76 Smartphone Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Smartphone

🔎 Easy Smartphone Research Paper Topics

  1. Top-Selling Smartphone Brands in the World
    The brands under analysis are Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung, and Apple, all of them have their distinct perception of the position on the global market, as well as their consumers.
  2. Smartphone Evaluation and Use in Business
    Smartphone can be defined as a gadget that enables the user to make telephone calls and has additional features that would be found on a computer.
  3. The Smartphone Technology in the Healthcare Sector
    The main aim of the study will be to explore smartphone technology use in sustainable project management in the healthcare sector.
  4. Smartphone Technologies: A Central Processing Unit
    Smartphones are powered by a central processing unit (CPU) which drives the device function and ultimately defines its processing power.
  5. Using Smartphones in Healthcare: Ethical Issues
    The common use of smartphones to share healthcare data is associated with several security and privacy issues.
  6. The False Justification of the Smartphone Panic
    Although the moral panic connected to the use of smartphones by the young generation has incredible popularity, it is not entirely justified.
  7. Limiting Smartphones Use in Communication
    There is a dire need to develop rational steps to limit the use of smartphones and strengthen one-on-one interactions.
  8. Security Issues Facing Smartphone Users
    Cybercrime seems to increase and evolve as smartphone technology grows in complexity, thus exposing users and manufacturing companies to several security risks.
  9. Impact of Smartphones on Work-Life Balance
    The use of smartphones has a negative impact on the work-life balance as employees are forced to respond to messages or calls after the end of the working day.
  10. Analysis of Smartphones Life Cycle
    Smartphones are useful in many ways, including communication and getting news and updates, but they follow a predetermined life cycle, which shall be discussed in this paper.
  11. Apple and Samsung in Smartphone Product Category
    Apple and Samsung are top-rated brands offering their customers a wide array of product categories, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and wearable accessories.
  12. Your Smartphone is a Civil Rights Issue
    While the new technology improves the quality of life, it presents serious security challenges. In a TED Talk video, privacy security expert Christopher Soghoian explains how Apple and Android have contributed to the growing digital security divide. Although users choose smartphone types for personal taste, the powerful and wealthy individuals…
  13. The Smartphone Economic Market
    Despite the immense potential presented by innovation, research, development, and entertainment in the smartphone market, the future of giants such as Apple remains uncertain.
  14. Smartphone Use Among Students in Higher Institutions
    Smartphone usage has a beneficial effect on college students’ academic performance. For example, integrating smartphones into the classroom will boost students’ academic success.
  15. Smartphone Technology in the Society
    Nowadays, phones are being used to work in various fields, academic grounds, and research. Smartphones have contributed to the negative and positive impacts of technology.
  16. Change Project in Healthcare: The Introduction of Smartphone Apps
    The introduction of smartphone apps in a given unit or facility is a revolutionary idea that can improve the medical outcomes of the greatest number of patients.
  17. Smartphone as Contributing Factor for Loneliness
    Smartphones constitute a powerful contributing factor to the increased level of loneliness due to their unfavorable influence on social, personal, and romantic relations.
  18. Global Marketing in the Smartphone Industry
    The purpose of the global marketing research is to find the impact of consumer perceived value (CPV) on a smartphone purchase intention.
  19. Smartphone Role in Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management
    The current research paper endeavors to explore mat-analysis studies and past research studies on the role played by smartphones in type 2 diabetes self-management.
  20. iPhone 12 Mini: Apple’s Smartphone Evolution
    The iPhone is one of the most competitive smartphone brands in the world today. This discussion examines how the iPhone has evolved until the latest device, the iPhone 12 mini.
  21. Social Media, Smartphones Have Become Obsession
    Smartphones have become our obsession instead of being our helpers. They attract people to use all of the apps and social networks as much as possible.
  22. Smartphone Operating Systems: Feature Writing
    Does the iPhone operating system beat the Symbian or the Android? As a tech-fanatic, I will put various smartphone operating systems through their paces.
  23. Smartphone Market Statistics in the United States
    Smartphones management on Google-backed Android software is in an advanced position in the United States market.
  24. Smartphone Addiction Among American Youth
    While the smartphone is a valuable tool that has benefited civilization, the ensuing mental addiction has a profound, lasting impact on individuals’ health.
  25. Smartphone Services: Enhancing User Experience and Security
    The number of people purchasing and using smartphones has been on the rise. This change is catalyzed by emerging technologies such as applications and superior operating systems.
  26. The iPhone X vs. Samsung Galaxy S8 Smartphones Compared
    The newest flagship phones available on the market are the Apple iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S8. This paper will provide a comparison between these two phones.
  27. Kube K15: Innovative Multimedia Smartphone
    The company is known as Kube. This organization deals with the production of electronic devices that are so popular nowadays.
  28. India’s Growing Smartphone Market: Trends and Opportunities
    The article “India’s Booming Smartphone Market” by Sean Mclain, provides information concerning the development of the smartphone market in India while pointing out the tendencies.
  29. Smartphone for Deaf and Mute People
    Deaf and mute people living in Australia and members of Deaf Australia Inc. or Australian Association of the Deaf have been identified as the target audience for a smartphone.

🎓 Most Interesting Smartphone Research Titles

  1. The Diagnostic Criteria for Smartphone Addiction
  2. Smartphone Market Trends with Pest Analysis in Korea
  3. Marketing Plan For Designing a Smartphone App
  4. Global Smartphone Audio Codecs Industry 2015 Market Research Report
  5. Samsung Smartphone Service Innovation
  6. Smartphone Use and Academic Performance: Correlation or Causal Relationship
  7. Global Smartphone Power Management IC Market
  8. Smartphone Application in Restaurant Business
  9. Smartphone Industry and Apples iPhone Analysis
  10. Using Smartphone Apps for Learning in a Major Korean University
  11. Smartphone Industry and Apples iPhone Analysis
  12. How Parent’s Smartphone Usage Impacts Their Children
  13. Smartphone: Mobile Phone and Excellent Time Killer
  14. History and Future Trends in Smartphone Technology
  15. Driving Forces for Smartphone Industry
  16. Diagnostic Criteria for Smartphone Addiction
  17. Walking and Talking: The Effect of Smartphone Use and Group Conversation on Pedestrian Speed
  18. Smartphone-Based Wound Assessment System for Diabetes
  19. Identifying and Quantifying Neurological Disability via Smartphone
  20. Smartphones and Its Integration Into Our Daily Lives

đź’ˇ Simple Smartphone Essay Ideas

  1. The Emergence, Opportunities, and Importance of Mobile E-commerce Using Smartphones
  2. Strategic Marketing Plan for Windows Phone 7 Smartphone
  3. Marketing Mix for Samsung Galaxy Smartphones
  4. The Factors That Affect the Purchase Intention of Smartphones Among Year 3 Engineering Entrepreneurship Students
  5. Smartphone Habits Among Youth: Uses and Gratification Theory
  6. Telecom Firms Under Pressure To Keep Up with Smartphone Obsession
  7. Product Features Influencing Purchase Decisions for Smartphone Handsets
  8. Indian Smartphone Users Spend More Time on Internet Than Voice
  9. The Pros and Cons of the Smartphone: Does It Help Our Lives
  10. Gender and Income Effects of Smartphone Use: The Case of Rural China
  11. The Smartphone Revolution and Its Effects on Business
  12. Overseas Student Smartphone Brand Preference
  13. Promoting Positive Effect Through Smartphone Photography
  14. Wearable ECG Monitoring and Alerting System Associated with Smartphone: IHeart
  15. Smartphone Proliferation and Internet Penetration in India
  16. Smartphone Applications and Childhood Obesity
  17. Off-Farm Work, Smartphone Use and Household Income: Evidence From Rural China
  18. Smartphone Addiction and Its Effects on Society
  19. Why Can Samsung and Apple Dominate the Smartphone Market in Hong Kong
  20. Social Media and Smartphone Habits

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "76 Smartphone Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/smartphone-essay-topics/.

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