🏆 Best Essay Topics on International Law
✍️ International Law Essay Topics for College
- International Law Critique From Realist PerspectiveThis paper discusses the popular theoretical perspective of realism in the context of international law and analyzes the weaknesses of political realism.
- International Law and Its Developmental ProcessInternational law must develop permanently. This is explained by the fact that states and their relationships are evolving; thus, the law must meet the requirements of modernity.
- International Climate Change Law and National ActsThe growing number of countries involved in the fight against environmental problems is seen as a positive step. As a justification, the scope of emission coverage is considered.
- Articles about Global Issues: Reading Summary and Reflective CommentsThis paper presents reading summary and reflective comments on two articles: “Understanding international law” and “Global issues: Politics, economics, and culture”.
- Was President Obama Legally Justified in Executing Operation Geronimo?The legality of Operation Geronimo and the killing of the leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden in Pakistan remains debatable in terms of liberal democracy.
- International Law: States’ Right to Self-DeterminationA state C is exploited by state A with the permission of state B, state P initiates proceedings against A with regard to resources and land belonging to the impoverished state C.
- Protection of Marine Environment Under International Law: Treaties and International Legal InstrumentsLaws touching on the protection of the marine environment have evolved. The evolution is made evident in this paper by analyzing the various international legal instruments.
- The Concept of Fairness in the EU Competition LawA critical review of Dunne’s article on the concept of fairness in the EU competition law under current market conditions was provided.
- International Trade Law: Cif ContractCIF contracts are one of the most popular trade agreements between a buyer and a seller in the sphere of international trade when sea carriage is used.
- The International Law Rules in the SpaceDespite the insignificant presence of people in space, every action out of Earth is governed by international law rules, including autonomous space exploration.
- International Finance Law and EconomicsDiscusses the efficiency gains of a small poorer country adopting and following exactly the security regulations of a large richer country.
- The Nuclear Non-Proliferation TreatyNPT is an international treaty with the purpose of preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and its technology. It promotes collaboration for the peaceful use of nuclear technology.
- Global Health Law: International Law and Public Health PolicyAlthough the global health system is not an organized system, there is a network of small organizations that serve as a global instrument in sustaining global health.
- Developing States-World Trade Organization ConflictThe latest conflict between developing countries and World Trade Organization (WTO) is concerns international patent laws.
- International Law in Relation to Nation StatesThe greatest purpose of international law is to supervise the deportment of different member states in a bid to uphold sound relations for the benefit of all.
- Law of the Sea Treaty: The Use of the World’s SeasThe purpose of the treaty was to come up with a comprehensive rules governing the oceans and replacing the previous conventions of 1958 and that of 1961.
- International Law: Formation HistoryInternational law is concerned with regulating activities between different countries as well as the procedures that regulate international institutions like the United Nations.
- International Norms, Values, and Law EnforcementInternational law is defined as the amalgamation of rules of conduct deduced from reasoning as components to justice, from the societal constructs of independent states.
- International Criminal Law and MeasuresThe paper analyzes the aspects of the international legal mechanism, the roles played by major players, the crime-fighting arms, and the various laws that deal with crime.
- International Politics. A More Secure WorldThis article is a report which was made by a High-level Panel on the threats, challenges, and change that the world is faced with.
- Law in International Relations: The Avena CaseThe Avena case started on 31 March 2004 with the United States’ defeat in the international law arena, illustrates the attitude of the US to the imperative of international law.
- History of Cold War and International LawDuring the Cold War, there were many reasons for both the US and USSR to be equally interested in preserving the integrity of international law.
- Impact of Central Intelligence Agency Rendition on International LawRendition means transferring individuals perceived to be criminals from one state to the other. In the current international system, rendition is the major cause of controversy.
- Legal Personality Development in International LawThe matter of the part of the individual in international law was an issue for decades. The work analyzes the process of development of the legal personality.
- Key Issues in International Law: China’s Foreign Policy, NGO Influence, and Business EthicsIt is hard to underestimate the power of international law. Organizations like the UN influence all sorts of global relations among countries.
- Individual in the International Legal SystemSince the institution of international law, numerous scholars have focused on the subject of the status of the individual in the international legal framework.
- International Competition Law: Comparative Insights Between Russian and European ApproachesThis paper compares competition law on restrictive business practices in Russia with provisions of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
- Individual Legal Personality in International LawThe individual is a legal personality once involved in a legal system and gained rights and obligations. The question is if the legal status can be on an international basis.
- Navigating International Business Law: Regulatory Frameworks and Compliance ChallengesThis paper is going to take a close look on a couple of instances of how an international business law is implemented.
đź“Ś Easy International Law Essay Topics
- The Role of National Courts in Creating and Enforcing International Law
- Sovereignty and the Changing Nature of Public International Law
- Concurrence Between Individual and State Responsibility in International Law
- Feminist Perspective of International Law in the 21st Century
- The Evolution of International Law: Colonial and Post-Colonial Realities
- An Assessment of the Work of the International Law Commission
- International Health Law as an Emerging Field of Public International Law
- Examining the Application of Criminal Immunity in International Law
- Indigenous Peoples and International Law: On the Evolution of Rights
- Corruption as a Hidden Nemesis of International Law
- Precedent, Compliance, and Change in Customary International Law
- The Dimensions of Public Policy in Private International Law
- Counter-Hegemonic International Law: Rethinking Human Rights and Development as a Third World Strategy
- The Impact of “Politics Among Nations” on International Law
- Indians, Immigrants, Colonial Subjects: Why U.S. Jurisprudence Needs to Incorporate International Law
- Privacy and the Role of International Law in the Digital Age
- The European Union and International Investment Law Reform: Between Aspirations and Reality
- The Challenge of Electronic Resources for International Law
- Suprastatehood and Supranationality Through the Prism of Modern International Law
- Beyond State-Centrism: International Law and Non-State Actors in Cyberspace
- International Law’s Contribution to Security in the Post-Cold War Era
- The Role of the New States in International Law
- Private International Law in Consumer Contracts: A European Perspective
- Non-State Actors in International Law-Making During the UN Decade of International Law
- Subversive Trends in the Jurisprudence of International Law
đź‘Ť Good International Law Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Emerging Trends in International Law Concerning Global Infectious Disease Control
- The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law
- International Law and Non-Intervention: When Humanitarian Concerns Supersede Sovereignty
- Ecosystem Vulnerability: New Semantics for International Law
- Recent Developments in Private International Law Applicable to the Internet
- International Law and Imperialism in the Late 19th-Century Britain
- Explaining the Strategic Behavior of States: International Law as System Structure
- Holy Wars: International Law and the Gulf Crisis
- Broadening Access to International Law Resources Through New Technology
- Antitrust Jurisdiction Under Customary International Law
- International Law Commission’s Guidelines on the Protection of the Atmosphere
- Contemporary International Law: Is It Relevant to Today’s World?
- Legal Consequences of Globalization: The Status of Non-Governmental Organizations Under International Law
- Improving the Civil Rights of People With Disabilities Through International Law
- The Role of International Law in U.S. Foreign Policymaking
- Climate Refugees: Challenges and Opportunities for International Law
- The Liability of the International Carrier of Goods in International Law
- Religion and the Sources of International Law in Antiquity
- Empirical Perspectives on the Emerging Norm of Democracy in International Law
- International Law and Nuclear Energy: An Overview of the Legal Framework
- The Legal Construct of Historic Title to Territory in International Law
- Defining Cybersecurity Due Diligence Under International Law
- Judicial Enforcement of International Law Against the Federal and State Governments
- On the Concept of War in Modern International Law
- The Role of Private International Law in the Regulation of Outer Space
âť“ International Law Essay Questions
- How Does International Law Impact Global Citizenship?
- What Is Pragmatism in International Law?
- What Is Called the Coercive Measures Taken Against a Nation Violating International Law?
- How Is International Law Classified?
- Is International Law the Same as Corporate Law?
- What Aspects of International Law Is Feasible to Attract Investment?
- Why Do Nations Obey International Law?
- What Is International Business Law About?
- Are Global Corporations Subject to International Law?
- What Is the Basis of International Law in General?
- What Are the Sources of International Law?
- Does International Law Protect Intellectual Property?
- What Is Monism in International Law?
- Which Country Has Violated the Most International Laws in History?
- Who Does International Law Apply To?
- What Is the Difference Between International Law and Domestic Law?
- Did the Annexation of Crimea Violate International Law?
- Who Are Subjects of International Law?
- How Does International Law Limit the Import and Export of Goods?
- Does the Untied Nation Influence International Law?
- What Is International Employment Law?
- How Does International Law Limit the Concept of Sovereignty?
- How Does Politics Play on International Law?
- Is the Interaction Between Nations and Foreign Firms Governed by International Law?
- What Are the Principles of International Law?
- Is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Customary International Law?
- What Are the Main Theories of International Laws?
- What Mechanisms Are Most Effective for Convincing States to Comply With International Law?
- How Is International Human Rights Law Enforced?
- What Is an Example of a Case in Private International Law?