119 Good Titles for 9/11 Essays + Research Paper Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on September 11

📝 Good Titles for 9/11 Essays

If you need some good ideas for essays about 9/11, here’s a list of the best ones:

  1. The importance of 9/11 in literature. Literature is one of the most important mediums for the majority of the population. That’s why it’s a great idea to research the impact of books related to September 11. For example, you can study the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
  2. Conspiracies about the darkest day in American history. Most people know about the September 11 attacks only what was presented to them through the media. Some are certain that the reality of the event was different from what’s commonly accepted, which leads to the development of conspiracy theories. What characterizes them? What do they say about Americans’ attitudes?
  3. The spread of Islamophobia in the US after 9/11. Americans used to be easier on airport checks and less prejudiced towards people following Islam before the terrorist attack. What happened after the rise of Islamophobia following the disaster?
  4. Rhetoric in Condoleezza Rice’s speech at 9/11 Commission. Condoleezza Rice was addressing comments on the Bush administration after the terrorist attack. Read Rice’s opening speech, paying attention to the rhetorical devices. What is your opinion on it?
  5. How justified was the execution of the Operation Geronimo? You can discuss how Bin Laden became a global threat after the attack on the Twin Towers. Was this reason enough for Obama to authorize Operation Geronimo?

✍️ September 11 Essay Topics for College

  1. September 11, 2001: Understanding the Present Through the Past
    Studying events of a negative nature, such as the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, helps one understand the world in which people live today and themselves.
  2. Airport Transportation Security After 9/11 Attacks
    The threat of cargo tampering, terrorist or other illegal use, or criminal attack on the supply chain makes transportation safety a significant concern.
  3. 9/11 Attacks as a Turning Point of Contemporary History
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. in terms of their background, timeline, and aftermath.
  4. Bush Administration’s Response to the 9/11 Attacks
    It was only after the events of September 11 that the threat of terrorism became the highest priority on the agenda of the military-political leadership of the United States.
  5. Analysis of President George W. Bush’s Speech to the Nation on 9/11
    Shortly after the events of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers on 11/9/2001, President George W. Bush addressed the American population with a speech.
  6. U.S. Policy to Iraq From 9/11/2001 to U.S.-Iraq War
    The U.S policy had shifted sharply towards ensuring Iraq never made such weapons of mass destruction and also to ensure Saddam’s ultimate down fall.
  7. Recovery Efforts During 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina
    It is a prerequisite of any government in place to always be prepared for any disaster of whatever nature whether natural or humanly initiated.
  8. Controlling Irrational Fears After 9-11
    The fact that a fear psychosis had taken hold in the US post 9/11 is undisputed. That the government needed to act quickly to calm its citizens is also a fact.
  9. Tradegy September 11, 2001: Personal Experience
    September 11, 2001. One of the Twin Towers changed into a fireball and the other was hit by a speedy Jet. Many people jumped off the windows of the towers as an ineffective effort.
  10. 9/11 Commission Report’s Critical Thinking Analysis
    This paper will seek to implement the Elder and Paul model of critical thinking with the 8 elements of thought to the 9/11 commission report and analyze it.
  11. Post-9/11 Terrorism Strategies: Tech and Tactics in Iraq & Afghanistan
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the efforts the United States and its allies undertook in Afghanistan and Iraq and the predicaments of fighting insurgent forces.
  12. The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Hurricane Katrina
    The purpose of this essay is to analyze the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina, mainly from psychological perspectives.
  13. The USA Patriot Act: Key Legislation After 9/11 Attacks
    The USA Patriot Act was signed on 26th October 2001 and focused on the enhancement of law enforcement powers and intelligence-gathering procedures.
  14. New Terrorism: Evolution, Impact, and Global Threats
    This paper discusses whether the events of 9/11 and beyond presage an era of new terrorism, and what problems does this pose in terms of risk management.
  15. Jihad Vs. McWorld: Barber’s Predictions and U.S. Policy Impact
    Clinton and Bush positioned themselves as the bearers of democracy that had to result in peace all over the globe but led to conflicts between Jihad and McWorld.
  16. Assessing America’s Reaction to the 9/11 Attacks: Overreaction or Necessary Response?
    Americans need to recognize that terrorism is a global menace that claims human lives and affects the economy. It must be tackled in collaboration with other countries.
  17. Crime Trends in America: Analyzing Current Patterns and Impacts
    After the 9/11/01 attacks in the U.S the media was at the forefront in informing the world that the terrorist attacks had been launched in Washington, D.C, and New York City.
  18. Impact of 9/11 on US Transportation Security Measures
    This paper will set out to analyze how the transport system in the country has adjusted to meet the Homeland security demands that became apparent after the 9/11 attacks.
  19. Impact of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on Muslim Communities: A Comprehensive Study
    On September 11 2011, Islamic extremists crashed four airplanes into strategic locations in the USA. The present paper discusses the consequences of this historical event on Muslims.
  20. Mubarak’s Assassination Attempt by Zawahiri and Egyptian Radicals
    The ordinariness of terror lies in the natural cruelty of people who are usually considered to be the closest friends though they accept the rules and laws of jihad.
  21. Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Key Focus in Post-9/11 Security
    The paper shall look at the details of this reorganisation and some assessment of their feasibility will also be done.

📌 9/11 Essay Titles for High School Students

9/11 is among the key events that define the 21st century. As a high school student, you most likely will need to write at least one essay about it. To get inspired, check out the selection of essay titles about 9/11 right here:

  1. How would the world look like if 9/11 had never happened? The 9/11 Memorial, strict airport security, and so many other things remind people about the 9/11 aftermath. You can discuss how all this would be different if the terrorist attack never happened.
  2. Americans coping with 9/11 tragedy: a psychological analysis. Everyone processes loss differently. Analyze what united all Americans in their grief processing after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers.
  3. September 11: detailed timeline of events. A lot happened on the day of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The timeline can clarify things and enhance one’s understanding of 9/11. Create a detailed analysis of the attack with the support of accurate sources.
  4. Is it possible to identify the causes of 9/11? There are lots of theories surrounding the most famous terrorist attack in the US, but is there enough data to support them? Research this issue and express your views.
  5. How has news transmission changed since the terrorist attack on September 11? The history of the US can be divided into “before” and “after” 9/11. What changes has the tragedy brought into the news industry? Analyze the main changes and the reasons behind them.

🎓 Most Interesting September 11th Research Titles

  1. Afghanistan War: The Primary Driver of the Invasion Was the September 11 Attacks on the US
  2. How Did the Bush Administration Failed To Handle the September 11 Attack in the US?
  3. American Muslims After September 11
  4. September 11, 2001, and the Global War on Terror
  5. Bush’s Fight Against Terrorism in Response to September 11, 2001
  6. What Would Hobbes and Locke Think After September 11 Terrorist Attack?
  7. Before and After September 11
  8. Terrorism, Maritime Security, and Shipping Containers After the September 11 Attacks
  9. Safety-first Portfolio Optimization After September 11, 2001
  10. US Antiterrorism Tactics After September 11, 2001
  11. September 11: Legal Issues and Global Campaign
  12. Airline Schedule Recovery After Airport Closures: Empirical Evidence Since 9/11
  13. The American Economy After September 11
  14. Our Society After September 11, 2001
  15. The Problems Between Muslims and Christians in the United States Following the 9-11 Terrorist Attack
  16. Radio Talk-show’s Influence After September 11
  17. The United States Tourism Industry After the September 11 Attack
  18. Culture and Collective Action – Japan, Germany, and the United States After 9/11
  19. Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of 9-11 2001
  20. Comparing the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, to Pearl Harbor
  21. The US Military Attack on the Terrorist Attacks on September 11th

📚 Latest 9/11 Topics to Write About

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

The topic of 9/11 will never stop being relevant. A quarter century later, it still affects the lives of Americans. Check out the latest issues related to it below:

  1. Autoimmune disease as a threat for 9/11 survivors. Recent research suggests that people who came out alive after the tragedy might be suffering from autoimmune diseases more than others. Could the toxic debris from the falling Twin Towers be the cause?
  2. What is up with the free healthcare for 9/11 first responders? There exists an opinion that the government might be trying to avoid paying for 9/11 first responders’ healthcare. Look into this case to find out why the first responders still suffer from illnesses without medical reimbursements.
  3. The story of the “Saint of 9/11”. All first responders of September 11 are true heroes. Some of them are more well-known than others. What did the “Saint of 9/11” do to earn himself this title? Research this topic to dedicate your writing to a real-life hero.
  4. Advanced DNA analysis helping identify 9/11 victims. A recent scientific breakthrough was used to successfully identify the remains of an unknown victim. Can it revolutionize forensic cases? In your paper, research the advanced method of DNA analysis and how it can help families of the deceased.
  5. Emotions related to 9/11: a man who jumped into the Memorial pool. The man who jumped into the pool at the 9/11 Memorial was arrested even though he was mentally unwell. Analyze this case and share your thoughts on the psychological health victims of the attacks received.

💡 Simple 9-11 Essay Ideas

  1. Correlation Between the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the Attack on September 11
  2. September 11, 2001, and Speculation on Prior Knowledge by the US
  3. Labor Organizations and September 11, 2001 Effects
  4. International Relations Theory and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11
  5. Arabs, Muslims, and September 11
  6. The First Responders During New York City on September 11
  7. Appetite for Destruction: The Impact of the September 11 Attacks on Business Founding
  8. Congress United Post September 11, 2001
  9. Anti-Arab Hate Crimes After September 11
  10. September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks and Global Reactions
  11. What Are the Effects of September 11 on the Muslim Population in Toronto?
  12. The Airline Industry Since September 11, 2001
  13. Racial Profiling After September 11
  14. September 11, 2001, the Most Frightening Day of the United
  15. Unjust Muslim Discrimination and Stereotypes Engraved by Modern Society After 9/11
  16. Payment System Disruptions and the Federal Reserve Following September 9/11
  17. The US Patriot Act After the September 11 Attack
  18. Cook County, IL, and Post-September 11 Infrastructure Problems
  19. Arab American Minority Rights After the September 11 Attacks
  20. Islamic Terrorism and the Attack of September 11
  21. The Events That Took Place on Tuesday, September 11, 2001

🌐 Global Impact of 9/11 Essay Ideas

The US and the whole world will never be the same after the tragedy of 9/11. The global response has shaped the world of today. Look through the list of the essay ideas about the global impact:

  1. The most expensive war in history caused by the Twin Towers attack. Here, you can discuss the aspects of the War on Terror. Include reliable sources of information to analyze its financial side.
  2. Airport security systems shaped by 9/11. The tragedy of the biggest terrorist attack was so profound that it caused tremendous changes in global airport security. Your essay can compare and contrast what it was like before and after the disaster.
  3. The rise of racial profiling after 9/11. Look into the issue of prejudice and discrimination against Islamic countries as the result of the infamous terrorist attack.
  4. International security challenges after the attack on the Twin Towers. Discuss how governments around the world faced the issue of a security breach.

🔎 Lessons Learned from 9/11: Essay Topics

Even though 9/11 was a devastating tragedy, people might try to derive valuable lessons from it. This can make it possible to avoid similar disastrous events in the future. Here are only some ideas that you can look into in this regard:

  1. How seriously are Americans taking homeland security 20 years after 9/11? National security measures have changed drastically since the September 11 attacks. But are they enough to prevent another terrorist attack? Conduct thorough research and express your views.
  2. Understanding of PTSD before and after 9/11. Before the attack on the Twin Towers, post-traumatic stress disorder was mainly attributed to the war veterans. What happened after 9/11 that changed how people understand PTSD? Research this question and support your arguments with reliable sources.
  3. Special training for crisis response following the September 11 attacks. These days, first responders are more skilled and prepared for anything than they were before 9/11. Did it take special training, or maybe a complete rearrangement and improvement of the preparation for crisis response?
  4. Architecture and engineering: do Americans build skyscrapers differently after 9/11? Safety protocols and building practices had to be reviewed after the engineering masterpiece, the World Trade Center, collapsed. Analyze various safety protocols that people must follow nowadays.
  5. Evacuation strategy changes after 9/11. So many people were trapped while trying to evacuate the burning Twin Towers. Can the newest evacuation strategies help prevent another tragedy like this?

❓ 9/11 Research Questions

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What Was the Political Effect of 9/11?
  2. How Did 9/11 Affect the Way We Live in America Today?
  3. How 9/11 Changed the World?
  4. How Simon Lockhart’s Attitude Towards His Arab Friends Change after 9/11?
  5. How September 11th Changed Our Lives?
  6. How 9/11 Affected the American Bureaucracy?
  7. How Do Hollywood Movies Portray Muslims and Arabs after 9/11?
  8. What Were the Motives of the Terrorists Who Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks on the US?
  9. How 9/11 Affected the Whole Nation?
  10. How Leaders Controlled Events in the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in New York City?
  11. How the 9/11 Attacks Brought Americans Together?
  12. How September 11th Changed America?
  13. Who Will Fight the All-Volunteer Army After 9/11?
  14. How September 11th Changed Our Military?
  15. Was President Bill Clinton Responsible for September 11th?
  16. How Did the September 11th Terrorist Attack Affect Caribbean Tourism?
  17. How Security Has Changed Since 9/11?
  18. Did 9/11 Worsen the Job Prospects of Hispanic Immigrants?
  19. How Media Has Changed Since 9/11?
  20. What Is the Relationship between 9/11 and the Need for Foreign Oil?

📰 Legacy of 9/11 Research Paper Topics

You can find the best legacy of 9/11 research paper topics here:

  1. The emotional toll of 9/11 on Americans. Most US citizens over 30 remember where they were the minute the plane hit the World Trade Center. How big is the load of the psychological stress they still carry due to 9/11? Share your thoughts about this issue.
  2. Spike and downfall of patriotism following the September 11 events. Americans experienced a surge in trust in the US government after September 11. But, unfortunately, it didn’t last. What were the reasons for this sudden spike in patriotism and its subsequent decrease?
  3. Public support of military operations outside the US after 9/11. As many as half of Americans wanted an immediate military response towards Afghanistan after 9/11. Why did the public opinion change after bin Laden’s death?
  4. September 11: Terrorism as one of the main worries of Americans. Surveys continue to show that terrorism is the top priority of the majority of Americans. Look into the roots of these concerns despite all the national security improvements.
  5. Sacrificing civil rights and personal information to prevent another 9/11. After the Twin Towers attack, the CIA was given more liberties to be more effective in tracking terrorists. Were Americans ready to let the CIA invade their privacy to help the cause?

✅ 9/11 Thesis Statement Ideas

A thesis statement is the centerpiece of any paper. If you need help with writing a good thesis statement on 9/11 topic, here are several model examples for your inspiration:

  • Thesis: Americans can stop stressing about the possibility of another terrorist attack like 9/11 because national security has advanced dramatically.
    This thesis statement argues about the quality of security systems and protocols.
  • Thesis: Teaching high school students about 9/11 and its effects should be mandatory in all countries to preserve and convey the lessons learned from it.
    This could be a good statement if you write an essay about 9/11 and education.
  • Thesis: PTSD support groups funded by the government can be effective in battling the psychological and emotional toll Americans experienced after 9/11.
    This thesis statement is perfect for an essay about psychological trauma caused by September 11.
  • Thesis: Racial and religious discrimination against people following Islam divides the US due to the prejudice appearing after 9/11.
    The topic of this essay would be related to Islamophobia after the terrorist attack.
  • Thesis: Airport security checks are one of the most effective preventative measures against airplane hijacking.
    This thesis can be a part of the essay about the effectiveness of increased airport security due to 9/11.

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