluorescence-Based Detection Methods for Drug Discovery
- Equilibrium Discovery and Preopening Mechanisms in an Experimental Market
- Epiphytic Plants and the Discovery of Seed Dispersal Mechanisms
- Marie Curie and the Discovery of the X-Ray
- Modern Medicine Must Not Be Possible Without the Discovery
- Dr. Richard Dimarchi and the Discovery of Insulin Lispro
- The Discovery and Background Information on Nitrogen Gas
- Photosynthesis and Its Discovery
- Space Discovery and Exploration Program
- Antibiotics and the Discovery of Penicillin
- Discovery and Historical Development of Radiation Oncology
- Chemoinformatics Strategies for Leishmaniasis Drug Discovery
- Learning and Ivan Pavlov‘s Discovery of Classical
- Resource Discovery and the Politics of Fiscal Decentralization
- Drug Discovery and Development of New Medicine
- European Exploration and Trade During the Age of Discovery
- Colonial Exchange During the Age of Discovery
- Action Plan For Developing Discovery Skills
- Jonas Salk Announces Discovery of Polio Vaccine
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: An Enlightening Archaeological Discovery
- Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and His Discovery of Cancer Treatment
- Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities
- Protein Therapy for Drug Discovery
- Ocean Discovery Teaches Animal Cruelty
- Christopher Columbus and His Discovery of the New World
- Oil Discovery and Macroeconomic Management: The Recent Ghanaian Experience
- Bioactive Compounds From Medicinal Plants and Their Importance in Drug Discovery in Pakistan
- Scientific Discovery and Topological Transitions in Collaboration Networks
- Intelligent Technologies for Knowledge Discoveries
💡 Simple Discovery Essay Ideas
- Haloperidol: Discovery, Structure, and Mechanisms
- Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery
- Mental Representation and the Discovery of New Strategies
- The Cause-Effect Relationship of the Discovery of Electricity
- Prudhoe Bay Oil Field: Discovery, Formation, and Impacts
- Exchange, Specialization, and Property as a Discovery Process
- Pantoprazole Compound Discovery and Development
- Evolutionary Community Structure Discovery in Dynamic Weighted Networks
- Targeted Drug Discovery for Pediatric Leukemia
- Research Expenditures and the Discovery of New Drugs
- Peptide Array-Based Discovery of Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides
- Native American Society, Racism’s Roots, and America’s ‘Discovery’
- Oil Stock Discovery and Dutch Disease
- Recycling Discovery and Its Impact on the Environment
- Rational Drug Discovery for the Pharmaceutical World
- European Exploration and the Consequences of Discovery
- Curiosity and Bravery Led to the Discovery of the American Nation
- Geography and the Discovery of the Uruguay Republic
- Learning Asymmetries and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities
- History: How the Discovery of the New World Affected Europe
- Archaeologists Reveal New Discovery in the Mayan Civilization
- The Discovery and Controversy Over the First Use of Surgical
- Discuss How Yolen’s Perspective on Personal Discovery Is Conveyed in Briar Rose
- Astronomical Discovery and Spectroscopy
- Discovery and Applying Radioactive Physics
- Atlantic Revolutions and the Age of Discovery
- Carbon Dots Cdots Have Been a Recent Discovery in the Last Decade
- The Computer: Humankind’s Greatest Scientific Discovery
- Scientific Discovery, Causal Explanation, and Process Model Induction
- Recent Discovery About the Parasite Leishmania