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107 Global Issues Essay Topics

Find a collection of global issues topics for students covering challenges of the entire world. This is a broad spectrum of problems, from environmental concerns and human rights to economic disparities and geopolitical conflicts. Have a look at these world issues to write about and encourage a dialogue on the shared responsibilities we all have.

🗺️ TOP 7 Global Issues Essay Topics

🏆 Global Issues Topics for Students

  1. Global and Local Issues Affecting John Deere
    John Deere is a company in the agriculture business that is well-known for producing high-quality agricultural and construction equipment.
  2. Aspects of Global Health Issues
    The study claims that the new skills brought by science and medicine have failed to attain the mass of the global population.
  3. Global Nursing Issues: Challenges, Strategies and Advocating for Health Care
    Every person is entitled to quality health support and care. Unfortunately, many underdeveloped nations find it hard to deliver quality health care to their citizens.
  4. The Global Water Crisis: Issues and Solutions
    The water crisis has now been associated with the reduction in food quantity besides the scarcity of safe drinking water.
  5. Violence against Women: A Review of the Global Issue
    Millions of women continue to suffer from domestic abuse and discrimination. This paper explores the issue of global violence against women in its current state.
  6. Global LGBTQ Health and Health Issues
    Although there has been rapid progress in the inclusion of LGBTQ people, they continue to face many health disparities, hence their poor health outcomes across the world.
  7. Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and Solutions
    The term ‘world poverty’ refers to poverty around the world and is not only limited to developing and under-developed nations.
  8. Globalization and National Security Issues
    International security researchers have taken side of the big debate, with some arguing that globalization has indeed contributed to national and international security.
  9. World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global Issue
    World hunger is a serious issue that affects the development of many countries, impairing the overall health of their populations and increasing child mortality.
  10. Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues
    Globalization has several implications for the business environment, among which are the expanded access to resources, and the interdependence of international companies.
  11. Food Security: Global Health Issue Comparison
    The paper discusses three initiatives or approaches practiced by international organizations and offers three suggestions from the author on methods of improvement
  12. Cross-Cultural and Global Economic Issues
    The study’s purpose is to evaluate the cultural and economic issues that will impact Winmark Corp, an organization seeking to expand its operations from the United States to India.
  13. The History of Climate Change and Global Warming Issue
    The paper states that the history of climate change and the solutions communities opted for are critical to tackling the current global warming issue.
  14. Sexual Health and Identity as Global Issues
    This paper discusses the origins and essential information about the issue of sexual health and identity, the population impacted by the issue, and society’s impact on the issue.
  15. Global Societal Issue: Food and Water Security
    According to research, food and water security is a pertinent global problem in the current decade, with access to food and water becoming scarce in certain world regions.
  16. Global Issues in Healthcare: Cultural Competence and Patient Safety
    Within the framework of domestic issues’ impact on US HCM, the supporting systems are affected to the greatest extent.
  17. Articles about Global Issues: Reading Summary and Reflective Comments
    This paper presents reading summary and reflective comments on two articles: “Understanding international law” and “Global issues: Politics, economics, and culture”.
  18. Outbreak Investigation: Global Issues
    Outbreaks may occur frequently but not every case is reported. The investigation is important because it helps to learn more about the cases to put appropriate prevention and control measures.
  19. Global Health Issues: On the Border Line
    The main purpose of this paper is to discuss how serving as a public health administrator at a border is a challenge for public health workers.
  20. Global Health Policy Issue: Africa
    There is global inequality in terms of health service delivery in Africa. The main problems that make health delivery a problem are poverty, illiteracy, and inequality.
  21. Global Issues, Advocacy & Caregiving for Patients in India
    This paper will examine the global issue, advocacy, and caregiving for people who have been infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in India.
  22. COVID 19 as a Global Health Issue
    Today, the global community remains concerned about the state of healthcare as new diseases arise, and the treatment for the widespread illnesses remains undeveloped.
  23. Vaccine Hesitancy as a Global Health Issue
    This work aims to describe the issue of vaccine hesitancy in the context of one of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) offered by the United Nations.
  24. Globalization and Related Environmental Issues
    Globalization supports the flow of raw materials, wastes, and pollutants from one region to another. The wave of industrialization does not care much about environmental issues.
  25. Global Human Rights Progress and the Role of National Cultural Value Systems
    This paper aims to investigate arguments in favor and against the claim that there has been progressing in developing global human rights over the last twenty years.
  26. Global Pandemic Issues: Prevention of Infection and Transmission of COVID-19
    For the last seven months, the world has been dealing with the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. The disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.
  27. Chinese Companies and Globalization Issues
    People are the driving force of a company; to unleash that force, the patrimonial approach should be changed to more liberal and liberating methods.
  28. Global Health Issues, Tuberculosis
    Tuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. The TB incidence rates in Southeast Asia and Africa remain the highest in the world.
  29. Education With Regard to Globalization Issues
    Education is very important for representatives of the modern global community as would-be professionals and labor force.
  30. Global Warming and Other Ecology Issues
    The results of global warming will always remain a topic of controversy. Most scientists will always agree and disagree on the real effects of global warming on human life.
  31. Global Warming: Issue Analysis
    Global warming is a term commonly used to describe the consequences of man- made pollutants overloading the naturally-occurring greenhouse gases causing an increase of the average global temperature.
  32. Global Warming as Not a New-Fangled Issue
    Analytical research and an explanatory research have been seen to be helpful in many ways in order to increase the awareness that an audience has about the issues as global warming.
  33. “Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz
    The third edition of the book “Global issues” by Seitz is an introductory analysis of most of the factors that influence the environment, economy, and society.
  34. Terrorism as Global Issue and Preventive Laws
    Terrorism is one of the actions that should be punished the hardest because it takes innocent life each time, no matter the justification of it.
  35. Global Issues Influencing Compensation in the US
    Compensation is a systematic approach of providing monetary value and other benefits to employees in exchange for their work and service.

🎓 Interesting World Issues to Write About

  1. Compounded Global Issues: Terrorism, Nuclear Proliferation, and Climate Change
  2. The Global Issues Depicted in “Home”, a Documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
  3. Global Issues, Local Solutions: Rethinking Wealth and Health Through the Lens of Social Enterprise
  4. Global Issues of the Present and Ways to Overcome Them
  5. Understanding Global Issues Is More Important Than Ever
  6. Environment-Related Global Issues: Global and Regional Conventions and the Role of the Third World
  7. Teaching for Sustainable Development Through Ethical Global Issues Pedagogy
  8. Global Crimes Cause Global Issues That Affect the National and International Justice System
  9. Legal and Global Issues Focused on Treating Undocumented Immigrants
  10. Global Issues: What We Can Do to Solve the Biggest Problems in the World
  11. Solving Major Global Issues by Founding a System on Ethical Principles in Simon Blackburn’s Book
  12. Climate Change and Tourism: Responding to Global Issues
  13. The Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts
  14. Global Issues for Global Citizens: An Introduction to Key Development Challenges
  15. The Overpopulation of the Earth as a Global Issue: Are There Humane Ways to Prevent It?
  16. Critical Global Issues: What Are the World’s Biggest Problems and How Can We Help?
  17. The Secret to Solving Global Issues? Fewer Secrets, More Collaboration
  18. Global Issues and Challenges Beyond Ottawa: The Way Forward
  19. Top Ten Global Economic Issues: An Assessment of Global Risks and Priorities
  20. Science and Technology Cooperation on Global Issues

💡 Simple Global Issues Essay Topics

  1. Climate Change and Pollution: Serious Global Issues
  2. The Concept, Content, and Nature of Contemporary Global Issues
  3. Global Issues of Environment and Health
  4. Top 20 Current Global Issues That Need to Be Addressed
  5. How Cigarette Smoking Relates to Global Issues of the Future
  6. The Gay Marriage Debate: Contemporary Global Issues
  7. Lack of Fresh Water Is Becoming a Global Issue of Increasing Importance
  8. Global Issues and Change in Human Resource Management
  9. Poor News Coverage and Public Opinion on Global Issues
  10. Global Issues Surrounding the Millennium Development Goals
  11. Social and Global Issues and Trends in Adult Education
  12. Global Issues Within the First Civilizations
  13. Are Caste Systems a Global or a Local Issue?
  14. S. and India Global Issues Pertaining to Women
  15. How Global Issues Impact Individual States
  16. Global Issues in Finance and Accounting
  17. Environmental Problems Are Becoming a Global Issue
  18. Three Reasons Why You Should Care About Global Issues
  19. Global Issues: Violence and Peace in the Modern Age
  20. Canada’s Efforts to Address Global Issues

❓ More Issues in the World to Write About

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Global Issues Are Most Threatening?
  2. Are Gender Rights and Gender Discrimination Global Issues?
  3. Why Is It Important to Be Aware of the Global Issues in Society?
  4. How Do Global Issues Affect the Whole World?
  5. What Are the Top Global Issues in the World?
  6. Why Is Poverty a Global Issue?
  7. How Do Global Issues Impact Undeveloped Countries?
  8. What Is the Biggest Global Issue Today?
  9. Why Is Understanding Global Issues Important?
  10. How Do Global Issues Affect Communication?
  11. What Is an Important Global Issue That Impacts the Future?
  12. Why Is It Important to Learn About Global Contemporary Issues?
  13. How Can We Stop Global Issues?
  14. What Are the Major Contemporary Global Issues Facing the World in the 21st?
  15. How Can You Help Solve the Different Global Issues?
  16. What Is the Concept of Global Issues?
  17. Does Technology Help With Global Issues?
  18. What Are the Causes of Global Issues?
  19. Are Global Issues Important in Our Society Today?
  20. What Is the Most Important Global Issue We Face?
  21. How Has Technology Become a Solution to Global Issues?
  22. What Causes Global Issues?
  23. How Can We Turn Global Issues Into Innovation-Led Opportunities?
  24. Is Climate Change the Most Important Global Issue?
  25. What Global Issues Have Emerged Because of Globalization?

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