Are you searching for legal topics to write about? StudyCorgi has got you covered! On this page, you’ll find ideas about criminal law, business law, law enforcement, and other legal issues. Feel free to use these law essay topics for research papers, presentations, and other writing assignments!
🏆 Best Legal Essay Topics
✍️ Legal Issues Essay Topics for College
- Oncology Nurses’ Ethical and Legal IssuesThe paper aims at identifying primary areas for legal and ethical issues faced by oncology nurses and discusses strategies that could help in working with the challenges.
- Case of the Killer Robot: Ethical and Legal IssuesThis paper is to assess the stakeholders’ points of view, facts, ethical and legal norms related to the Case of the Killer Robot, and the possible options for its resolution.
- Employee Monitoring, Its Legal and Ethical IssuesEmployee monitoring ensures the proper use of company technology in the workplace, but the extent of the supervisory control and violation of privacy should be limited.
- Future Legal Issues in EducationThis paper discusses some of the legal matters in education that the courts are expected to face in the future. The relevance of the legal issues and their essence will also be outlined.
- Legal Issues of an Advanced Practice Nurse in the WorkplaceOne of the major goals of the healthcare sector entails ensuring that all stakeholders, including nurses, employees, and patients, operate in a secure environment.
- Human Tissue Ownership: Legal and Ethical IssuesThe right to private ownership of the tissue samples and biological materials is the issue of controversies from legal as well as ethical perspective.
- Ethical and Legal Issues in NursingWhile legislation is crucial in nurses’ practice, communication is vital for both providing a rewarding working environment and ensuring patients’ welfare.
- Online Counseling: Ethical and Legal IssuesThis paper discusses the ethical and legal issues associated with online or technology-assisted counseling and advises how to address the issues of online counseling.
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare SystemEthical and moral problems often arise in health care: they have to do with staff behavior and patient responsibility.
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Health CareThis paper clarifies several instances of legal and ethical issues in health care: organ donation, online psychotherapy, and artificial intelligence use.
- Social, Legal, And Ethical Issues in the Modern Database EraIn the past two decades, database-relevant issues have become intense, considering the all-penetrating nature of the data collection.
- Sea Dumping: Legal and Ethical IssuesThe paper explores legal and ethical issues regarding the sea dumping and examines the approaches used by cruise lines to increase the social responsibility.
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical TherapyThe provided claim against a physical therapist raises legal issues pertaining to the case scenario and the prevalence of malpractice issues in healthcare.
- Ethical and Legal Issues in Older Adults CounsellingThe literature related to major ethical and legal issues pertinent to older adults’ assessment, diagnosis, and treatment is abundant.
- Nursing Teaching About Legal and Ethical IssuesNurse educators have to teach their students about plagiarism and how to avoid unintentional cases of plagiarizing someone else’s work.
- Ethical and Legal Issues With CCTV and Video AnalyticsThe paper states that there is a growing number of ethical and legal issues with CCTV and video analytics due to one’s rights and illegal profiling.
- Operation Geronimo’s Legal IssuesOperation Geronimo by the US Navy SEALS during which Osama Bin Laden was executed was conducted on May 2, 2011, and has raised questions on the legality of targeted executions.
- The Legalization and Moral Issues about EuthanasiaThis paper explores the controversial topic of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide from a legal and moral standpoint.
- Nursing Levels of Practice, Legal and Regulatory IssuesCertified nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurses belong to the category of APRN.
- Legal Issues of Opening a Restaurant BusinessJoseph, who is opening a small restaurant business, needs to be conversant with the local, state, and federal laws that govern his business enterprise’s operation.
- Euthanasia in Modern World: Ethical & Legal IssuesThe article provides a detailed overview of the rich empirical evidence on attitudes towards euthanasia and its legal status in the US, Canada, and Europe.
- Operation Geronimo: Resolving Legal IssuesOperation Geronimo, which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, was and still is considered an indisputably right decision of the United States policymakers.
- Legal Issues of Employment Terms and ConditionsThe various legal issues involved in an employment contract usually entail an enforceable contract and negotiating a more favorable contract term.
- Legal Issues of Racial InequalityThe most serious consequences of discrimination on the basis of race are associated with violence and impairment of rights.
- Implementing Ethico-Legal Issues in Nursing PracticeThe articles included in the annotated bibliography provide ethico-legal issues in nursing practice and complex ethical situations.
- Resources for Nursing Ethical Decision MakingThe American Nurses Association (ANA) Center for Ethics provides an explanation, justification and serves nurses.
- The Renewal of the Indian Power Plant: Legal IssuesIn this paper, the author will seek to identify and analyze the legal elements of the problems associated with the closure of the plant.
- Legal and Ethical Issues Concerning Abortion in the United KingdomSamantha can legally have an abortion if she meets the legal requirements stipulated in the United Kingdom abortion Act of 1967.
đź‘Ť Good Legal Writing Topics
- The Legal System & Framing Issues in Law and Public HealthThe government evaluates the capacity to provide public health services. The government ensures that its capability to handle public health issues is maintained at high levels.
- Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissues and Stem Cells Research in the European UnionMajor advances in biological sciences have yielded new ways of tackling various environmental and health problems.
- Moral, Ethical & Legal Issues: Caring for the Mentally Ill PatientThe nursing profession is an ever-changing profession that has a responsibility of responding to issues concerning protecting a patient, human rights and maintaining their dignity.
- Fire in the Company: Legal and Managerial Issues ArisingThe purpose of this article is to discuss the legal and management issues that arise in the event of a company fire.
- Legal and Ethical Issues in NursingThe purpose of this article is to address the legal and ethical issues that Judy faced while working as a nurse manager.
- Legal, Financial and Legal Issues Surrounding Meaningful UseMeaningful use of health information technology is negatively impacted by legal, financial, and ethical issues.
- Legal Issues Regarding Medical RecordsSubpoena duces tecum from an attorney is not supported by a valid form of release of information that authorizes the disclosure of information.
- Overview of the Abortion as a Legal IssueThis paper deals with abortion from a legal standpoint and provides a brief historical overview and three relevant legal cases.
- Ethical, Moral and Legal Issues in Assisted SuicideIf the patient requests her nurse to assist her in committing suicide, the nurse should consider many legal, ethical, and moral issues before making the appropriate decision.
- Legal Issues Analysis: Sexual HarassmentThe issue of sexual harassment has of late become thorny in society. Workplaces have been dogged by claims of sexual harassment to female employees.
- Ethical and Legal Issues During Catastrophes or DisastersThis paper will discuss the ethical and legal issues during catastrophes or disasters, with particular reference to the Haiti earthquake disaster.
- Death Penalty: Legal and Moral IssuesDiscussion of the legal and moral issues that literally are of life and death importance and is a major barometer when measuring a society’s collective conscience.
- Euthanasia Law: Legalization of Euthanasia IssuesOne of the more controversial subjects in the medical field and elsewhere for many years has been the question of euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide
- Health Services Administration: Legal and Ethical IssuesThe Health Services Administration Department outlines several values that guide and empower healthcare administrators.
- Legal Issues and Benefits over SurrogacySurrogacy offers couples the ability to become parents when nature and medical science have not been able to assist them.
- Nurse Misconduct and Drug Diversion as Legal IssueThe paper analyzes the case of nurse misconduct associated with drug diversion and identifies improvement strategies to avoid the problem in the future.
- Abortion: Legal, Medical, Moral, Religious IssuesAs an ethical dilemma, the decision of whether to permit or forbid abortion deals with a variety of justifications grounding on several arguments.
- Israel-Palestine Conflict: Rights, Settlements, U.S. ImpactIsrael was created to settle Jews in the lands separated from Palestine. The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews has not been resolved, and it can be observed even today.
- Ethical and Legal Issues in EducationChild educators are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas. They are expected to uphold their ethical responsibilities towards the children and their parents.
- PharmaCARE: Ethical and Legal IssuesThe case of PharmaCARE entails a scenario of manipulating the intellectual property rights responsible for safeguarding the production rights of PharmaCARE.
- Ethical and Legal Challenges in User-Generated ContentWeb applications raise a myriad of ethical and legal issues, especially in cases of user-generated content, as is the case with the FlowTow web application.
- AI Research: Learning, Planning, and Ethical IssuesArtificial intelligence (AI) refers to the creation of intelligent machines that can perform actions that were traditionally reserved for human beings.
- Engineering Ethics, Patent and Legal IssuesThe issue of an engineer failing to communicate with his employer about the legal implications of patent rights does not create favorable conditions for his efforts.
- Guantanamo Bay: Examining Its Role as a Location for Terrorism and Legal IssuesGuantanamo Bay is currently often used by terrorists to ensure the participation of those people they can recruit for future attacks.
- Legal Issues Surrounding Criminal Evidence: Key Considerations and ChallengesThe paper reviews special balancing test used in evaluating the admissibility of prior uncharged felony, the pretrial identification procedures, due process and exclusions.
- Nursing Legal and Ethical Issues CaseThe paper studies a case of a woman with Alzheimer’s disease and her family who have to decide whether it is correct to provide her with machines to support life.
- Impact of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Professional Sports: Ethical and Legal IssuesThe most dramatic and unexamined effect of using drugs by professional sportsmen is the negative impact on the athletes’ health.
- Organ Donation: Possibilities, Threats and Legal IssuesBy introducing stronger principles to the organ donation procedure and reinforcing the law, one can possibly avoid some of the urgent problems like human trafficking.
- International Legal and Ethical Issues in BusinessThe ethical issues and their influence on business operation are discussed, as well as the incidences that have occurred in the Shell and BP companies.
🎓 Most Interesting Legal Topics to Write About
- Legal Issues Involving Internet Usage and Minors
- Canada and Legal Issues Involving Regulation of the Internet and Computer Hacking
- Juvenile Offenders in Criminal Court and Adult Prison Legal Issues
- Ethical and Legal Issues Involved in E-Commerce
- Personal Values, Ethical Codes, and Legal Issues in Human Services
- Computer Hackers and Internet Regulation in Canada: A View of the Legal Issues
- Irresponsible Attitudes Towards Contraception of Teens, Legal Issues
- Ethical and Legal Issues in Interviewing Abused or Neglected Children
- Things You Need To Know About Divorce Law Changes
- A Systematic Review of Ethical and Legal Issues in Elder Care
- Ethical and Legal Issues of Information Security
- Assessment of Legal Issues and Problems Faced by Indigenous Peoples
- Blockchain and Associated Legal Issues for Emerging Markets
- The Legal Issues Involving Drug Testing in the Workplace
- Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Computer Graphics
- Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues for Software Engineer
- Legal Issues, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility on Business Planning
- Stem Cell Research Legislation and Related Legal Issues
- The Moral and Legal Issues with Death and Dignity Laws in America
- The Legal Issues Surrounding Free and Open Source Software
- Workplace, Sexual Harassment, Legal Issues, and the U.S. Supreme Court
- Legal Issues Surrounding Consensual Sex Within Prisons
👩‍⚖️ Legal Research Topics for Law Students
- The influence of artificial intelligence on the legal profession.
- The legal framework for protecting personal information in the online environment.
- The effectiveness of environmental laws in addressing climate change.
- Ways to protect intellectual property rights in the digital era.
- The potential of the criminal justice reform to address mass incarceration.
- Legal issues surrounding surrogacy.
- Challenges in complying with immigration laws in the US.
- The legal regulation of hate speech online.
- Legal challenges associated with regulating cryptocurrencies.
- Legal issues linked to autonomous vehicles.