75 European Union Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on European Union

✍️ European Union Essay Topics for College

  1. Entering the EU and Chinese Market
    A company can expand into a developed industrialized region like the EU and a developing economy like China. Both markets offer big buying and development potential.
  2. Intermodal Transportation in the US and the EU
    This paper seeks to explore the impact (positive and negative) of regulation/deregulation on the growth of intermodal transportation under the European Union and in the U.S.
  3. The European Debt Crisis and the EU Erosion
    The European debt crisis showed that the presence of a single currency negatively affects the countries’ ability to respond to problematic situations.
  4. German Leadership in the European Union
    Germany has gained a natural leadership position in the European Union’s economic and monetary policy during the past ten years.
  5. The European Union Facing Global Crisis
    The European Union is going through a crisis in many areas and needs global changes to bring everything back to normal.
  6. Economic and Sovereignty Concerns Related to Brexit
    There are many potential economic benefits for the UK to remain in the European Union, however, they are outweighed by concerns of national sovereignty and authority.
  7. The European Union’s Foreign Policy
    The foreign policy of the European Union includes the issues of ensuring peace and security in Europe and on the planet as a whole and preventing and eliminating armed conflicts.
  8. The Kotka-Hamina City-Region and EU Policy-Making
    Kotka-Hamina’s experience illustrated that effective spatial planning policies in the European Union could be based on a balance of private and public interest.
  9. The Implications of the European Union and the Pacific Alliance 2013
    The paper has looked at the implications of the EU and the Pacific Alliance, and their impact on a firm’s investment decisions, and international business.
  10. Data Privacy Regulations in the European Union
    With the ability to store, find and share information all around the world, protecting both personal and organizational data from ending up in the wrong hands has become crucial.
  11. Brexit: Separating the UK from the European Union
    Brexit implies “British exit”, and this term is used to name the process of separating the UK from the European Union in the context of economic and political development.
  12. Free and Fair Trade: Vietnam-EU Partnership
    Free trade includes policies that help to reduce barriers that may serve as an impediment to international commerce.
  13. Corporations and Environment: Pollution Management in the European Union
    In this essay, the research is about the pollution management regulations in the European Union with comparison to the other countries in the world.
  14. The Concept of Fairness in the EU Competition Law
    A critical review of Dunne’s article on the concept of fairness in the EU competition law under current market conditions was provided.
  15. Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissues and Stem Cells Research in the European Union
    Major advances in biological sciences have yielded new ways of tackling various environmental and health problems.
  16. Cross-Border Businesses in the EU and Harmonized Laws
    European Union has its own sets of rules directing businessmen doing business in this region. This paper will focus on, why a businessperson should pay special attention to EU regulations.
  17. Corporate Law in the EU: The Right of Establishment
    The ECJ is a powerful tool that defines corporate law in the EU; an array of repercussions followed the ECJ judgments on Inspire Arts, Centros, Uberseering, and Cartesio.
  18. Cybercrime Legislation in the UAE, the US and the EU
    Cyber and computer crime definitions were developed after the enhancement of technology, and they improved after years of making proposals.
  19. The Convention for Safeguarding the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom of the EU Citizens
    The convention for safeguarding the Human rights and fundamental freedom of the EU citizens were drawn up by the European Council on November 4th, 1950, and enforced in 1953.
  20. The EU Global Strategy for a Shared EU Security Policy
    Document showed the shift in the EU’s stance towards local and international interests, placing the EU in the context of several crises and arguing for more substantial hard power.
  21. UK Interests in EU-India Free Trade Agreement
    To dispel dogmas created by the critics, the United Kingdom decided to state its interest in the ongoing FTA negotiations.

đź‘Ť Good European Union Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. European Union and Europe Expansion
    EU economic policies have in a great way made contributions in enhancing economic union among member countries. However, it has been the main hindrance to the expansion of Europe.
  2. EU and Institutional Frameworks
    This paper seeks to overview and determine policy making of EU institutions and role played inpromoting closer integration.
  3. Can the EU Reduce Immigration Into Europe?
    European countries have always been attractive to immigrants. The main principle of the EU is to eliminate any borders to make trade and cooperation much easier.
  4. EU Requirement of Common Foreign and Military Policy
    This paper discusses the need for a common foreign and military policy for the EU. The European Union is at the forefront in asserting itself to play a role in world affairs.
  5. Political Obstacles of The European Union
    The formation of the European Union is considered a remarkable achievement that has far-reaching consequences in world politics, economy, and balance of global power.
  6. The EU-Moldova International Relations
    A stronger relationship between the EU and Moldova replaced the “outdated Partnership and Cooperation Agreement”. In addition, the EU liberalized trade with Moldova.
  7. Ireland and the European Union
    Applying for EU membership Ireland pursued first of all its own financial, economic, and political interests, but was also ready to support reasonable European Union initiatives.
  8. European Union and Its Effect Upon Cornish Businesses
    This report reveals the European Union rules and regulations of trade and business between the memders and the problem of interaction with the UK’s Regulatory Impact Assessment.
  9. Austria’s Entry into European Union Analysis
    This paper analyzes the case of Austria as a model, to understand whether entry of neutral countries into E.U entail rejection of her neutrality.
  10. European Union and Religion
    The role of religion in European integration is highly sensitive and very important because it deals with unique values and beliefs shared and valued by millions of people.
  11. Comparison of NAFTA and European Union
    European Union is a complex and multilevel governance system. Members of the European Union pool their overall sovereignties in a wide spectrum of policy areas.
  12. Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the European Union
    Gender inequality is a highly complex and extensive social issue which is prevalent in every layer of society and industry.
  13. European Union Mediation Directive for Conflict Resolution
    The study will attempt to explicitly review the implementation of European Union mediation as a means for conflict resolution and its effectiveness across the borders of Europe.
  14. Global Political Economy: World Trade Organization, World Bank, and European Union
    This essay on global political economy will present answers to the attached questions. The answer to the first question will illuminate the exact functions of World Trade Organization.
  15. Ukraine Should Not Join the European Union
    The debate over Ukraine joining the European Union has had many opponents as well as supporters. It has been discussed both among the Ukrainian citizens and European community.
  16. The European Union’s Preference of Soft Power
    The EU prefers using soft power mechanisms because it is aware that its economic, social, cultural and other standards and development are attractive to other nations and regions.
  17. United Kingdom Membership in the European Union
    In the paper, the researchers will critically analyze factors that support the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union.
  18. Reduced Migration to the EU: Aid for Turkey and Africa
    The relationships between European states were characterized by unrelievable tension due to the growing uncertainty as to how to handle the refugees.
  19. The European Union’s Automotive Industry Policy
    The paper explores the EU automotive industry policy that is concerned with two primary aims: promoting economic growth and ensuring safety and sustainability.
  20. The European Union’s Security Issues
    The current security strategies used by the EU has attracted a lot of interest from regions perceived to be hostile towards the United States, for instance, the Middle East.
  21. Gender Mainstreaming of European Union Institutions
    Gender mainstreaming policy ensures that women and men are represented during design, implementation, and evaluation of all policies of European Union institutions.
  22. The European Union’s Role in the Middle East Peace
    One of the aspects of today’s geopolitical reality is the fact that the scope of the EU’s activities in the Middle East assumes qualitatively new subtleties.
  23. Economic Effects of Brexit
    The paper identifies and describes the impacts of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union to its economy, political positions, and international relations.
  24. EU Regulations of Merger between EU and Chinese Companies
    While examining mergers and acquisitions, European regulators pay close attention to the risk of dominance. Much attention is paid to restrictive practices and monopolistic behavior.
  25. Globalization and Citizenship in EU
    The strategies and goals of integration are developed by the EU Committees but they do not reflect goals and needs of the nation-stats.

🎓 Most Interesting European Union Research Titles

  1. Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union
  2. European Union and Japan: Political Economy of Free Trade Agreement
  3. Citizen Satisfaction With Democracy in the European Union
  4. European Union and Common Currency Euro: Advantage or Disadvantage
  5. Coalition Formation and Voting in the Council of the European Union
  6. European Union and Sustainable Development Assessment in the Business Sector
  7. Competition Policy and European Union Law
  8. European Union and the Challenges of Globalization
  9. Cultural Dimensions and Work Motivation in the European Union
  10. European Union: Dissecting Its Pros and Cons
  11. British Exit From the European Union
  12. Development and Further Enlargement of European Union
  13. European Union and Disunion: Reflections on European Identity
  14. Cis Countries’ Interests Vis-a-Vis the European Union and Its Eastern Policy
  15. European Union Can Guarantee to Spain a Better Future
  16. Can the European Union Be Considered as a Compensator for Serbian Nationalism?
  17. European Union and Turkey’s Barriers To Full Membership
  18. Competition and Intellectual Property in the European Union
  19. European Union and the Promotion of Economic and Social Progress
  20. Britain’s Ambivalence With the European Union
  21. European Integration and the European Union Enlargement
  22. Enlarging the European Union and Who Benefits

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