110 Merger Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Merger

✍️ Merger Essay Topics for College

  1. Analysis of Keurig and Dr Pepper Merger
    The paper is about a merger involving two companies: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, a soda-making company, and Keurig Green Mountain, a coffee-making company.
  2. Mergers and Acquisitions in Business
    The process of mergers and acquisitions poses major challenges to the parties involved as it can be quite chaotic if adequate strategies are not instituted.
  3. The Time Warner Cable and Dish Network Merger
    This essay examines industry concentration and provides recommendations about whether Time Warner Cable should merge with Dish Network.
  4. Amazon and Whole Foods Merger
    This paper studies the contribution that the acquisition of Whole Foods Amazon has made and what barriers the organization had to face in this process.
  5. Vipshop Holdings Limited: Merger and Acquisition
    Vipshop Holdings Limited is a Chinese online retailing company specialized in selling popular brands’ clothes, goods, and apparel.
  6. Oracle-Sun Merger: Mergers and Acquisitions
    Mergers and acquisitions usually characterize business expansions and strategies aimed at managing overhead costs as well as increasing the range of benefits accrued.
  7. Mergers and Acquisitions: Time Warner Example
    Mergers and acquisition is a corporate strategy commonly used to increase the capabilities of different companies in the market.
  8. Zappos-Amazon Companies Merger: Organizational Culture
    The acquisition of Zappos by Amazon is a good example of the complications of combining two companies that have different organizational cultures.
  9. American Airlines’ and US Airways Merger
    The merger between American Airlines and US Airways was attributed to various reasons, particularly countering intense competition and increase capabilities in several fronts.
  10. Merger-Specific Information’s Impact on Stock Forecasts
    The paper aims to answer the research questions on whether merger-specific information is informative to outsider entities and leads stock analysts to revise forecasts.
  11. Dell Technologies’ Mergers and Acquisitions
    The concepts of mergers and acquisitions are commonly used when describing the methods of increasing companies’ value through purchasing assets or businesses.
  12. Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in the International Environment
    Despite having a role in advancing the development of globalization, CBM/As may cause companies to fail due to the lack of understanding of key sociocultural factors.
  13. The Inbev and Anheuser-Busch Merger Process
    The example of the deal between Inbev and Anheuser-Busch companies shows how the financial market conditions affect the merger and acquisition processes.
  14. National Office Machines and Nippon Cash Machines Merge
    The merging of National Office Machines from the United States and Nippon Cash Machines from Japan brings two different cultures together with contrasting marketing strategies.
  15. Merger & Acquisition Reactions of Top Managers
    The analyzed article provides the readers with a professional explanation of executives’ feelings during one of the most important corporate events: merger or acquisition.
  16. The Merger Between Three and O2 and Its Influence on the UK Telecommunications Industry
    Without the competitive advantage in the UK telecommunications industry, the merger between Three and O2 should not be seen as a threat to other companies.
  17. Kimball Hospital and Tanner Medical Center Merger Report
    Recent trends in the healthcare industry have demonstrated that mergers are an effective means for organizations to manage costs, increase efficiency.
  18. Apple Inc.’s Possibility of Merger and Acquisition
    The best choice for Apple concerning merger or acquisition is Samsung. This company has heavily invested in stocks and has a good record of financial performance.

đź‘Ť Good Merger Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking Sector
    This paper discusses mergers in the banking sector, reasons for a wave of mergers between banks, and difficulties that acquiring banks may face in the future.
  2. Concepts of Mergers and Acquisitions
    Several new terminologies associated with global business have been seen to crop up. Mergers and acquisitions are such new terms that have gained much dominance in the last years.
  3. Mergers and Acquisitions in the Health-Care Industry
    Mergers and Acquisitions are becoming a common trend within the corporate arena and the same may be said of the health industry.
  4. The Role of Mergers and Acquisitions for the Financial Performance of Banco Santander
    This study examines the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of Santander Group of banks between 2002 and 2010.
  5. International Merger and Acquisition
    The success or failure of any merger depends on human resource management of the merging companies.HRM have significant impacts on international mergers.
  6. Licensing, Joint Venturing, Mergers or Acquisitions
    Licensing is beneficial and especially when applied globally, as the market of the product is extended to the world.
  7. Keeping the Levels of Employee Engagement High During Mergers
    The emphasis on intercultural communication and collaboration is justified by the recent increase in the levels of diversity observed in the business setting.
  8. The Strategic Human Resource Management
    This mini-case analyzes the current state of affairs at Tech Systems Inc. The company has just undergone a merger, but pertinent issues have begun to emerge.
  9. Mergers and Government Regulation: Need or Interference?
    Many times, companies look to increase growth, increase efficiency, and extract very real profit during a period of irrational exuberance.
  10. Google AbbVie Merger: Strategic Management Solutions
    Recent reports indicate that Google would be merging with AbbVie. Given Google’s environment, especially management, conflicts might indeed arise.
  11. Insights into Managerial Economics: Mergers and Acquisitions Explained
    This paper discusses the questions of mergers in the banking industry and other issues related to managerial economics by using Samuelson and Marks book.
  12. Pharmaceutical Industry Impact: GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis Merger
    In March 2015, GlaxoSmithKline plc, UK, and Novartis AG, Switzerland completed a deal that saw drug firm GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals acquire Novartis’ vaccine business.
  13. Merger & Acquisition vs. Other Growth Strategies
    There is a steady increase in acquisitions and mergers as opposed to joint ventures in the sphere of IT and High-technology.
  14. Strategic Analysis of the Royal Dutch Shell Group Merger and Its Impact on the Nigerian Market
    The paper analyzes the challenges facing the merger of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and Shell Transport and Trading, and recommends how they should be confronted.
  15. Eastern Bank and First Bank & Trust Company Merger: Personnel Aspects
    The Eastern Bank Corporation and the First Bank & Trust Company have different human resources policies. For the merger, a general HR management strategy should be developed.
  16. Bancolombia, Conavi, Corfinsura Merger’s Cultural Issues
    With the merger of Bancolombia, Bancolombia, Conavi, and Corfinsura, the new bank that was in place has a challenge in the area of human resource.
  17. EU Regulations Governing Mergers between EU and Chinese Companies: A Comprehensive Overview
    While examining mergers and acquisitions, European regulators pay close attention to the risk of dominance. Much attention is paid to restrictive practices and monopolistic behavior.
  18. Baker Hughes and Halliburton Companies: Mergers and Acquisition
    This paper explores strategies used to merge Baker Hughes with Halliburton. It also evaluates potential mergers and acquisition that can increase shareholders value.
  19. United States Banking Merger Relevance
    In the banking sector, mergers and takeovers have become very common. In this paper, the researcher will look at the relevance of banking mergers in the modern market.
  20. HealthPartners: Strategic Direction Changes Post-Merger
    HealthPartners is a non-profit health care provider with a long history in the health care industry of the United States.

🎓 Most Interesting Merger Research Titles

  1. Bank Merger Activity: The Antitrust Perspective
  2. Investor Protection and the Value Effects of Bank Merger Announcements in Europe and the US
  3. Big Fish Eat Small Fish: On Merger in Stackelberg Markets
  4. Financially Assessing the Merger Between AOL and Time Warner
  5. Chrysler Corporation and Daimler Benz Merger
  6. Evaluating Administrative Efficiency Change in the Post-Merger Period
  7. DEC Compaq Merger and Information Technology Integration
  8. Leadership and Change Management in the Merger of Hewlett-Packard
  9. Boston Scientific and Guidant Merger and Its Legal Implications
  10. Creating Shareholder Value for Merger and Acquisitions
  11. Has the Compulsory School Merger Program Reduced the Welfare of Rural Residents in China
  12. Collaboration, Alliance, and Merger Among Higher Education Institutions
  13. Disney’s Merger With Marvel Comics: Will Marvel Suffer From This Merge
  14. Global Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Activity: 1992–2011
  15. British Columbia’s Customer Protection and Bank Merger
  16. Innovation and Social Desirability of Merger
  17. Downstream Merger With Oligopolistic Input Suppliers
  18. Calculating Net Present Value and Assessing a Merger
  19. Managerial Incentives, Merger Premiums, and Bank Acquisitions
  20. How Accounting Fraud Has Changed Merger Valuation

đź’ˇ Simple Merger Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Acquirer-Target Social Ties and Merger Outcomes
  2. Improving the Merger Control Process in Ireland
  3. Bank Merger Policy and the New CRA Data
  4. Innovation and Merger Decisions in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  5. Endogenous Mergers and Size Asymmetry of Merger Participants
  6. Horizontal Alliances and the Merger Paradox
  7. Downstream Merger With Upstream Market Power
  8. Endogenous Availability, Cartels, and Merger in an Equilibrium Price Dispersion
  9. Efficiency Defense and Administrative Fuzziness in Merger Regulation
  10. Hypothetical Merger: Hartford Company and Yahoo.com
  11. Import Tariff, Intellectual Property Right Protection, and Foreign Merger
  12. Horizontal Mergers and Merger Waves in a Location Model
  13. Business Merger Between Lenovo and Motorola Mobility
  14. Eliciting Information From Interested Parties in Merger Control
  15. Bilateral Monopolies and Incentives for Merger
  16. International Trade and the Incentive for Merger
  17. Evaluating the German Bank Merger Wave
  18. Managerial Motives and Merger Financing
  19. Innovation, Merger Policy, and Technology Transfer
  20. Differentiation and Cost Asymmetry: Solving the Merger Paradox

âť“ Research Questions on Mergers and Acquisitions

  1. Are Larger Merger Synergies Bad News for Consumers?
  2. Does Environmental Regulation Create Merger Incentives?
  3. What Motivates Merger and Acquisition Activities in the Upstream Oil & Gas Sectors in the U.S.?
  4. Are Mega-Mergers Anticompetitive?
  5. Can Financial Media Sentiment Predict Merger and Acquisition Performance?
  6. Why Are Mergers Good for the Economy?
  7. Does Merger Simulation Work?
  8. What Are the Reasons for Failure of Merger and Acquisition?
  9. How Does Crosslisting Affect Merger and Acquisition Activity?
  10. Who Benefits From the Merger?
  11. What Explains Lenovo’s Success Prior to the Acquisition?
  12. Does the Merger Paradox Exist Even Without Any Regulations?
  13. How Does the Merger Impact Employee Morale and Corporate Culture?
  14. What Are the Goals That Drive Cross-Border Acquisitions?
  15. Should Management Consultants Charge Clients on a Contingency Basis for Merger and Acquisition Work?
  16. What Makes a Merger Unsuccessful?
  17. How Effective Are Remedies in Merger Cases?
  18. What Drives and Crushes Mergers and Acquisitions?
  19. Does Nike’s Acquisition of Converse Strengthen Nike’s Position?
  20. Why Do Newly Listed Firms Become Acquisition Targets?
  21. How Do Merger Models Incorporate Managerial Accounting?
  22. What Drives Merger Decision-Making Behavior?
  23. Does the Organizational Form of the Target Influence Market Reaction to Acquisition Announcements?
  24. How Do Company Stocks Move During an Acquisition?
  25. What Is the Purpose of an Acquisition Strategy?

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