🏆 Best Essay Topics on International Organizations
✍️ International Organizations Essay Topics for College
- World Vision International Organization’s ActivitiesThis paper describes the activities of World Vision International in the context of the cooperation between globalization, individual cultures, and such organizations.
- International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade OrganizationThis paper studies three international financial organizations: the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.
- The Power of International OrganizationsOne of the reasons for international organizations’ power is their apparent independence. In reality, these organizations protect the interests of the most influential players.
- Current Role of U.N. in World AffairsThe United Nations has a great role to play in the current world affairs despite the few perspectives of its failure.
- The Peninsula Shield ForceThe Peninsula Shield Force, which is also known as Peninsula Shield, is a military union found within the Gulf region. It is the brainchild of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
- Ireland and the European UnionApplying for EU membership Ireland pursued first of all its own financial, economic, and political interests, but was also ready to support reasonable European Union initiatives.
- The Evolving Role of NATO in Global Defense and Security StrategyNATO has assumed the responsibility of military operations beyond its area of jurisdiction. The organization’s involvement in Kosovo was an indication of its new global mandate.
- The United Nations vs Imperial SystemsThe international system under the leadership of the United Nations is more successful and effective than that under the empires.
- International Organizations Battling Human TraffickingThis essay aims to analyze the role of NGOs and IGOs in the recent transnational measures that combat human trafficking.
- Intergovernmental Global Organizations and Non-Governmental OrganizationsDifferent nations of the world cooperate to form international global organizations (IGOs), while individuals join together to establish non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
- The United States Foreign Policy ActorsIt is prudent to approach the U.N., NATO, and E.U. as the foreign policy actors. The main reason for engaging these three actors is that they handle various issues.
- HIV & AIDS Prevention by International Non-Governmental OrganizationsBecause of their limited connection with the local government, NGO programs aimed at improving HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention can be quite effective.
- Turkey and the EU: Costs and BenefitsThis paper overviews how Turkey applied for membership in the EU, the living standards, religious aspects, immigration issues, and political and economic aspects in the EU.
- European Parliament: Why It Failed to Gain the Trust of Citizens?The paper will introduce critical information on the European Parliament and discuss its functions in order to understand why it failed to gain the trust of its citizens.
- Spain and the European UnionThe purpose of this essay is to analyse how accession to the EU has affected the economic and political development of Spain.
- The EU Global Strategy for a Shared EU Security PolicyDocument showed the shift in the EU’s stance towards local and international interests, placing the EU in the context of several crises and arguing for more substantial hard power.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization: HistoryIn April 1949 created North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – a war alliance against a pending threat of the Soviet Union.
- European Union and Europe ExpansionEU economic policies have in a great way made contributions in enhancing economic union among member countries. However, it has been the main hindrance to the expansion of Europe.
đź‘Ť Good International Organizations Research Topics & Essay Examples
- NATO Expansion: NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008The central idea of the North Atlantic Treaty defines the philosophy of organization and determines the main program of its actions.
- Korean ODA Policy Guideline in the World ArenaThe role of international formation is to have more opportunities for struggling against negative economic and social features.
- Analysis and Description in PR Issue: Sea ShepherdThe problem of a negative reputation for an international organization, approaches to improving public perception through competent PR.
- International Organizations Role in Globalization ProcessThe representatives of international organizations have a common agenda: turning the world into a “global village” and prompting the world’s population to think of neoLiberalism.
- “The Role of the United Nations Development Programme in Post-conflict Peace-Building”: Article AnalysisEndorsement of democratic values and supporting policies of good governance have become trademark characteristics of the UN in the approaches adopted to deal with issues.
- Support for a Stronger United Nations Security ForceDespite the important role assigned to the United Nations Security forces, one finds that there is growing decline for its support especially in United States due to various reasons.
- Austria’s Entry into European Union AnalysisThis paper analyzes the case of Austria as a model, to understand whether entry of neutral countries into E.U entail rejection of her neutrality.
- International Organizations. The United NationsThe United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. The aim of this organization was to establish world peace and world order after WWII.
- Comparison of NAFTA and European UnionEuropean Union is a complex and multilevel governance system. Members of the European Union pool their overall sovereignties in a wide spectrum of policy areas.
- Global Organizations and the Impact of Cultural DifferencesIn this paper, the researcher was interested in analyzing the way in which international companies are forced to embrace new cultural beliefs and business practices based on the local forces.
- Cross-Cultural Management in Global Mergers and AcquisitionsThe present report is devoted to the issues of cross-cultural management in the international business environment and the situations of mergers and acquisitions, in particular.
- Role of Bariatric Surgery in Effective Management of Type 2 DiabetesThis paper presents a UN opening speech from the name of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the problem and promotion of global food security.
- The United Nations’ Security Council MembershipThe United Nations’ Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations. The Security Council was established to manage threats.
- Key Issues in International Law: China’s Foreign Policy, NGO Influence, and Business EthicsIt is hard to underestimate the power of international law. Organizations like the UN influence all sorts of global relations among countries.
- How the United Nations Leverages Digital Media for Global OutreachThe United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of the international open-minded society.
- Gender Mainstreaming of European Union InstitutionsGender mainstreaming policy ensures that women and men are represented during design, implementation, and evaluation of all policies of European Union institutions.
- European Institutions and the Policy Process: Analyzing Structures and OutcomesIn the European Union (EU) political sphere, the European commission (EC) constitutes an important body. The EC supports the directions as determined by the EU member states.
- Development in the United NationsThis paper will discuss the various achievements that the UN has accomplished through its many agencies to stand out as the most successful international organisation in the world.
- EU Regulations Governing Mergers between EU and Chinese Companies: A Comprehensive OverviewWhile examining mergers and acquisitions, European regulators pay close attention to the risk of dominance. Much attention is paid to restrictive practices and monopolistic behavior.
🌶️ Hot International Organizations Ideas to Write about
- How International Organizations Can Adapt to a Rapidly Changing World
- Understanding UNESCO: A Complex Organization With Many Parts and Many Actors
- Accountability & Responsibility: Can International Organizations Be Controlled?
- The European Union’s Democratic Deficit: How to Fix It
- The Influence of International Organizations on Militarized Dispute Initiation and Duration
- Geopolitics and International Organizations: An Empirical Study on IMF Facilities
- Why International Organizations Continue to Fail Their Development Goals
- The WTO in the Emerging Energy Governance Debate
- Status of International Organizations: Privileges and Immunities of Their Officials
- Preventing War and Providing the Peace: International Organizations in the Management of Territorial Disputes
- Regime Complexity and International Organizations: UNHCR as a Challenged Institution
- Forms of Participation of International Organizations in the Law-Making Processes
- Red Cross Neutrality: Walking the Tightrope of Neutral Humanitarianism
- The Roles of International Organizations in Globalizing Higher Education Policy
- Europe’s Eastern Promise: Rethinking NATO and EU Enlargement
- Jeopardizing Global Public Health: World Health Organization and Disease Surveillance
- Patterns of International Organizations: Task Specific vs. General Purpose
- NAFTA’s Economic Upsides: The View From the United States
- International Organizations as Drivers of Change in Occupational Health
- States of Conservation: Protection, Politics, and Pacting Within UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee
- China’s International Socialization: The Role of International Organizations
- UNICEF and the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
- The Divergent Effects of Joining International Organizations: Trade Gains and the Rigors of WTO Accession
- How International Organizations Support Democratization
- Population, Geopolitics, and International Organizations in the Mid-20th Century
🎓 Most Interesting International Organizations Research Titles
- World Bank’s Structural Adjustment Lending: Conflicting Objectives
- The United Nations Global Compact: Achievements, Trends, and Challenges
- International Organizations in Maintaining the World Order: From Realist and Liberal Perspectives
- The Effect of International Monetary Fund Agreements on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows
- Modern Legal Forms of State Participation in the Activities of International Organizations
- Trade-Environment Negotiations in the EU, NAFTA, and WTO: Regional Trajectories of Rule Development
- Approaches to the Study of International Organizations: Major Paradigms in Economics and Political Science
- The Status of International Organizations Under the Law of the United States
- The World Health Organization on Health Inequality, Inequity, and Social Determinants of Health
- European Union – International Organization, Domestic Polity, or Experiment in New Governance?
- The Responsibility of International Organizations for Failing to Act
- Toward a Self-Governing World: Five Functions of the League of Nations
- International Organizations and Government Transparency: Linking the International and Domestic Realms
- EU-NATO Cooperation as a Key to Europe’s Security Future
- The Interrelationship Between UN Law and the Law of Other International Organizations
- NATO’s International Security Role in the Terrorist Era
- World Health Organization Perspective on Implementation of International Health Regulations
- Rethinking Poverty Through the Eyes of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
- International Organizations in Promoting Quality of Government: Contestation, Integration, and the Limits of Its Power
- Organizational Challenges to International Cooperation for Literacy at UNESCO
- Trade Wars and the World Trade Organization: Causes, Consequences, and Change
- The Allocation of Responsibility Between International Organizations and Their Member States
- The Role of the United Nations Development Program in the Post-Conflict Peace-Building
- The Crisis of the European Union: Weakening of the EU Social Model
- Weak States and Institutionalized Bargaining Power in International Organizations