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79 Journalism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Journalism

✍️ Journalism Essay Topics for College

  1. Journalism Practice in a Digital Age Study by Pantic & Cvetkovic
    The study “Journalism practice in a digital age” investigated social media usage by news websites in the United States. The researchers used a sample of news posts.
  2. Media Bias and its Influence on Journalism in Ireland
    This paper covers incidences of media bias, reasons for media bias, consequences of media bias and why some factors are beyond media control.
  3. History and Background of “Essence” Magazine
    “Essence”, a lifestyle magazine specializing in beauty, culture, entertainment, and fashion, is a monthly magazine first published in 1970 for African American women.
  4. Writing in Sports: Perception, Role of Journalism in Sports
    This paper analyzes such aspects of sports writing as the perception of writing in sports, journalists’ take on sports, and famous players’ contribution to the field.
  5. Interview With Chief of Police Mr. William Evans
    I had a rare chance of interviewing the Chief of Police for Hinds Community College Mr. William Evans in his office on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 at 5 p.m.
  6. Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity
    Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches is females aged from 20 to 40.
  7. An Analysis of Galeano’s Writing
    The article “Upside down: A primer for the looking-glass world” by Galeano represents an immensely honest and even, to some extent, brutal overview of the present world.
  8. “Don’t Misrepresent Africa” TED Talk by Leslie Dodson
    In this TED talk, Leslie Dodson explores the complexity encountered by journalists and researchers in presenting their narratives to the public.
  9. New Journalism in Capote’s and Wolfe’s Works: Innovative Techniques and Impact
    In this paper, the researcher will discuss the elements of New Journalism found in Capote’s “In Cold Blood” and Tom Wolfe’s “Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers”.
  10. Fake News and the Future of Journalism
    The perception of the present false news that revolves around the area of journalism is created by the persuasive language used in communication.
  11. Oprah Winfrey’s Interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
    This essay will describe Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, which aired on CBS on March 8, 2021.
  12. “Citizen Kane” Relevance for 21st-Century Journalism
    Although “Citizen Kane” depicts a century-old black-and-white journalism, it is relevant for viewing by journalism students in the 21st century because it has crucial lessons.
  13. Journalism: Impact of the Internet and Technology
    The internet paved the way for citizen journalism which eradicated censorship and significantly played a part in democratizing power.
  14. Framing in Media and Reporting
    A media frame can be defined as any graphical, written, visual, or oral message with which the communicator contextualizes the topic.
  15. Linguistic Structures in the News Article
    The news article uses several linguistic structures that can impact its affectivity, such as certain emotions and the possibility of predicted situations.
  16. “The British Columbia Imposes Travel and Fuel Restrictions” by CBC News
    The adverse effects called the British Columbia government to enforce restricted gas purchases control the negative impacts of the flooding, as reported by various news releases.
  17. How to Write an Op-Ed for the New York Times by Friedman
    As op-eds are written to cause a reaction in readers, they differ from other forms of journalism by high subjectivity and strong author’s voice.
  18. The Analysis of Issues of Cosmopolitan Magazines
    The analysis of issues of Cosmopolitan magazines from different periods, the 1950s and the 2000s, shows that there has been a considerable cultural shift.
  19. “How to Make Hard Facts Easy to Read” by Roy Peter Clark
    “How To Make Hard Facts Easy to Read” explores simple techniques that journalists should exploit to prepare easy-to-understand and straightforward work and presentations.
  20. Fake News in Modern Era of Communication
    The paper discusses the definition of fake news and suggests two ways to combat unchecked information – through data mining, and automatic detection.
  21. Newspaper Articles from Columbia, Missouri: Comparative Analysis
    The two articles from Columbia, Missouri separated by 103 years of history demonstrate significant stylistic and lexical differences despite being written on similar topics.
  22. The Work of a Journalist During Investigation
    The work of a journalist is challenging, but they have to develop resilient strategies to be successful in their information-gathering missions.
  23. Scientific Evidence: Reporting in News Article and Journals
    Information shared across mass media by journalists end up in news desks, newspapers, popular magazines, and social networks.

đź‘Ť Good Journalism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Interview Approaches, Limitations and Challenges for an Interviewer
    This paper discusses the concerns that an interviewer should be aware of regarding the child as a reporter, the limitations that police encounter when interviewing the elderly.
  2. “Our Blind Spot About Guns” and “Don’t Make English Official”
    This paper aims to compare Nicholas Kristof’s essay “Our Blind Spot about Guns” and Dennis Baron’s essay “Don’t Make English Official – Ban It Instead”.
  3. Article Analysis: Compare and Contrast
    The paper focuses on the two articles, which are “Why I Quit Street Racing, and Why Some People Won’t” and “Do Motorcycles Really Make You Stronger AND Smarter?”.
  4. News and Victims: Journalistic Mistreatment
    This paper aims to describe journalistic mistreatment of crime victims, their relatives, and witnesses, in the context of news reports issued by CNN, FOX News, and MSN.
  5. Credible and Fake News
    The first article under consideration is the story about North Korea opening its doors to Christianity. The second source is quite the opposite of the first publication.
  6. Sarcasm and Irony in the Article of the Washington Post
    This paper uses Allyson Chiu’s article on Trump’s proposal to postpone the election as an example of using irony and sarcasm in journalism.
  7. Accounting Terminology in Modern Media
    In an article published in the New York Times, major accounting fraud is discussed with a mentioning of a range of terms, which, though used appropriately, still lack certain detailing.
  8. Fake News, the First Amendment, and Fighting Propaganda
    False or unconfirmed information presented as news by unknown journalists and authors is becoming more common.
  9. Incorrect Interpretation: Everyone Is Gay on Tiktok
    The article’s main idea is that becoming pseudo gay — when close bodily contact, kisses, and hugs are shown only on video — is hugely beneficial to increase own popularity.
  10. Media and Crime: Shaping of Public Opinion
    The essay emphasizes how the media exaggerates and portrays false images of a victim and the consequences of crime for a common citizen.
  11. Journalism in the Digital Age
    This observation leads to the logical question as to whether journalism in its classic sense is dead or approaching its downfall.
  12. Understanding the Purpose of Sources
    Journalists work on complex and essential topics that can`t be discussed without emotions; though they write serious papers, they sometimes tend to succumb to biases.
  13. China-Philippines Conflict: Differences in News Broadcast
    As of late the Philippines and China have been involved in a series of conflicts involving the Scarborough shoal located in the South China Sea.
  14. Psychology and Media Interconnections
    When it comes to contributing towards positive social change, one of the best ways in which the media can contribute is through the promotion of varying types of ethos.
  15. Syrian Civil War in Media Coverage
    One way in which the media coverage has influenced the behavior of viewers towards the Syrian conflict has been through its portrayal of the deaths of children.
  16. Media Exposure: Personal Experience
    On average most of my media consumption is derived primarily from the internet or from television: news channels such as CNN, BBC, etc. and online sources of information.
  17. Use of Anonymous Sources in Journalism: Positive and Negative Outcomes
    Discussion of the correctness and ethics of using anonymous sources in journalism to obtain truly reliable information.
  18. Citizen Journalism vs. Journalism and Technologies
    With the rapid development of modern technologies and shifts in categories and roles, a new term, ‘citizen journalism,’ has appeared.
  19. Danger to Be a Journalist
    Blogger journalists have the ability to influence what people see, think, and feel in a way that no reputable journalists of the past have ever had the privelege to.
  20. Technology and Its Impact on Contemporary Communication
    Blogging has been around a decade but has achieved tremendous growth, influence as well as credibility. It has developed into a respected medium of sharing information.
  21. Media Bias in Articles on Drought in Africa
    Review of two articles from The New York Times and The Telegraph to identify media bias in their reporting of the research findings of the drought-related issues in Africa.
  22. Muckraking: Sinclair and Riis Impact
    Muckraking – investigative journalism leaning towards exposing corruption in government and public-trust institutions, also associated with radical ideas and reform concerns.
  23. Interviews With L.A. Residents
    Most of today’s L.A. residents are being divided along racial and cultural lines. People’s racial affiliation defines their worldview more than any purely environmental factor.
  24. Crevecoeur’s “Immersion Journalism” and Humes’ “What Is an American”
    This essay will analyze the article by J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur, “Immersion Journalism,” and the article by Edward Humes, “What is an American.”
  25. Right to a Free Press in the Australian Constitution
    The negative connotations of the Bill of Rights are: The rights of Australians are already well protected; high courts are already protecting rights by interpreting the constitution and the common law.

🎓 Most Interesting Journalism Research Titles

  1. Autism Universal Screening: Response to Media Article
    The paper provides discussion of the article “Why There’s Disagreement over Screening Every Child for Autism?” published in The New York Times.
  2. Cultural Insights: Anthony’s Sawmill Job & Values Comparison
    Communication between individuals who are very different from each other may yield positive results of these people’s understanding of cultures and occupations.
  3. US-China Rivalry: Comparing Traditional & New Media Coverage
    Journalism is a critical field that plays a positive role in determining events. This paper presents a case study of news coverage of the same issue by a traditional and a new media organization.
  4. Local Newspapers Decline and Its Danger
    Using the projects of Newseum and other sources, this essay argues that the decline of local newspapers jeopardizes people’s right to information.
  5. Fake News and Unethical Journalism
    The accuracy of the information and its unbiased presentation can be listed among the most well-known principles of ethical journalism.
  6. Labor Movement Highlighted in Newspaper Articles
    The article “Age of the Workingman,” published in The Kansas City Journal on September 2, 1895, depicts the labor problem as reflected in the speech given by Rev. Charles L. Kloss.
  7. Ten Things to Reinvent Journalism
    I suggest the following ten things to reinvent journalism. First of all, it is to empower the readers by continuously engaging them in various posts and writings.
  8. International Federation of Journalists: Defending Press Freedom
    The International Federation of Journalists website promotes the rights of journalists and defends their trade unions without being critical of the conduct of journalists.
  9. Analyzing Al Jazeera vs. Al-Hurra: Fakhreddine’s Perspective
    The essay is a critical review of two articles written by Fakhreddine, J. and Merrill, J. titled “Mirror on the Wall” and “Professionalization”.
  10. Welcome to the United States of Ambien: Sheffield’s Article Analysis
    By organizing his ideas clearly and getting his point across in an efficient manner, Sheffield tackles a very controversial issue of the abuse of Ambien rather successfully.
  11. Music Journalism in the Future Internet Age
    The advent of the Internet has affected the role of the traditional print music journalist to the extent of raising concerns over the prospects of the field.
  12. German Media’s Silence on Refugee Attacks: Köln 2016
    The beginning of the year 2016 was darkened by the sad events that took place in German cities that accepted large groups of refugees from the Middle East countries.
  13. Logical Fallacies in Argumentation: Avoiding Common Pitfalls
    The paper analyzes the article “Tougher sanctions now: Putin’s delusional quest for empire” by Aurel Braun to find flaws in its argument and explains how to fix them.
  14. Sex Scandals in Digital Media News
    The digital media offers a platform for speedy dissemination of news. News access on the digital platform is real-time and can be very interactive.
  15. Vogue Magazine’s Covers Discussion
    The main goal of this paper is to discuss the social, political, and cultural contexts of two Vogue covers considering style or trends, possible customers, and the overall message of the images.
  16. Journalism Future After Technology Change
    This paper integrates a case study to argue that, despite technological changes that influenced the death of newspapers, the future of journalism is still bright.
  17. Legal and Social Implications of the Rolling Stones Campus Rape Incident
    The Rolling Stone’s version of the story, “A Rape Case on Campus”, is a story of journalistic failure that could be avoided.
  18. News and Feature Articles as Writing Genres
    The paper reviews a news article and a feature article by using an analytical framework based on the understanding of writing genres and used tone.
  19. Journalistic Ethics in Practice: Analyzing The Guardian and Edward Snowden’s Case
    The paper discusses the case study of Edward Snowden and the series of allegations printed by Guardian, against the mass surveillance system established in the US.
  20. John Heilpern’s Journalism Techniques: Innovations and Influence
    Using the participative approach in his feature stories, John Heilpern managed to involve his readers into the atmosphere of interviews The importance of being Oscar and The offending champion.
  21. Defining the Style and Impact of New Journalism Trends
    New Journalism became very popular in the 1960-70s. It was seen as something revolutionary as journalists had not employed techniques that came into existence at that period.
  22. Talese’s and Capote’s New Journalism Articles
    New Journalism is a term that refers to the phenomenon that took place in the 1970s. Truman Capote and Gay Talese contributed greatly to the development of New Journalism.
  23. Internet’ Effects on Journalism
    The research compares traditional journalism (journalism during the internet blackout era), and modern journalism commonly referred to as citizen journalism.
  24. Journalism in the UAE
    The government of UAE has over the years employed fear crusades against mass communication organizations. The current media law is ambiguous and overtaken by events.

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