102 Rape Topics & Research Questions

When writing research about sexual assault, you must consider many nuances as the topic is very sensitive. Have a look at these rape topics, where we delve into a painful and critical aspect of society that involves issues of violence, consent, trauma, and justice. As you explore these topics, reflect on the complexities surrounding sexual violence, think of how to promote awareness, and address the profound impact it has on society.

â›” TOP 7 Rape Topics

🏆 Catchy Sexual Assault Research Questions

  1. Heroic Rape in Historic Art Exhibition
    The “Heroic Rape” exhibition aims to show a chronological shift in the rape imagery in art by presenting art depicting rape from prehistoric through the 16th century.
  2. Rape as a Social Vice: Factors and Prevention
    Rape is a harmful social vice that can portray a society negatively. Society can deal with this menace by instilling practical moral values.
  3. Rape Shield Laws and Women’s Rights: Impact & Controversies in Canada
    This paper argues that for all its controversy, the rape shield has had a positive impact on women’s rights in Canada.
  4. Sex Offenses: Rape and Sexual Assault
    Sex offenses are among the highest criminal instances, especially considering the potential for victim injury and the severity of penalties for those responsible.
  5. Marital Rape: Definition, History, and Elimination
    Marital rape is the act of one having sex with the spouse without them agreeing, but it is still kept out of criminal law or tolerated.
  6. The Influence of Drugs and Alcohol on Date Rape
    While drugs can affect mental health and make the victim forget everything, the perpetrators indulge in alcohol abuse to escape the blame and deny non-consensual sex.
  7. Evaluation of “Obscuring Causality in Rape Discourse” by Hilton
    This paper evaluates the article “Obscuring causality in rape discourse: A quantitative analysis of variation in argument Structure” and discusses its fundamental problems.
  8. The Concept of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)
    Rape remains among the dominant crimes in the USA; almost every minute an American becomes a victim of it. The problem is especially acute in penitentiaries.
  9. Discussion of Rape Problem in the India
    The paper presents annotated bibliography about rape causes in India and discusses about anti-rapes laws in Bangladesh.
  10. Non-Consent: Reforming the Law of Rape
    About half of the states in the US consider non-consent to be insufficient to admit rape. This situation is unacceptable and signals the necessity for immediate legislative reform.
  11. Rape as a Sexual Assault
    Rape is committed when a victim withdraws his or her consent during a sexual act and is forced to complete the sexual act.
  12. Sexual Abuse: Definitions and Dynamics of Rape
    Rape cases have been on the rise over the past few years. So far, little has been done to address the issue and it’s high time that the government took up the responsibility.
  13. Sexual Abuse Prevention and Rape Factors
    Rape is a type of sexual abuse, as a rule, implying sexual intercourse with a person by one or several people without consent. The rapists, use a helpless status of a victim.
  14. Mass Rapes Committed by the Soviet Army in the Axis Countries
    This paper provides an annotated bibliography about mass rapes committed by the Soviet Army in the axis countries, both analytical articles and the ones based on personal experience.
  15. Sexual Abuse and Different Factors of Rape
    Sexual abuse is committed when an individual is not able to consent to sex because she is mentally ill, retarded, or intoxicated.
  16. Reforms Examination: Rape and Sexual Assault
    The paper is a critical examination of reforms that need to be done in regards to rape and sexual assault. There are eight categories of reforms that need to be initiated.
  17. The Statutory Rape Laws Analysis
    Statutory rape laws are uncontroversial. Few people object to harsh prison sentences for adults who sexually prey on minors.
  18. Personal and Psychosocial Effects of Rape
    Sexual intercourse or coming into close body contact with an individual without the consent of that person is referred to as rape.
  19. Date Rape and Victim-Offender Relationships Analysis
    The victim/offender relationship is one of the most significant factors, which help to determine offender’s behavior at different stages of committing a crime.
  20. Date Rape, Its Causes, Effects, and How to Avoid This Case
    This paper analyses date rape by looking into its causes and effects, suggesting ways in which it can be avoided, and advises on what should be done in case one is raped.
  21. Crime Theory Regarding Rape Laws
    This paper describes the crime or act of delinquency, the application of the psychological theory, and the application of the non-psychological theory.
  22. Revealing Marital Rape as Domestic Violence
    Marital rape entails sexual action with one’s partner devoid of his or her consent. Failure to get consent is the fundamental component that results in the involvement in violence.
  23. Rape Trauma: Intervention and Therapy
    This paper presents an analysis of the intervention addressing the needs of a rape victim, including elements of the CBT, motivational interviewing, and play therapy.
  24. Relationships and Rape in “Disgrace” by Coetzee
    J. M. Coetzee is an author of a well-known novel “Disgrace” that impressed the public at the end of the 20th century and is still often discussed.
  25. Legal and Social Implications of the Rolling Stones Campus Rape Incident
    The Rolling Stone’s version of the story, “A Rape Case on Campus”, is a story of journalistic failure that could be avoided.
  26. Rape, Its Dynamics, Factors, and Prevention
    Rape is one of the most critical offences that have occurred throughout the history of crime. Currently, myriad definitions are provided in an attempt to explain what rape is.
  27. Rape and Murder Trauma: Coping Strategies and Recovery
    In most instances, rape experiences and witnessing murder lead to trauma. It is almost impossible for people who have encountered such experiences to forget about the unfortunate incidents.
  28. Websites Aimed at Preventing Rape
    Rape is one of the most common crimes in the US and in the entire world. Masters explores one of the prevention strategies and examines six websites aimed at preventing rape.
  29. Childhood Psychological Trauma: Rape
    The paper discusses rape as one of the childhood psychological traumas: its categories, consequences, Rape Trauma Syndrome and its stages.
  30. Rape and Sexual Violence
    The present paper explores various rape-related issues, including its definition, dynamics, social cultural factors, personal and psychological factors.

🎓 Unique Rape Topics

  1. Prevention Techniques for Rape and Child Abuse
  2. Rape and Sexual Assault on College Campuses
  3. Australia and Changing Laws on Rape
  4. Rape Culture in Modern Society and the Need to End It
  5. The Physical and Psychological Effects of Rape on Women
  6. Rape Within the Military as a Global Social Issue
  7. The Link Between Pornography & Rape
  8. Rape and Sexual Assault in the Military
  9. Mental and Physical Effects of Rape on Male and Female
  10. Popular Rape Problems and Solutions
  11. The Issue Behind Bars: Abuse and Rape of LGBT Members
  12. Rape Culture and the Role of Media
  13. Gender Roles and Laws on Rape and Adultery
  14. The Impact War Rape Has on the Development of Sociology
  15. Challenging the Rape Culture in Greek Life
  16. Factors Influencing the Judgement of Marital Rape
  17. Rape and the Corrupt Judicial System of Colonial America
  18. The Congo War Rape as a Weapon History
  19. The Role of Alcohol and Education in Sexual Assault and Rape
  20. Rape and Sexual Assault During the United States

đź’ˇ Simple Sexual Assault Topics for Research Paper

  1. Sexual Assault and Rape on College Campuses
  2. The Rape Abuse and Incest National Network
  3. Marital Rape and Marital Exemptions in Rape Statutes
  4. Gender Role Theory and Male Rape Victims
  5. Rape and Its Effects on South Africa
  6. Importance of Anti-Rape and Anti-Sexual Harassment Programs
  7. Prisoners’ Sexual Aggression and Rape Among People
  8. Indian Film Industry Promotes Rape and Violence
  9. What Teenage Boys Still Don’t Know About Sexual Rape
  10. Social Work Rape and Sexual Assualt
  11. Marital Rape: Current Views, Laws, and Effects on Women
  12. Rape and Sexual Assault in Today’s Society and Their Impact
  13. The Factors That Contribute to Rape and Treating Victims with Rape Trauma Syndrome
  14. Creative Writing Assignment About a Rape and the Importance of DNA
  15. Rape During the War: Comfort Women in Japanese Army
  16. Sexual Harassment and Rape in the Military
  17. The Role of Objects in Pope’s Rape of the Lock
  18. General Information about Serial Rape and Serial Rapists
  19. The Problems with the Law on Rape in Nigeria
  20. Sexual Rape and Its Effects on Mental Health Problems

âť“ More Research Questions about Sexual Assault

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Are Rape and Sexual Assaults Considered Hate Crimes?
  2. Why Don’t Women Report Rape?
  3. How Can Technology Prevent Rape?
  4. What Do Victims Need to Know About California’s Rape Shield Law?
  5. Does Porn Influence One to Commit Rape?
  6. What Is the Difference Between Rape and Sexual Assault?
  7. How Does the Criminal Justice System Handle Rape and Sexual Assault?
  8. Was the Relationship Between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson Love or Rape?
  9. Are Statutory Rape Laws Discriminatory to Boys?
  10. Should Statutory Rape Laws Be Legal?
  11. What Does Prosecution Need to Prove in a Rape Case?
  12. Does Rape Justify Abortion?
  13. Who Are the Real Victims of Rape Crimes?
  14. Why Are Statutory Rape Laws in NC More Favorable for the Girl Rather Than the Guy?
  15. What Is Rape Culture?
  16. How to Overcome Rape Trauma?
  17. What Are the Psychological and Physical Effects of Rape?
  18. How Does Rape Affect Memory and the Brain?
  19. What Are the Ways to Avoid Rape?
  20. Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does It Matter?
  21. What Is Rape Trauma Syndrome?
  22. How Long Does Rape Trauma Syndrome Last?
  23. What Are the Ways of Recovering From Rape and Sexual Trauma?
  24. Can Rape Be Considered a Global Epidemic?
  25. What Happens During a Rape or Sexual Assault Investigation?

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