136 Infrastructure Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Infrastructure

✍️ Infrastructure Essay Topics for College

  1. Disney and Information Technology Infrastructure Library
    This paper provides information about Disney’s experience with ITIL implementations, such as reasons for it, results achieved, possible challenges, and reasons for success.
  2. Information Technology Infrastructure Library
    Information Technology Infrastructure Library is the collection of practices that should be adopted for better information technology services.
  3. New York City’s Sociology and Infrastructure
    The city of New York is among the most developed cities in US and globally. Informal and formal units have a role to play in the development of city and solutions to problems.
  4. Oracle Saudi Arabia-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
    The paper presents the SWOT analysis of Oracle Saudi Arabia-Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It highlights its strengths as a highly skilled workforce.
  5. Network Infrastructure Company’s Accounting Fraud
    The accounting fraud case of Network Infrastructure Company’s executives is an example of the violation of ethical models and negligent application of accounting standards.
  6. Modern Communication Infrastructure as a Means of Cultural Diffusion
    This research paper demonstrates that modern communication infrastructure has not changed the course of cultural exchange patterns but rather hastened the flow of integration.
  7. Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holding Setting Acceptable Toll Charges
    Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holding Limited (CKI) is a global infrastructure company that aims to make the world a better place by investing in transportation infrastructure.
  8. The Role of Constructed Wetlands as Green Infrastructure
    “The Role of Constructed Wetlands as Green Infrastructure” presents and gives suggestions on how to integrate green technology in urban settings.
  9. South Africa: The New Energy Infrastructure Policy
    The first stages of implementing the new energy policy in South Africa, legislative and financial ones, went smoothly without any disturbances.
  10. Digital Inspection for Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure
    This paper will provide strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges (SWOT) on the digital inspection of gas pipes and infrastructure.
  11. Thua Thien Hue Province’s Culture & Infrastructure
    The paper discusses Thua Thien Hue Province. It includes geographical location, climate, immigration, culture, society, religious beliefs, and infrastructure.
  12. Recent Matters of SDGs Related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
    This paper will discuss current Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) issues related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.
  13. Public Key Infrastructure and Encryption at Work
    Few companies wanting to protect their clients’ or patients’ PIIs and comply with HIPPA regulations choose to build PKI systems.
  14. Critical Infrastructure and Its Importance for National Security
    The safety and health of critical infrastructure sectors are vital to national security. The destruction of any sector should lead to a weakening of the health of citizens.
  15. Governance and Infrastructure in a Small Medical Practice
    The critical organizational points include issues in executive leadership, the structure of the practice, and the management of proper behavior from employees and adjustments.
  16. A Cartographic History of Water Infrastructure and Urbanism in Rome
    The freshwater available to the city was a huge cultural and economic boon to Roman citizens. Some of this ancient water infrastructure is operational to this day.
  17. Multihoming and Network Infrastructure Administration
    A report explains what multihoming is, what administrative issues it raises, and what impact it will have on the technical design of the new network.
  18. Infrastructure Help Professionalism: Special Education
    In special education, several factors may determine the efficiency of professionalism, including leadership and infrastructure
  19. New Jersey’s Way to Benefit From Its Infrastructure
    New Jersey like every other state, places a lot of importance on their infrastructure. The state realizes that an effective infrastructure is vital to their economy, environment and health.
  20. Corporate Governance: Boeing Firm Infrastructure
    Boeing Company is one of the leaders of aircraft production. It is a huge company with the leading stuff and ethics, which helps people to inspire people for better work.
  21. Critical Infrastructure: Major Vulnerabilities
    The essay examines the vulnerabilities in the U.S. critical infrastructure that require more significant mitigation efforts.

đź‘Ť Good Infrastructure Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Homeland Security-Protecting Critical Infrastructures
    Post 11th September 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike.
  2. Introduction to Macroeconomics: Investing in Transportation Infrastructure
    The transportation infrastructure can contribute to the economic output of a country and hence can change the Aggregate Demand Curve.
  3. Infrastructure as a Service by Amazon
    The demand for cloud computing is proliferating due to its cost-efficiency, scalability, and simple management.
  4. The Transport Infrastructure and Its Benefits
    Chapter number fourteen, called “Transport Appraisal” from the book by Cowie, is focused on exploring the structure of investment in the transportation system and its financing.
  5. Growing Population in the Urban Areas
    Congestion in urban leads to the decrease in speed of how services are offered, overlapping of vehicles which can consequently cause accidents.
  6. Impact of North African and Middle East Unrest on World Politics
    Energy assets in the US are predisposed to various vulnerabilities. Threats facing energy assets include natural disasters, danger related to industrial and technological issues.
  7. Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure: Strategies for Key Resource Protection
    In this research it will be discussed the necessary authorities and resources to make mandatory or necessary security changes in the transportation industry.
  8. Trump’s $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: Controversies & Reactions
    In the annual address to Congress, the US president, Donald Trump, recalled his promise to restore the country’s infrastructure. The work reviews US Federal Infrastructure Funding.
  9. The Role of Infrastructure in Canadian Nation Building
    This paper reviews the yearbook of communication of Canada of 1915 and discusses observations in the relation of infrastructure and nation-building.
  10. Performance Indicators in the Pavement and Bridge Infrastructure
    Evaluations based on performance measures lead to the development of reasonable alternatives for improving “roads, highways, or bridges that require repair.
  11. Enhancing Public Hospital Infrastructure: EHR and Business Intelligence Solutions
    Public hospitals infrastructure is the base that supports the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health activities and practices.
  12. South Korean Transportation Infrastructure
    South Korea is high on the list of economies with effective logistical infrastructure, with ports and airports allowing travelling to a variety of destinations worldwide.
  13. AIIB: Enhancing Financial Cooperation in Asia-Pacific
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the implications of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s initiative and analyze three global connections with regard to the project.
  14. The Growth of the American Infrastructure
    The presented article outlines various effects of the intensified infrastructure growth over the last twenty years had on the sociocultural system of the United States.
  15. China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s Development Initiative
    China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is an organization intended to support infrastructural development in the region. The US and Japan voiced their disproval of the endeavor.
  16. Protecting Critical Infrastructure: U.S. National Strategies
    The physical infrastructure strategy is a commitment of the government to protect physical assets that are of high value and great importance to the community, from terrorism.
  17. Miami Community Health: Economic and Infrastructure Challenges
    Miami community is considered healthy, but there is a number of issues connected to the economy, poor infrastructure, and growing urbanization that influence the population as a whole.
  18. Green Infrastructure in Water Management
    This paper evaluates the utility of water management in urban areas from the aspect of perception and interpretation of green infrastructure in water management.
  19. Sierra Leone’s Health Crisis: Ebola Outbreak and Poor Infrastructure
    The Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone is a relevant public health issue because the country’s poor health infrastructure cannot properly manage this disease.
  20. Risk Management in Infrastructure Projects: Identification and Mitigation
    This paper reviews the risks associated with the construction of the state highway in Los Angeles County that ran from Indiana Street to Boyle Avenue.
  21. Road Network Infrastructure: Public Private Partnership
    This paper looks at PPPs in the context of road construction and renovation project in Indonesia, which is meant to improve the transport infrastructure in the country.
  22. Public Key Infrastructure
    This paper addresses public key infrastructure and its relation to the concept of trust when using public keys.
  23. Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems: Innovations in Transportation Technology
    Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System curbs the traffic problems in the roads. It designs new concepts for road infrastructure that offers communication services for drivers.

🎓 Most Interesting Infrastructure Research Titles

  1. Assessing Spatial Equity and Efficiency Impacts of Transport Infrastructure Projects
  2. Contracting for Infrastructure Projects as Credence Goods
  3. British Infrastructure Policy and the Gradual Return of the State
  4. Customer Service, Infrastructure, and Finances
  5. Cross-border Transport Infrastructure and Aid Policies
  6. Access Regulation and Geographic Deployment of a New Generation Infrastructure
  7. Assessing Health Care Infrastructure at the Regional Level: A Statistical Approach
  8. Critical Networked Infrastructure Protection From Adversaries
  9. Analysis of the Relationship Between the Level of Competition and Prices for Large Transport Infrastructure Facilities
  10. Capability for Infrastructure Asset Capacity Management
  11. Bhutan’s Business Infrastructure Policy and Industrial Parks
  12. Contract Stability and Private Infrastructure Investment
  13. Estimating the Welfare Effects of Digital Infrastructure
  14. Analyzing the Direct Link Between Infrastructure and Economic Prosperity
  15. Assignment Complexities and Challenges of Health Care It Infrastructure
  16. Enterprise Software and Business Infrastructure Business
  17. China and Infrastructure Projects
  18. Critical Information Infrastructure Systems Worldwide
  19. Developing Britain’s Port Infrastructure: Markets, Policy, and Location
  20. Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in Infrastructure
  21. Access Regulation and the Timing of Infrastructure Investment
  22. Agglomeration Economies and Urban Public Infrastructure
  23. Climate Change and Stormwater Infrastructure
  24. Capital Switching, Infrastructure, and the Ecological Fix
  25. Building Asia’s Infrastructure: Issues and Options
  26. Decentralizing and Financing Infrastructure
  27. Converged Infrastructure Solutions and Services Market
  28. Carbon Pricing Revenues Could Close Infrastructure Access Gaps
  29. Chinese Minority and Infrastructure Development
  30. Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure

đź’ˇ Simple Infrastructure Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. America Isn’t Ready for Real Digital Protection of Its Infrastructure
  2. Capability Building for Infrastructure Delivery
  3. Competitiveness, Infrastructure, and Business in Japan
  4. Corporate Infrastructure and Intranet Usage
  5. Civil Infrastructure Security and Operational Safety
  6. Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure in Urban Planning
  7. Decentralized and Centralized Infrastructure
  8. Cyber Attacks and Its Effects on Critical Infrastructure
  9. Building and Infrastructure Development Across the Globe
  10. Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund
  11. Discounting Transport Infrastructure Investments
  12. Agricultural Production and the Development of the Infrastructure
  13. Antifragility and the Development of Urban Water Infrastructure
  14. Aid for Trade, Infrastructure, and Growth
  15. Building Infrastructure Projects Like Highways
  16. China’s Growth Story: The Role of Physical and Social Infrastructure
  17. Economics Behind ICT Infrastructure Management
  18. Accounting Infrastructure and Economic Development
  19. Australia Should Not Adopt High-Speed Rail as a National Infrastructure
  20. Agglomeration and Cross-border Infrastructure
  21. Brazil’s Banking Infrastructure and Business Structures
  22. Asian Infrastructure Challenges: Issues of Institutional Capacity
  23. Analyzing United States Infrastructure Cyber Readiness
  24. Economic and Social Infrastructure
  25. Cooperative Institutions for Metropolitan Infrastructure Development
  26. Augmented Reality for Enabling Smart Nuclear Infrastructure
  27. Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
  28. Cultural Infrastructure and Regional Economic Well-Being in Germany
  29. Assessing Infrastructure Interdependencies: The Challenge of Risk Analysis for Complex Adaptive Systems
  30. China’s Developing Infrastructure: The Impact of Globalisation

âť“ Questions about Infrastructure

  1. Can Electronic Procurement Improve Infrastructure Provision?
  2. Can Internet Infrastructure Help Reduce Regional Disparities?
  3. Does Decentralization Improve Infrastructure Performance?
  4. Does Large-Scale Infrastructure Investment Alleviate Poverty?
  5. How Did Latin America’s Infrastructure Fare in the Era of Macroeconomic Crises?
  6. How Does Land Development Promote China’s Urban Economic Growth
  7. How the Growing Infrastructure Is Threatening Our Infrastructure?
  8. How the Private Sector Can Improve Public Transportation Infrastructure?
  9. What Causes Cost Overrun in Transport Infrastructure Projects?
  10. What Explains Regional Imbalances in Infrastructure?
  11. What Motivates Local Governments To Invest in Critical Infrastructure?
  12. What the Regional Transport Infrastructure Indicators Can and Cannot Tell Us?
  13. When and How Much Does New Transport Infrastructure Add to Property Values?
  14. Who Benefits From New Transportation Infrastructure?
  15. Why Institutions Matter for Closing Asia’s Infrastructure Financing Gap?
  16. What Is the Relationship Between Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Development?
  17. What Is the Main Role of Infrastructure Management?
  18. Why IT Infrastructure Management Is Needed?
  19. What Are the Effects of Infrastructure Development on Growth and Income Distribution?
  20. What Are the Strategic Context and Patterns of Its Infrastructure Capability?
  21. How Does Public Infrastructure Affect Regional Economic Performance?
  22. What Are the Issues in Infrastructure Health Monitoring for Management?
  23. What Is the Social Rate of Return on Infrastructure Investments?
  24. What Is Narrative Infrastructure in Product Creation Processes?
  25. What Are the Basic Economics of Internet Infrastructure?

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