🏆 Best Essay Topics on Old Testament
👍 Good Old Testament Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Old Testament and Form Criticism: “What Ezekiel Saw in the Valley”Tan old testament pericope presented in chapter 37 of the book of Ezekiel has been discussed in detail in this paper, with the evaluation of the story’s structure.
- Mercy and Compassion in Old and New TestamentsThe Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events outlined in the New Testament. This paper discusses mercy and compassion in the Old and New Testaments.
- Old Testament and Middle East Scriptures’ SimilaritiesThe Hebrew Bible is similar to and unlike other ancient Near Eastern writings. Scribes compiled the manuscripts that constituted the Hebrew Bible.
- Old & New Testaments: Exegesis of Jeremiah 31 in Hebrews 10The plan of God had to be fulfilled with the two Covenants: first, the Covenant that He and the Israelites agreed upon, then the New Covenant who is Jesus Christ on the Cross.
- Creation and Wisdom in the Old Testament: Key ConceptsArticle under analysis suggests the answer to a question about living and behaving in accordance with the natural arrangement created by God in the aspect of ethics rather than science.
- The Book of Habakkuk in the Old TestamentThe Book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament remains an inspirational source of hope for those who want to become part of God’s eternal kingdom.
- The Old Testament and Ancient Near EastThe expansion of knowledge of the culture of the Ancient Near East as a result of archaeological discoveries, has opened up new perspectives for the study of the Old Testament.
- Wise Men’s Leadership in the Old TestamentThe Old Testament is a great book of universal human significance since it carries information about not only religion but the state and power structure.
- Old Testament, New Testament, and Modern TimesThe divine providence that led people to become co-authors of the scriptures in ancient times and write the Old and New Testaments continues to inspire people today.
- The Old Testament Theology ReviewThis paper provides the Old Testament theology review, including approaches to Old Testament theology, discussing God and creation, worship and sacrifice, God and the future.
- The Hebrew Bible and the Old TestamentThere is a misunderstanding about the Hebrew Bible. Some people claim that The Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament are two different names used for describing the same book.
- The Amos 8:1-8 Passage from the Old TestamentThis paper analyzes Amos 8:1-8, provides background information for the passage, discusses the theme of greed, and explains a modern-day example.
- Abraham in the Old Testament and Early JudaismFrom the biblical story of Abraham, we can glean a lot from his character. Abraham is considered the father of faith because he trusted God to move to a place he never knew about.
- Approach to Bible Study in a Survey of the Old TestamentStudying the Old Testament is a fundamental task. Bible is an integral part of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, into which Western students need to dive deeply.
- The Crucifixion of Jesus in Old and New TestamentThe paper analyzed the theme of Crucifixion in the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament repeats the message given in the Old Testament.
- Old and New Testaments. Septuagint in the Epistle to the HebrewsEvidence abounds to testify to the surmised and indeed existent relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
- Suffering in The Book of Job and The Old TestamentThe Old Testament taught me to accept all the events that the Lord sends because he cares about people’s souls, even if, for this purpose, he has to cause pain.
- Summaries of Old and New Testament Books: A Comprehensive OverviewKnowing how the Old and New Testaments relate to each other can help to understand the Bible better. The major personality is God, existing in the Trinity.
🎓 Most Interesting Old Testament Research Titles
- Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in His Letter to the Philippians
- The Similarities and Differences of Old Testament Leaders: King Saul, King David, and King Solomon
- God’s Changes Throughout the First Books of the Old Testament
- The Old Testament’s Development, History, and Principles of Christian Faith
- Why the Old Testament Is Still Relevant Today
- The Concept of Justice in the Old Testament
- Old Testament vs. Hellenic Divine Intervention
- The Evolution of the Historical Canon of the Old Testament
- Wisdom and Woman in the Old Testament
- Attitudes Towards Slavery in the Old Testament
- How Christians Should Interpret the Old Testament
- The Church’s Alarming Neglect of the Old Testament
- Racism and Pastoral Leadership: The Old Testament and the New Testament
- The Old Testament: Understanding the Bible
- Why the Old Testament Stories Have No Significance in Life
- Reasons That Hinder Christians From Reading the Old Testament
- Theology Understanding and the Old Testament’s Importance
- Witchcraft and the Trial of the Innocent People in Salem and in the Old Testament
- Unity and Diversity of the Old Testament
- God’s Deliverance of the People in the Old Testament
- A Christ-Centric Approach to the Old Testament
- Were the People of the Old Testament “Christians”?
- Consideration of Biblical Theology in the Old Testament
- How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament
- Old Testament vs. New Testament: What Are the Differences?
💡 Simple Old Testament Essay Ideas
- Christian Use of the Old Testament
- Should New Testament Christians Obey Old Testament Laws?
- Preaching Old Testament Law to New Testament Christians
- Old Testament Law and Christian Ethics
- New Perspectives on Old Testament Prophecy and History
- How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament
- God’s Violence in the Old Testament
- Biblical Womanhood and the Problem of the Old Testament
- Understanding the Old Testament as Christian Scripture
- Why Do the Jews and Christians Understand the Old Testament So Differently?
- God of the Old Testament vs. New Testament
- Applying the Old Testament Law Today
- Did the Old Testament Predict Jesus Coming Into History?
- Old Testament Law Authority in the New Testament Church
- The Purpose of the Old Testament’s Law of Moses in the Bible
- What Does the Bible Say About Old Testament Law?
- How Modern-Day Christians Should Approach Old Testament Law
- The Use of Creation in the Old Testament
- Did God Change Between the Old and New Testaments?
- Old Testament: Historical Background and Theories About Who Wrote It
- The Old Testament in Archaeology and History
- Sexual Property and the Personhood of Women in the Old Testament
- Using the Old Testament in Christian Ethics
- The Christian Ministry in the Light of the Old Testament
- Leadership Formation Through Mentoring in the Old Testament