Find a collection of global issues topics for students covering challenges of the entire world. This is a broad spectrum of problems, from environmental concerns and human rights to economic disparities and geopolitical conflicts. Have a look at these world issues to write about and encourage a dialogue on the shared responsibilities we all have.
🗺️ TOP 7 Global Issues Essay Topics
🔥 Hottest World Topics to Write About
Climate Change
Climate change refers to long-term and large-scale shifts in weather patterns and temperatures worldwide. Natural events like volcanic eruptions usually cause it. However, since the 19th century, human activities have been the main drivers of climate change.
Global Health Issues
It’s a tragic fact that half of the world’s population lacks access to medical care services. This is a serious issue that needs to be solved. Global health is a sector that focuses on achieving health equity and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration to improve the treatment of transnational health issues.
Economic Inequality
Economic inequality occurs because of the unequal distribution of income and opportunities between various social groups. It’s a concern familiar to almost every country in the world. Many people find themselves in a poverty trap with little chance of climbing up the social ladder.
Global Terrorism
After the attack on September 11, the world has changed radically. Security has become the number one priority for America. In recent years, however, terrorism has gone on a global scale. Now, it’s a threat to international peace and prosperity.
Water Contamination and Shortage
Even though water covers 70% of our planet, people can use only 3% to drink and irrigate fields. Even then, two-thirds of it is in frozen glaciers or unsuitable for use. It also doesn’t help that drought is becoming more frequent and intense worldwide.
🏆 Global Issues Topics for Students
- Global Warming and Other Ecology IssuesThe results of global warming will always remain a topic of controversy. Most scientists will always agree and disagree on the real effects of global warming on human life.
- Global Awareness of Environmental and Moral IssuesGlobal awareness entails the aspect of making people, the society, have an understanding of various life issues that is based on knowledge of global perspectives.
- World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global IssueWorld hunger is a serious issue that affects the development of many countries, impairing the overall health of their populations and increasing child mortality.
- Cross-Cultural and Global Economic IssuesThe study’s purpose is to evaluate the cultural and economic issues that will impact Winmark Corp, an organization seeking to expand its operations from the United States to India.
- The History of Climate Change and Global Warming IssueThe paper states that the history of climate change and the solutions communities opted for are critical to tackling the current global warming issue.
- Sexual Health and Identity as Global IssuesThis paper discusses the origins and essential information about the issue of sexual health and identity, the population impacted by the issue, and society’s impact on the issue.
- Global Societal Issue: Food and Water SecurityAccording to research, food and water security is a pertinent global problem in the current decade, with access to food and water becoming scarce in certain world regions.
- Violence against Women: A Review of the Global IssueMillions of women continue to suffer from domestic abuse and discrimination. This paper explores the issue of global violence against women in its current state.
- Food and Water Security as Globalization IssuesGlobalization has several implications for the business environment, among which are the expanded access to resources, and the interdependence of international companies.
- Global Issues in Healthcare: Cultural Competence and Patient SafetyWithin the framework of domestic issues’ impact on US HCM, the supporting systems are affected to the greatest extent.
- Articles about Global Issues: Reading Summary and Reflective CommentsThis paper presents reading summary and reflective comments on two articles: “Understanding international law” and “Global issues: Politics, economics, and culture”.
- Food Security: Global Health Issue ComparisonThe paper discusses three initiatives or approaches practiced by international organizations and offers three suggestions from the author on methods of improvement
- Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and SolutionsThe term ‘world poverty’ refers to poverty around the world and is not only limited to developing and under-developed nations.
- Outbreak Investigation: Global IssuesOutbreaks may occur frequently but not every case is reported. The investigation is important because it helps to learn more about the cases to put appropriate prevention and control measures.
- Global Health Issues: On the Border LineThe main purpose of this paper is to discuss how serving as a public health administrator at a border is a challenge for public health workers.
- Aspects of Global Health IssuesThe study claims that the new skills brought by science and medicine have failed to attain the mass of the global population.
- COVID 19 as a Global Health IssueToday, the global community remains concerned about the state of healthcare as new diseases arise, and the treatment for the widespread illnesses remains undeveloped.
- Vaccine Hesitancy as a Global Health IssueThis work aims to describe the issue of vaccine hesitancy in the context of one of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) offered by the United Nations.
- Globalization and Related Environmental IssuesGlobalization supports the flow of raw materials, wastes, and pollutants from one region to another. The wave of industrialization does not care much about environmental issues.
- Global Human Rights Progress and the Role of National Cultural Value SystemsThis paper aims to investigate arguments in favor and against the claim that there has been progressing in developing global human rights over the last twenty years.
- Chinese Companies and Globalization IssuesPeople are the driving force of a company; to unleash that force, the patrimonial approach should be changed to more liberal and liberating methods.
- Global Health Issues, TuberculosisTuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. The TB incidence rates in Southeast Asia and Africa remain the highest in the world.
- Education With Regard to Globalization IssuesEducation is very important for representatives of the modern global community as would-be professionals and labor force.
- Global Warming: Issue AnalysisGlobal warming is a term commonly used to describe the consequences of man- made pollutants overloading the naturally-occurring greenhouse gases causing an increase of the average global temperature.
- Global Warming as Not a New-Fangled IssueAnalytical research and an explanatory research have been seen to be helpful in many ways in order to increase the awareness that an audience has about the issues as global warming.
- Globalization and National Security IssuesInternational security researchers have taken side of the big debate, with some arguing that globalization has indeed contributed to national and international security.
- “Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book ReviewThe third edition of the book “Global issues” by Seitz is an introductory analysis of most of the factors that influence the environment, economy, and society.
- The UAE Anti-Terror Law and Success of Osama Bin Laden OperationTerrorism is one of the actions that should be punished the hardest because it takes innocent life each time, no matter the justification of it.
- Global Environmental Changes and Population Growth: Addressing Critical IssuesPopulation growth generally refers to the rate in which the number of people increases and is found by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate.
- Global Nursing Issues: Challenges, Strategies and Advocating for Health CareEvery person is entitled to quality health support and care. Unfortunately, many underdeveloped nations find it hard to deliver quality health care to their citizens.
- Global Factors Influencing Employee Compensation in the USCompensation is a systematic approach of providing monetary value and other benefits to employees in exchange for their work and service.
👩 Gender-Related World Problems to Write About
Gender equality is often mistakenly considered synonymous with women’s empowerment. In actuality, it’s deeper than that. It refers to the belief that humans have equal educational, employment, and political opportunities regardless of gender.
Gender equality is quite a popular topic for students’ research and essays. Check out some excellent ideas to touch upon in your paper:
- Gender-based violence. According to research, one in every three females has been abused at least once in her life. This essay can look into the drives behind violence against women and how the issue can be solved.
- Gender pay gap. Unequal pay is one of the key problems worldwide related to gender. In a paper on this topic, you can get into how the work environment, especially in low- and middle-income countries, isn’t so friendly to women and the reasoning behind it.
- Bias towards women soldiers. The situation of women in the US army has improved in the last couple of years, but there are still certain concerns. This paper can explain how forces benefit from female soldiers and why they need more representation.
- Maternal death rate. In your essay, you can focus on the impact of maternal mortality on kids and families and examine strategies for improving the situation.
- Political representation. There have been some positive changes related to women getting more accepted into politics. It’s also true that there are fewer female staff members, and they participate less in the decision-making process. In your work, discuss some of the challenges women politicians face and how those can be overcome.
✊ Human Rights Global Issues to Write About
Discussions on human rights are relevant to anyone since they impact every person’s everyday life. It’s always nice to keep up with emerging trends and be familiar with what’s happening worldwide to spread awareness and be mindful. If you’re a student and have to write a paper on the subject, check out some excellent ideas below:
- Refugee rights in America and Europe. Due to various circumstances, many people are forced to escape their countries and continue their lives elsewhere. Your paper can dive into the challenges migrant families face and discuss how the government can help to improve their living conditions.
- Disability rights in the world. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people live with disabilities. Many of them face barriers to education and healthcare access. Your essay could explain what can be done to bring about positive change.
- Children’s rights violations. Children are among the most vulnerable population groups, and their rights are often violated. In your work, talk about what can be done to ensure children’s security and give them a chance to speak up.
- Cybersecurity worldwide. Due to rapid digitalization, the protection of personal data is a more significant concern than it has ever been. Your study can look into the dangers of cyberattacks and their possible consequences.
- Disinformation and propaganda. Misinformation has always existed, but technological advances facilitate its lightning-speed spread. In your essay, you can explain why false information is a human rights issue and how it affects society.
🎓 Interesting World Issues to Write About
- Compounded Global Issues: Terrorism, Nuclear Proliferation, and Climate Change
- The Global Issues Depicted in “Home”, a Documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
- Global Issues, Local Solutions: Rethinking Wealth and Health Through the Lens of Social Enterprise
- Global Issues of the Present and Ways to Overcome Them
- Understanding Global Issues Is More Important Than Ever
- Environment-Related Global Issues: Global and Regional Conventions and the Role of the Third World
- Teaching for Sustainable Development Through Ethical Global Issues Pedagogy
- Global Crimes Cause Global Issues That Affect the National and International Justice System
- Legal and Global Issues Focused on Treating Undocumented Immigrants
- Global Issues: What We Can Do to Solve the Biggest Problems in the World
- Solving Major Global Issues by Founding a System on Ethical Principles in Simon Blackburn’s Book
- Climate Change and Tourism: Responding to Global Issues
- The Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts
- Global Issues for Global Citizens: An Introduction to Key Development Challenges
- The Overpopulation of the Earth as a Global Issue: Are There Humane Ways to Prevent It?
- Critical Global Issues: What Are the World’s Biggest Problems and How Can We Help?
- The Secret to Solving Global Issues? Fewer Secrets, More Collaboration
- Global Issues and Challenges Beyond Ottawa: The Way Forward
- Top Ten Global Economic Issues: An Assessment of Global Risks and Priorities
- Science and Technology Cooperation on Global Issues
🌐 Latest Global Topics to Write About
Food Shortage Issues
The food crisis concerns millions of people around the world. Conflict is the biggest driver of hunger. Seventy percent of the population who experience food insecurity are people living in areas affected by war. To improve the situation, governments must introduce effective policies and provide food supplies for those needing them.
Economic Consequences of Child Labor
Child labor has existed in our society for centuries and remains relevant. It became even more prominent after the Industrial Revolution when kids were forced to work in factories. Research has proven that using children for labor is both a consequence and caused by the lack of economic development. It has a negative effect on society’s future and prevents kids from developing intellectually and physically.
Healthcare Bias in Modern Society
When seeking medical assistance, people hope to receive the best care possible. A patient’s situation shouldn’t affect how hospital personnel treat them. In reality, however, many face bias and discrimination. These can occur on both institutional and interpersonal levels and often affect the quality of the service.
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity
Creativity is unique to human intelligence. The rise of AI may simplify work and enhance productivity, but it also brings more automation. For that reason, companies look more intensely than before for individuals with innovative ideas that machines can’t generate.
Illiteracy as a Global Issue
Despite government efforts, illiteracy remains a global social concern, especially among the adult population. It’s not limited to developing countries but is also prevalent in developed nations. High illiteracy rates slow down society’s socioeconomic and overall development.
🌱 Environmental Problems in the World to Write About
The health of the environment affects every living thing. Things such as fossil fuel dependency and the Industrial Revolution severely damaged the Earth and created many of the issues people have to deal with today.
If you were asked to write a paper on the subject, here are some great suggestions:
- Food waste causes and effects. In your work, detail how food waste is more than a social and humanitarian issue and how it negatively impacts the environment. Mention that leftovers that rot in the landfills produce a large amount of methane, which adds up to the pollution.
- Coral bleaching and its consequences. In this study, you can analyze the consequences of coral reefs turning white. What does it mean to the environment and human health?
- Biodiversity loss. The disappearance of species in particular areas is one of the most severe threats the world faces today. Your work can look into the reasons behind the issue and suggest possible solutions.
- Stopping ocean acidification. Although ocean acidification may seem slow, it happens too fast for the ecosystem to evolve. In this paper, you can illustrate the consequences of this environmental disaster and what can be done to stop it.
- Deforestation in the US. Human activities such as wood extraction and urbanization are among the main reasons forests vanish. Your work can look at the steps that can help prevent further issue development.
🚀 Current World Issues to Write About
Since life never stops, there are always new pressing issues to talk about. If you need to write about a relevant topic that’s talked about almost everywhere around the world, check out the list below:
- Global mental health crisis. Talk about the reasons behind people’s mental health getting worse during the last couple of years. Mention factors like isolation and social media use.
- Freedom of the press. About 85% of the population resides in countries where press freedom has decreased significantly in the past 5 years. Your paper can explore the connection between human rights and journalistic expression.
- International cooperation. Collaboration and combined efforts are essential to solve issues in a globalized world. In your essay, look into the key challenges countries face while trying to work together.
- Inflation in the US. Your paper can look into the drivers of inflation and its consequences. How does the decrease in the purchasing power of money affect the crime rate and contribute to social stratification?
- Military conflicts in the 21st century. Armed conflicts imply the loss of many civilian lives and massive displacements. This paper can dive into why wars have been on the rise since about 2012 after their decline in the ’90s.
💡 Simple Global Issues Essay Topics
- Climate Change and Pollution: Serious Global Issues
- The Concept, Content, and Nature of Contemporary Global Issues
- Global Issues of Environment and Health
- Top 20 Current Global Issues That Need to Be Addressed
- How Cigarette Smoking Relates to Global Issues of the Future
- The Gay Marriage Debate: Contemporary Global Issues
- Lack of Fresh Water Is Becoming a Global Issue of Increasing Importance
- Global Issues and Change in Human Resource Management
- Poor News Coverage and Public Opinion on Global Issues
- Global Issues Surrounding the Millennium Development Goals
- Social and Global Issues and Trends in Adult Education
- Global Issues Within the First Civilizations
- Are Caste Systems a Global or a Local Issue?
- S. and India Global Issues Pertaining to Women
- How Global Issues Impact Individual States
- Global Issues in Finance and Accounting
- Environmental Problems Are Becoming a Global Issue
- Three Reasons Why You Should Care About Global Issues
- Global Issues: Violence and Peace in the Modern Age
- Canada’s Efforts to Address Global Issues
🔭 Best Global Perspective Topics to Research
Having a global perspective means understanding how certain situations affect or relate to people worldwide. With the development of the Internet and the abundance of information people have at their hands, seeing the bigger picture becomes essential since it helps prepare for the changes.
Were you asked to write a paper on global perspective but unsure where to start? Check out the ideas below:
- Translation of content.
In this essay, discuss how, due to globalization, language barriers are starting to crumble. Even less well-known literature and music find a wider audience because of available translations and the accessibility of the Internet. - Global changes in education.
In this work, you can look into how access to more information and opportunities to study abroad opens new perspectives to students. Do you agree that it helps build language skills and promote understanding between various cultures? - Work opportunities worldwide.
In your study, explain how globalization creates job opportunities for more people and allows them to experience life in other countries. - Global consumption of art.
With the help of the Internet, the way people consume art has changed drastically. More artists are getting recognition and exposure. However, are all of the changes positive? Discuss this in your essay. - International trade development.
A work on this topic can detail the positive and negative changes that the growth of trade between countries has brought. How did it change the market, and what are the consequences?
💸 World Trade and Tourism: Global Research Questions
Trade and tourism are strongly affected by international relations and globalization. Do you need to write a paper on the subject but don’t know where to start? Well, we have a list of great questions that will help you below:
- How does global mobility change tourism? This study can analyze both the positive and negative impacts of traveling becoming more accessible for people. For instance, you can mention the change in trends and the spread of awareness.
- What’s the effect of globalization on trade? The popularity of international trade has opened up new opportunities for business expansion. In your paper, explain how reduced barriers impact both small and big companies.
- How does the increase in tourism affect local security? In your work, look into how the rise of global tourism increases the probability of terrorist attacks and causes a lack of safety.
- Can world trade be the driver of prosperity? Despite some of the challenges that come with globalization, there’s also a bright side to it. This study can dive into the positive outcomes of international trade and how it can help a country grow economically.
- Why is tourism a cultural homogenizer? There are two sides to the debate: some people claim that traveling raises awareness, while others believe that it causes a loss of cultural identity. Your study can analyze how Western values spread through tourism.
📌 Global Perspective Questions on Humans and Other Species
Humans are not the only species inhabiting Earth. The way people behave affects other living things and the planet. If you were asked to research the subject or write an essay, the questions below will most definitely help:
- Are some species more important than others? It is believed that some animals and plants have a greater impact on the surroundings than others. In your study, express your opinion on this matter and support your ideas with strong arguments.
- Should laws consider animal rights? This paper can examine why respecting animals and giving them legal rights is essential in the modern world. Mention possible environmental consequences of animal mistreatment.
- Is it okay for humans to use other species for their own ends? In your paper, consider the moral dilemma surrounding practices like animal testing. Do you think they should be banned?
- How well do humans coexist and communicate with others? People are creatures who adjust to the environment and make it comfortable for their living. In your study, analyze whether they do enough to consider other species and their importance.
- Do people’s attitudes towards animals differ from country to country? This work can explore how various cultures perceive animals and where these differences come from.
❓ Global Issues Questions
- What Global Issues Are Most Threatening?
- Are Gender Rights and Gender Discrimination Global Issues?
- Why Is It Important to Be Aware of the Global Issues in Society?
- How Do Global Issues Affect the Whole World?
- What Are the Top Global Issues in the World?
- Why Is Poverty a Global Issue?
- How Do Global Issues Impact Undeveloped Countries?
- What Is the Biggest Global Issue Today?
- Why Is Understanding Global Issues Important?
- How Do Global Issues Affect Communication?
- What Is an Important Global Issue That Impacts the Future?
- Why Is It Important to Learn About Global Contemporary Issues?
- How Can We Stop Global Issues?
- What Are the Major Contemporary Global Issues Facing the World in the 21st?
- How Can You Help Solve the Different Global Issues?
- What Is the Concept of Global Issues?
- Does Technology Help With Global Issues?
- What Are the Causes of Global Issues?
- Are Global Issues Important in Our Society Today?
- What Is the Most Important Global Issue We Face?
- How Has Technology Become a Solution to Global Issues?
- What Causes Global Issues?
- How Can We Turn Global Issues Into Innovation-Led Opportunities?
- Is Climate Change the Most Important Global Issue?
- What Global Issues Have Emerged Because of Globalization?
🤔 Good Global Perspective Questions
Why Is It Important to Develop Global Perspectives and Awareness?
Exposing people to various perspectives can promote respect and understanding. The ability to emphasize and listen creates greater awareness. Learning about other cultures also helps expand business and open new opportunities.
How Can Having a Global Perspective Impact Your Future?
Since a global perspective helps bridge cultural gaps and creates an environment where various ideas come together, it can expand your opportunities. You’ll become more adaptable and ready for the upcoming changes.
Do Global Issues Have Local Solutions?
Every big change starts with a small one. Problems that affect the entire world are comprised of small local issues. For instance, if issues like climate change and poverty are tackled in smaller areas, it improves the grander scheme of things.
How Can We Stop Global Issues?
Since worldwide problems originate from local ones, solving minor issues can improve the situation in general. Using social media to spread awareness and communicate effectively can also help address international concerns.
🕊️ Peace and Conflict Global Perspectives Research Questions
With how interconnected the world has become, resolving issues peacefully is even more essential. If you need to do research on the topic of international conflicts and peace, check out these questions to get inspiration:
- What is mediation in international relations? Mediation is one of the oldest conflict resolution mechanisms, especially when it comes to global issues. In your work, look into how this strategy can be used effectively to settle international issues.
- What’s the role of intergovernmental organizations? This paper can focus on how IGOs create mechanisms to help people from different countries work together. You can mention how these organizations promote peace and deal with social questions.
- What is the importance of human rights? During a crisis, it’s vital to consider human rights. In this work, you can dive into how inclusive solutions can help solve conflicts and stimulate recovery.
- Is the United Nations successful in maintaining world peace? In your paper, analyze UN policies and examine how the organization resolves global conflicts.
- Is international cooperation important? Due to globalization, there’s an even bigger need for countries to work together. This study can examine the cases of international cooperation and explain whether it contributed to the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
🎁 Bonus Global Perspectives Essay Topics
Globalization Issues
Globalization is an integral part of the modern world. Even though it makes people’s everyday lives easier, it also brings some challenges. For instance, while foreign countries have become more accessible to one another, it has also led to the loss of cultural identity within communities. Such phenomena as foreign work exploration, immigration challenges, and local job loss have also become widespread.
Global Trade and Aid
Globalization is a process that results in the world becoming more interconnected through cultural exchange and the growth of international trade. It has proven a powerful tool for countries to promote economic growth. However, with new developments also comes the need to develop new aid strategies. These strategies aim to address colossal income inequality and economic structural changes.
Global Employment Crisis
The world’s job situation is alarming. It is especially concerning for countries with lower income rates since unemployment highly depends on economic activity. Due to the lack of job opportunities, there’s a significant rise in poverty linked to the cost-of-living crisis.
Belief Systems Worldwide
Since the beginning of human existence, people have looked for ways to explain the creation of this world and the meaning of life. While beliefs differ from region to region worldwide, more than eight in ten individuals identify with a religious group. Fewer people have no religious affiliation. This includes agnostics, atheists, or people who believe in spiritual life but do not associate with any particular religion.
Law and Criminality
At the root of criminal psychology is the question of why people choose to commit crimes. So far, research has shown that a complex mix of personality traits, life circumstances, genetics, and environmental factors determine whether or not an individual will trespass the law. Many experts are also concerned about what can deter people from committing crimes in the future.