116 Negotiation Topics for Students

🏆 Best Negotiation Topics for Students

✍️ Negotiation Essay Topics for College

  1. The ‘Ripe Moment’ in Securing Negotiations
    Conflict resolution employs several strategies that hasten an amicable end, but none is more important than identifying the most opportune moment to implement them.
  2. International Business Negotiations
    The success of negotiations depends on the specific skills and knowledge of a negotiator. Not only does awareness of cultural peculiarities play a crucial part.
  3. Critique of Negotiation Theory. Distributive Bargaining
    To explore the effectiveness of negotiation theory in the settlement of conflicts, this essay analyzes distributive bargaining as one of the negotiation theories.
  4. Negotiation Process Issues
    The purpose of the negotiation process is to reach an agreement concerning a particular issue that should result in individual or collective benefits.
  5. The Process of Negotiations
    It is essential to manage personality expressions and feelings in the process of negotiations to eliminate the threat of failing the opportunity to make a deal.
  6. Why Negotiations Fail
    Negotiations are often a challenging task to deal with. The aim of this essay is to explore the errors that hinder stakeholders from reaching an agreement throughout the debates.
  7. Effective Communication and Negotiation
    Effective Communication is a skill plays a huge role in social and business settings: individuals who have mastered the art of communication can be considered better negotiators.
  8. Business Negotiations in Germany and the US
    German and American business cultures both fall into the category of low subtext in communication, with little or no regard for hidden meaning.
  9. COVID-19 Pandemic: Businesses Negotiation Strategies
    The use of negotiation strategies can help businesses to reduce losses and service interruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus offering a significant competitive advantage.
  10. Negotiations: Strategy and Tactics
    Being a means of conflict resolution, negotiations determine certain behavioral tactics, strategies, and stages.
  11. Negotiation Plan Development: Elements & Tactics
    This training guide will explore the elements, tactics, key team members, and pitfalls of supplier negotiations, as well as their impact on financial results.
  12. Effective Negotiations in Business
    Negotiations are one of the ways to resolve existing disputes that arise across different subject areas of business.
  13. Cross-Cultural Negotiation Styles
    The paper argues to strike a compromise in a negotiation, each party must relinquish something while accounting for the other party’s culture.
  14. Negotiations Between National Football League and NFL Players Association
    Approving the proposed 2020 NFL CBA faced a significant amount of backlash from the players due to some of the issues that were not addressed in the agreement.
  15. Human Needs Theory in Negotiations
    In this paper, the essence of human needs theory within the scope of the process of negotiating and bargains, as well as its limitations, is discussed.
  16. Absentia Ltd.: Business Negotiation
    If the offer preserves the overall reputation and dignity of the House better than Grouse, the value must not be lower than $20 million.
  17. Negotiation in Nursing: Approaches and Advantages
    A qualified nurse is expected to negotiate based primarily on his or her emotional intelligence, experience, sensitivity, respect to patients and colleagues.
  18. STEMI Patients and Families: Reasons for Supporting Improved D2B Time
    The paper indicates reasons for each stakeholder in supporting the proposed plan for improving the door-to-balloon time in the STEMI patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center.
  19. Negotiation as an Alternative to Litigation
    Appealing to the judiciary system, presumably, is the primary method of resolving serious conflicts for which many opt.
  20. Negotiation’s Concepts and the Negotiations Case
    Negotiations are an essential social tool: it ensures that people will be in good relationships and satisfied.
  21. Communication in Negotiation: Process and Barriers
    Communication is an integral part of everyday life. Persuasive and efficient communication guarantees a success in all types of negotiations.
  22. Key Causes of Negotiation Failures: Insights & Case Studies
    An exploration of reasons behind negotiation failures, featuring case studies like PointCast and News Corporation, highlighting issues such as poor preparation.
  23. The Cultural Baggage in International Negotiations
    The cultural baggage and its ramifications play a key role in international negotiations and influence many of its spheres.
  24. Cultural Impact on Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
    Cultural background determines the course and success of negotiations. Remarkably, cultural differences may contribute to conflicts, which complicate their resolution.
  25. The Negotiation Process: Communication Barriers
    The paper states that although genetically embedded through communication processes, the negotiation process can be complex and multifaceted.
  26. Pre-Negotiation Stage in Business
    It is worth noting that any situation of pre-negotiation and the negotiations themselves should be considered individually due to many subjective factors.
  27. Negotiation Theory Applied to Business Negotiations
    The interview conducted was between two companies that needed to enter into a joint venture. The lead negotiator for Company A was its Vice President.
  28. Discussion: Real World Negotiation
    The current negotiation revolves around the sale of a piece of land to my cousin. Only two individuals, my cousin and I, will be involved in the process.
  29. Researching Managerial Negotiation
    Negotiation is an instrumental area of study that mainly encompasses elements of human interactions and behaviors.
  30. Negotiation Scene From Personal Experience
    The paper states that negotiation should end up with a mutual agreement that ensures that all the parties involved in the discussion are satisfied.
  31. Communication in Negotiation in Management
    Negotiations are an integral part of work processes, and they can take place in various settings – from personal meetings between employers and company employees.
  32. Negotiation Situation in “The Godfather” Movie
    The movie “The Godfather” presents an excellent example of a negotiation state involving the Italian family and Corleone family as they discuss a deal about the narcotic business.
  33. Negotiation as the Most Used Means of Handling Wars
    This paper has explored various ways in which negotiation was used historically to solve conflicts in different wars.
  34. Researching of Cross-Cultural Negotiations
    People from different cultures might end up in conflict due to different views on matters. When cross-cultural conflicts arise, a key to resolving the problem is negotiation skills
  35. Pricing Negotiation Planning Strategy
    This paper presents the negotiation planning strategy. The purpose of this negotiation is to improve the price of the negotiated product.
  36. Discussion of Hostage Negotiations
    The paper discusses continuous training of negotiators helps them avoid mistakes and respond to hostage incidents in the right way.
  37. Essentials of Negotiation
    Negotiation is the process of discussion aimed at reaching a compromise or a mutually beneficial solution to an issue.

🗣️ Negotiation Topics for Discussion

If you cannot come up with a negotiation topic that will be perfect for discussion, check out our suggestions below!

  1. Practical strategies for creating value at the negotiation table. Effective negotiation is more than just protecting your interests. It focuses on transforming bargaining from a win-lose battle into a collaborative effort. The strategies include insisting on reciprocation, exploring the interests of others, assessing alternatives, etc.
  2. The benefits of bringing outsiders to the bargaining table. Outsiders can help negotiators break deadlocks and obtain essential insights that result in lasting and successful agreements. The third parties may include mediators, arbitrators, consultants, or other stakeholders with expertise, authority, or resources that can improve the negotiation process.
  3. The use of win-win agreements to foster long-term relationships. A win-win strategy uses solutions that satisfy the requirements of all negotiation parties. Focusing on mutual gains will strengthen participant relationships and promote trust and cooperation.
  4. Projecting power and its efficiency in bargaining scenarios. Projecting power is aimed at achieving desired results by firmly asserting one’s influence and authority. While it can be an effective method for receiving short-term results, it can also damage business relationships in the long run.
  5. The peculiarities of negotiating in cross-cultural contexts. Successful cross-cultural negotiation necessitates the ability to tailor communication styles to the cultural norms of the opposing party. Adjusting your language, tone, and communication style can help ensure your message is properly conveyed and understood.

👍 Good Negotiation Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Conflict Resolution. A Values-Based Negotiation Model
    The basic types of conflict are goal disagreement, which is characterized by incompatible outcomes, and cognitive differences.
  2. Communication and Personality in Negotiation
    Communication and personality influence the pace and process of negotiation. Once we are aware of the roles that these two items play, then we improve our performance.
  3. Identifying Approaches to Crisis Hostage Negotiation
    The research study outlines the basic hostage negotiation strategies, which are employed in critical situations to inflict certain psychological effects.
  4. Conflict and Negotiation Analysis of Nick Cunningham Case Study
    The case study notes that constant disagreements attract long-term decisions affecting both personal and professional lifestyles.
  5. The Real-World Negotiations: Preparation Stage and Process
    Negotiations skills are crucial tools not only for those who work in the business sector but for people who need to achieve the maximum in their everyday life.
  6. Negotiation Process and Guidelines
    The purpose of this paper is to describe guidelines during negotiations, the steps of the negotiation process, types of questions, characteristics of negotiation styles, etc.
  7. Negotiation Concepts. Opportunities
    Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties with attached interests on a matter at stake attempt to reach a common ground of binding behavior.
  8. Negotiation’s Strategy: Conflict Between Basran and Carpathia
    Negotiations will be conducted at the highest level. The disputed issue is a territorial type of conflict between Basran and Carpathia that has been escalating for twenty years.
  9. Doha Negotiations: Possible Solutions and Outcomes
    Among issues to be discussed in negotiations, it is crucial to pay attention to the Chinese currency revaluation and harmonization of intellectual property rights.
  10. Tricky Negotiations: a Strategy of Handling Requests and Planning Working
    Being a good team member, a leader, and a manager is possible to develop an effective strategy of handling employees’ requests and planning working schedules for holidays.
  11. The Role of Negotiation in Patients’ Education
    Negotiation is viewed as the process by which several parties with different interests attempt to find agreement. It helps doctors and clients to reach an understanding.
  12. Kosovo, Serbia, NATO: International Negotiations
    NATO continues to insist on a settlement based on autonomy for the Albanian Kosovars inside Serb-dominated Yugoslavia. But that goal is not only unattainable, it is undesirable.
  13. Hochschild: Emotion Management and Negotiations
    Hochschild comes up with emotion management mechanism that illuminates the self, interaction and the structure. Emotion is always regulated by the act of management.
  14. Correlation Between Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
    The paper describes the goals of dialogue communication during the negotiation process, types of negotiations, stages, and factors for successful negotiations.
  15. Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
    The best alternative for the negotiated agreement will have to consider the proper assessment of the marketing background and research of the marketing trends.
  16. Conduct of American-Japanese Business Negotiations
    This paper aims to analyze the negotiation aspects and explain the possible mistakes and factors on the example of the American – Japanese business negotiations.
  17. Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation’s Negotiations
    It is important to apply the guidelines that will enable Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation.
  18. Resolving Business Conflicts: Negotiation Strategies
    Currently two different articles under consideration are “Chrysler Debtholder Talks Pick Up Pace” by Krisher and “Globe Union Seeks Public Negotiations” by McConville.
  19. Negotiation Strategy: Miami School Negotiations
    A proposal to rezone the school district and the Miami-Dade County Working Group on Public Schools Overcrowding Relief approved the recommendations to ease crowding in Miami-Dade.
  20. Conflict and Negotiation Discussion
    As a manager or leader it is a fundamental duty to maintain the goal of the company by resolving conflict through negotiation.
  21. Integrative Negotiation With a Difficult Employee
    The integrative negotiation approach can be used to resolve the conflict with very minimal cost to both parties.
  22. Effective Workplace Negotiation Strategies & Skills
    Knowing how to handle and relate to a supervisor is no less important than what requirements should be made to the subordinates.
  23. Importance of Negotiation Contracts in the Business
    Negotiation contracts help the parties to reach a compromise on contract terms and, therefore, prepare to engage in business relationships.
  24. Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
    The paper discusses the statement: Negotiators who frame a conflict as ‘winner takes all’ will have a harder time than those who believe it is possible for everyone to win.
  25. Negotiating with Terrorists: Risks and Consequences
    This research paper gives an evidence-based argument to explain why the United States should never negotiate with terrorists.
  26. Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace
    When people are working together, conflicts are inevitable; however, when solved and managed effectively, they can lead to better understanding among team members.
  27. Negotiations Class Self-Assessment: Negotiation Skills
    In this semester, negotiation skills were among the paramount topics covered. Negotiation is a process aimed at settling differences by reaching an agreement.
  28. My Negotiation Style
    In most aspects of our lives, conflicts of interest are bound to arise. Disputes can be healthy for personal and communal development.
  29. Power, Networking, Negotiation in Global Companies
    Leaders within an organization have the role of ensuring human and physical resources in the organization has been managed effectively and effectively.
  30. Improving PICC Safety: Strategies for Reducing Complications
    The plan for minimization of PICC-related complications and the reduction of catheter reinsertion rates at KRMC involves negotiations with several stakeholders.
  31. Changes and Negotiation Plans for Regional Medical Centers: Strategies for Effective Adaptation
    The change and negotiation plan at hand describe the key aspects of the proposed change implementation process putting a particular emphasis on the need for effective communication tactics.
  32. Kendall Regional Medical Center: Strategies for Change and Negotiation
    This paper is a change and negotiation plan. The problem under consideration is the severity of complications and frequency of PICC line reinsertions in Kendall Regional Medical Center.
  33. The Negotiation Process in Yemen: NDC’s Role and Challenges
    Almost every transition of power from the totalitarian governments to the people have escalated into civil war. Yemen suffered the same fate.
  34. Business Negotiation Group Assignment
    To plan the negotiation process and work out an appropriate solution, this paper have identified the interests of the parties.
  35. Negotiating Solutions for Reducing Respiratory Complications in Healthcare
    The plan for reducing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures involves negotiations with several stakeholders.
  36. Applying Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Knowledge
    Any negotiation situation has two or more sides involved. Needs and desires of the parties may not match at all or the sides may pursue absolutely opposite final goals.
  37. Vendros Technology Negotiates Licensing with Netcom Brazil
    Vendros Technology is in a negotiation with the Netcom Brazil with the intention of getting a licensing agreement. This proposal will assist the company as a guide to their actions.

✅ Negotiation Topics for Presentation

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

Presentation is a good choice if you want to explore the negotiation process in detail! Here are some ideas that can come in handy:

  1. The key stages of business negotiations. The business negotiation process starts with preparation and information gathering and finishes with the presentation of offers and counteroffers. By understanding each stage, you can create a clear plan for holding business negotiations with clarity and purpose.
  2. Harvard negotiation method: main principles. The Harvard negotiation method is based on communication and fair treatment. This strategy guarantees a high acceptance of the negotiation results on both sides and reduces the potential for future conflicts of interest.
  3. The differentiation of distributive vs. integrative negotiation. The term “distributive” negotiation means that a negotiating partner focuses on achieving their interests. The other side’s loss is not considered. In contrast, integrative negotiation takes into account the shared interests of all parties involved.
  4. How do you prepare for your first negotiation process? Although taking part in your first negotiation can be stressful, careful preparation can be beneficial. To effectively participate in the process and reach a successful conclusion, research your counterpart, clarify your goals and limits, and forecast possible offers.
  5. The analysis of negotiations between the US and Taliban. This negotiation involved the exchange of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban leaders. The deal marked the first public prisoner exchange of a US soldier in thirteen years of US involvement in Afghanistan.

🎓 Most Interesting Negotiation Research Titles

  1. Contracting and Purchasing Negotiation Techniques
  2. Distributive Bargaining and Integrative Negotiation
  3. International Business Negotiation Under the Impact of Cultural Distance
  4. Gender and Interpersonal Styles, Negotiation, and Conflict
  5. International Negotiation With Different Cultures
  6. Asian Cultures, Languages, Negotiation Styles
  7. The Important Tactical Tasks for a Negotiator in a Distributive Situation
  8. The International Climate Change Negotiation
  9. Negotiation Between Turkey and the European Union
  10. Negotiations: Approaches to Solving a Problem
  11. Environmental Negotiation: It’s Potential and Its Economic Efficiency
  12. Mutual Gains Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  13. Leadership, Negotiation, and Decision Making of Malaysia
  14. Gender Bias May Impact the Negotiation Process
  15. Double Auction and Negotiation for Dynamic Resource
  16. Chinese Conflict Management Styles and Negotiation
  17. Negotiation Process and the Role That Culture Plays
  18. Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation in Japan
  19. Effects of Cultural Differences in International Business and Price Negotiations
  20. Negotiation and Decision-Making Between Singapore and Australia
  21. Learning Negotiation Skills: Four Models of Knowledge Creation and Transfer
  22. Business Methods and Negotiation in Costa Rica
  23. Emotions and the Decision-Making Process in Negotiation Psychology
  24. Interests, Issues, and Psychological Distance in Integrative Negotiation
  25. Negotiation as the Manipulation in Business and Social Life

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