🏆 Best Suicide Titles for Essays
✍️ Suicide Essay Topics for College
- Public Health: Suicide and Its PreventionThe paper states that suicide cases are rising in the USA despite being a developed nation. Brazil has managed to maintain lower rates of suicide.
- The Analysis of the Sin of SuicideThe paper emphasizes that euthanasia is a sin, murder, and suicide. Science cannot give an answer to whether this intervention is necessary or not.
- Suicide in Adolescence: Warning Signs and CausesAdolescence is a life stage that precedes reaching psychological maturity and social independence. It involves the risks of extreme reactions to negative experiences.
- End-of-Life Care and Physician-Assisted SuicideThis paper argues that a PAS decision should not be seen as a solution to the patient’s problems as it is the central element of self-management for patients with chronic disease.
- Increased Suicide in Emergency DepartmentsThe paper attempts to acknowledge the causes of high suicide attempts resulting in the death of patients and staff in EDs and provide preventative solutions.
- Suicide Prevention Strategies in Sioux LookoutThe current strategies used to prevent suicides in our societies need to be reinforced to reduce the cases currently reported.
- Screening Program for Suicide and Overdose PreventionThe findings highlight that the screening program has positively impacted Racoon City regarding suicide and overdose prevention.
- Is Physician-Assisted Suicide Ever EthicalA patient who chooses to end their own life with the help of a doctor and the delivery of a lethal substance is said to have committed physician-assisted suicide (PAS).
- Increased Suicide Rates in the United StatesSuicide rates are high in the United States, and many factors contribute to it. Financial problems, substance abuse, and bullying make people commit suicide.
- Suicide: The Common Myths and RealitySuicide is not an act of cowardice. Rather it takes an act of great courage and bravery to decide to end one’s own life.
- Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of SuicideThe paper discusses Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. It tries to explain the likelihood of suicide by analyzing the presence of three main factors.
- Methods and Stages of Suicide PreventionThe paper is written with the aim of studying suicide prevention methods which begins with identifying and treating warning signals carefully.
- The Risk of Suicide: DiscussionThe rising number of teen suicides is typically brought on by financial difficulties, job loss, disappointments, stress, and expressiveness.
- Economic Evaluation: Prevention of Suicide and Drug OverdoseThe economic evaluation of the provided scenario was conducted in four dimensions: cost-of-illness, programmatic, benefit-cost, and cost-effectiveness analyses.
- Suicide Rates and Causes in Raccoon CityOne of the most acute problems of modern times is many suicides among people of all ages. This program estimates the number of suicides in Raccoon City.
- Student Suicide Crisis HandlingThis essay will explore potential improvements in students’ suicide risk assessment and crisis interventions in the example of Orange County Public Schools.
- Assisted Suicide and Its Morality AspectsAssisted suicide or euthanasia used to be allowed. This paper aims to debate the pros and cons of assisted suicide and its morality or immorality.
- Legalizing Medically-Assisted SuicideMedically assisted suicide should be legal and easily accessible because some health conditions diminish people’s ability to enjoy life due to pain and the low quality of life.
- Doctor-Assisted Suicide in Personal ViewDoctor-Assisted Suicide is recognized as a topic in the medical field that creates dilemmas among various medical personnel.
- Legalization of Medically-Induced SuicideThe article presents the annotated bibliography about the personal, political, and professional ramifications of the legalization of Medical Assistance in dying for nurses.
- Euthanasia: Physician-Assisted Suicide, Disability, and PaternalismInvoluntary euthanasia, on the other hand, means that such a person would prefer to live but has a condition that would cause their death eventually.
- How to Conduct Greeting Session With Patients With Suicide, and HomicideThe paper argues patients with suicide, homicide, and self-harm risks require special attention due to specific mental health conditions and behavioral features.
- “Kevorkian” Film on Assisted SuicideThe documentary “Kevorkian” features one of the most controversial men in USA history, as he helped terminally ill patients in the U.S. undertake physician-assisted suicide.
- The Relation Between the Teen Suicide and BullyingDuring the teenage years, bullying and harassment represent cases of social animosity that make suicide an option.
- “Why We Need to Talk About Suicide”: Lessons LearntThis response paper’s purpose involves summarizing new learning and the remaining questions from the video “Why We Need to Talk about Suicide”.
- Suicide and Homicide in Sophocles’ “Antigone” and “Electra”Sophocles’ ethics and their multifaceted display are still highly relevant even today, where dilemmas on suicide and homicide issues are no less acute than in ancient times.
- Assisted Suicide and Its Legalization ProblemNumerous states have discussed the issue of assisted suicide legalization and came to a concrete decision. One of the first countries to legalize euthanasia was the Netherlands.
- Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments and CounterargumentsPhysician-assisted suicide entails more than simply ending one’s life. It also entails the dignity, worth, ethics, and morals we as individuals choose to believe.
- Suicide Prevention and Risk AssessmentSuicide risk assessment is a significant activity because it allows social workers to identify clients’ suicide ideation and offer some ways to minimize it.
- Suicide among Adolescents: Research Dissemination PlanThis study aims to research suicide among adolescents, including the main factors that can influence the decision to commit suicide, the reasons leading to such thoughts.
- Suicide Barriers on the Golden Gate BridgeGolden Gate Bridge attracts many people seeking to commit suicide by jumping into the deep waters. It is a dangerous place that needs to be equipped with protection.
📝 Suicide Prevention Title Ideas
Suicide is a public health issue with long-term consequences. The good news is that it can be prevented. Everyone can save another person’s life by becoming familiar with the warning signs and showing their support.
Here are some fresh ideas for an essay on suicide prevention:
- Ways to Raise Awareness about Suicide.
- Social-Emotional Learning Programs and Their Efficiency in Suicide Prevention.
- Helping a Suicidal Person: The Main Rules.
- The Importance of Access to Psychological Help for Those at Risk of Suicide.
👍 Good Suicide Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Determining Pros and Cons of Physician-Assisted SuicideThis paper discusses the ethical issues related to the legalization or forbiddance of physician-assisted suicide, identifying various stakeholders involved.
- How Covid-19 Isolation Contributed to Depression and Adolescent SuicideThe pandemic affected adolescents because of stringent isolation measures, which resulted in mental challenges such as depression and anxiety, hence suicidal thoughts.
- Suicidality. Suicide Prevention StrategiesCases of suicide are increasing daily in many countries due to various issues, such as drug abuse and poor mental health.
- The Act Codenamed H.R. 4861 for Suicide VictimsThe Act codenamed H.R. 4861 is an amendment to the already existing Public Health Service Act and is intended to expand the scope of care for the victims of suicide attempts.
- The Role Cultural Continuity Plays in Youth Suicide Rates Among Indigenous PeopleEven though Canada is considered one of the world’s developed countries, suicide cases are rising, especially among the indigenous groups.
- The Problem and Perspectives of SuicideThere is a very significant relationship between suicide and social life aspects, rendering suicidal acts to be partly incorporated in many social matters.
- The Tendencies of Teenage Suicide in AfricaCommunity involvement is extremely imperative in curbing suicidal tendencies among African teenagers. The family should be aware of the teenagers’ growth and development.
- Adolescent Suicide in South AfricaThis report concerns the rise of suicide in South Africa, with the youth increasingly attempting or committing suicide as a result of depression.
- The Crisis of Lethality: Suicide as Health PhenomenonSuicide has been a troubling phenomenon worldwide. The latest statistics indicate that suicide is a killer in America.
- Teenage Suicide in South AfricaTeenage suicide in South Africa is on an alarming rise based on recent studies hence the need to address the issue effectively.
- The Methods of Prevention of SuicideIt is vital to remember that such tragedies as suicide can affect almost every family, and one should not overlook such threats.
- The Crisis of Lethality: SuicideAlthough there are several instances where people who attempt suicide have been able to come out of it alive, it remains one highest causes of death.
- The Dynamic of Suicide and Suicide LethalityThere are several suicide dynamics: the precipitating condition, the search for a solution, stimulus, and psychological need that entails being thwarted or frustrated.
- The Legalization of Physician-Assisted SuicideThe legalization of physician-assisted suicide can change the society itself, its foundations, values, and the attitude of citizens towards life and death.
- Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?The review explores the “Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?” by T. Mechmann and A. Carra (2017) that describes the details of the historical case of Myers v. Schneiderman.
- Assisted Suicide: Common Law and EthicsThe legalization of euthanasia has been an issue of multiple debates for an understandable reason. In the current legislation of the United Kingdom, assisted suicide is illegal.
- Brittany Maynard Case: The Suicide DilemmaBrittany Maynard was a terminally ill patient who decided to end her own life by taking a lethal dose of prescribed medication.
- Should Assisted Suicide be Legalized?Due to the consistently improving quality of life in developed countries, the average life expectancy has increased over the past decades.
- Suicide and Major Depressive DisorderDepressive disorders have now become a severe issue for the vast majority of world residents. Constant pressure, immense workload have led to an increasing rate of self-harm.
- Wonder Woman, Panorama and Suicide Squad: Advertisements AssessmentThis paper aims to provide personal and technical reasons why like the discussed advertisements, as well as analyze them from various important perspectives.
- Ethical and Legal Considerations of Physician-Assisted SuicideIn this literature review, the current viewpoints on the ethical considerations behind the legality of physician-assisted suicide will be discussed and critically analyzed.
- Why Does Lucretia Commit Suicide?Lucretia was a noblewoman known for her innocence, beauty, and suicide that she committed after a rape. Her death is a symbol of dishonor in human relationships in Ancient Rome.
- Ethical, Moral and Legal Issues in Assisted SuicideIf the patient requests her nurse to assist her in committing suicide, the nurse should consider many legal, ethical, and moral issues before making the appropriate decision.
- Suicide-Related Research in Clinical Forensic SettingsSuicide-related research is to be conducted in the area of forensic psychology to determine the risks associated with suicidal behaviors in patients with mental disabilities.
- Suicidability in Correctional Settings: PreventionThree methods are currently used to assess an inmate’s risk for suicide: “clinical opinions, structured-professionals judgments, and actuarial predictions”.
- Suicide Within the Youth: Causal AnalysisThe problem of suicide within youth is one of the most burning problems nowadays. Suicide is generally regarded as the third cause of death for young people between 10 and 24.
- Suicide Among Youth: Issue ReviewOne of the latter is the problem of suicide of youth located at various facilities according to the Foster Care System which is being implemented in numerous countries around the world.
- Suicide, Homicide, and Psychological TheoriesSuicidal attempts do not always result in death because the nature of some of them can be reversed. It is important to administer proper treatment to a suicidal person.
- Teenage Suicide Causes in the United StatesThe most difficult period in one’s life is the teenage period. Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people in the United States alone.
- Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide: Literature ReviewThis literature review tries to analyze the previous studies about the legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide. Three studies are reviewed and resources are evaluated.
- Euthanasia or Assisted SuicideThe present paper looks into the issue of physician- or doctor-assisted suicide or euthanasia from a number of perspectives.
⚖️ Suicide Argumentative Essay Topics
In an argumentative essay, you must prove your stance on a controversial issue. You can use statistics, research findings, or real-life examples to make your point. Check out some suggestions to cover in your argumentative paper.
Should Suicide Be Criminalized?
Nowadays, suicidal behavior is still illegal in at least 20 nations around the world, with a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison. Instead of receiving support during a mental health crisis, suicide survivors are jailed or punished by fines. Do you think it’s fair? Could criminalization of suicide stop individuals from attempting it? Consider answering these challenging questions in your essay.
Is Suicide Ever Rational?
There are a lot of philosophical debates around the issue of whether suicide can ever be justified. On the one hand, in situations like a terminal illness or excruciating pain, suicide can be a moral decision that expresses one’s control over one’s life. On the other hand, supporting the idea of rational suicide contests the intrinsic worth of life and alternatives like palliative care and mental health support.
Should Suicide Be Talked About in Schools?
Discussing suicide in school may teach students the alarming signs of depression and suicidal behavior. As a result, more people will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to prevent a tragic event. However, such an open dialogue about suicide may trigger vulnerable individuals or glamorize the act. So, instead of averting this problem, we may see an increase in suicidal rates among school students.
Can We Actually Prevent Suicide?
Suicide is generally problematic to predict because there are many people at risk, but only a few of them commit it. Besides, sometimes, even those who don’t fall into vulnerable groups may end their lives. So, do these challenges mean that suicide is not preventable? Of course not. Some methods can still decrease suicide rates. Examples include mental health education, readily available support services, and timely diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
Should Suicide Be Normalized?
The idea of normalizing suicide is troubling. Some people call for openly talking about this issue to reduce the shame linked to having suicidal thoughts. Opponents believe that normalizing suicide may send a message that it is an appropriate way to tackle problems. They are afraid that such open conversations about suicide will lead to high death rates and fewer people trying to seek help.
🌶️ Hot Suicide Essay Titles
- Suicide as a Major Mental Health ChallengeThe presented paper identifies suicide as a major mental health challenge that all professionals in the field of nursing should begin to take seriously.
- Arguments Against Physician-Assisted Suicide: Ethical and Legal PerspectivesIn modern healthcare, there are many practices that polarize society, and physician-assisted suicide is one of them.
- Community Capacity Building Against SuicideThe paper demonstrates how a social worker can introduce the conceptual framework of community capacity building as a quick solution for the high suicide rates of a small town.
- Qualitative Study on Suicide Assessment by Psychiatric Nurses“Suicide Assessment by Psychiatric Nurses: A Phenomenographic Study” by Aflague and Ferszt discusses how psychiatric nurses conceptualize suicide assessment using phenomenography.
- Understanding Suicide: Religious Perspectives and Modern ImplicationsSuicide is a controversial issue that requires special attention. Spiritual suicide has religious importance and sees the way to enlightenment through embracing death.
- Evidence-Based Practices for Effective Suicide ScreeningThe paper focuses on suicide prevention among adolescents using suicide screening as a nursing tool to deal with the problem.
- Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Comparative Analysis in Europe and the USEuthanasia is defined as a deliberate action with the aim of ending a patient’s life to ease the suffering caused by the disease.
- Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescent Mental Health StatisticsThe purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of coronavirus on these tragic numbers.
- Policies to Reduce Suicide Rates in Arizona: An EvaluationSuicide is a major public health problem in Arizona. The legislation related to the reduction of suicide rates in Arizona is limited.
- Andreas Lubitz’s Suicide from Psychological AspectOn March 24, 2015, Andreas Lubitz was said to have committed suicide by crashing Flight 4U9525 into the French Alps consequently killing all those on board.
- Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Key Differences and Ethical DebatesDespite the numerous ethical and legal issues, assisted suicide offers a humanitarian way out of suffering for patients and families.
- The Role of Assisted Suicide as a Humanitarian Solution to Alleviate Patient SufferingAssisted suicide comes as a relief to both the patient and family members. It provides a compassionate way out of suffering for the sick and their relatives.
- Assisted Suicide in Utilitarian EthicsThe purpose of this paper is to assess whether assisted suicide would be a humanitarian way out for patients and families through the prism of utilitarian ethics.
- Analysis of Clinical Practice Guideline: Suicide Risk AssessmentClinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are useful documents that can support can improve the quality of nursing care available to patients.
- Developing a Healthy People 2020 Database on Adolescent SuicideAs a part of its activities, the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has been developing the “Healthy People” objectives for the US.
- Assisted Suicide in End-of-Life Care: Debating Ethical ConsiderationsThe paper argues in favor of assisted suicide deeming it a humanitarian way of endorsing the patients’ human rights as well as preserving their dignity in death.
- The Humanitarian Debate on Assisted Suicide: Ethical Perspectives and Societal ImpactsThis paper explores the humanitarian ways availed by assisted suicide in eliminating pain and suffering to patients and their families.
- Approaches to Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients: Clinical PerspectivesThis research considered the clinical problem that consists of the challenge of suicide prevention in older patients, especially those suffering from terminal illnesses.
- Evaluating the SAFETY Program for Adolescent Suicide PreventionThe authors of this work state that the problem of suicide among youth is extremely serious as the rates of suicide deaths and self-harm increase during this period.
- Adolescent Suicide Ideation: Role of Family & Professional SupportThe research problem is suicide ideation among adolescents, and the particular area to be studied is the role of family and professional support.
- Interventions to Reduce Suicidal Ideation in ElderlyThe project provides elderly individuals with interventions for reducing suicidal ideation, restoring their desire to live, and lowering the rates of suicide.
- Addressing Suicide Causes with Awareness and Prevention StrategiesThough there are many facts and statistics about suicide, it is not appropriate to rely on the dry facts free from emotions when someone’s life and its ending are discussed.
- Expanding the Debate on Physician-Assisted Suicide: Medical and Ethical PerspectivesPhysician-assisted suicide is one of the issues that characterize provision of health care in the contemporary world. Physician-assisted is closely related to euthanasia.
- Suicide Ideation in COPD Patients: Fleehart et al. StudyThe purpose of this study is to: assess the point prevalence of SI with the PHQ-9 in a cohort of patients with moderate to very severe COPD enrolled in the CASCADE study.
- Addressing Attempted Suicide Rates Among American Soldiers: Trends and InterventionsEven though the United States Army is often regarded as one of the most powerful armies in the world, the problem of suicide among soldiers remains extremely important.
- The Debate on Assisted Suicide: Ethical and Humanitarian PerspectivesThis paper evaluates different views surrounding the debate but argues that assisted suicide provides a humanitarian way out of suffering for patients and families.
- Physician Assisted SuicideIn physician assisted suicide the term suicide has been defined as the timely death of a person with the assistance of a doctor due to a terminal illness.
- Suicide Prevention: The Role of Diagnostic Services and Behavioral AssessmentThe understanding of the dynamics of suicide play a critical role in helping troubled individuals in coping with ideation and behaviors that are likely to cause suicide.
- The Joel Morales Suicide Case: Analyzing Legal and Ethical DimensionsSuicide is a fatal incident that is unwarranted in an attempt to solve a problem. This essay uses the case of Joel Morales, a 12-year old student who committed suicide.
- Mental Health Disorders and Suicide: A Global PerspectiveThe current article supports the fact that mental disorders are risk factors for accidental death and suicide, but there is limited data to suggest their association with homicide.
- Medical Tourist: Craig Ewert’s Journey to PASThe documentary film “Medical tourist” provides a story on the last days of Craig Ewert, a native of Chicago who goes on a tour to Switzerland for physician-assisted suicide.
- Performing Assisted Euthanasia on Kees de Joode: A Compassionate ChoiceIn the documentary Death Upon Request assisted euthanasia is the result of the patient’s decision, since some people prefer to die in dignity in order not to burden their loved ones.
- Susan Wolf on Euthanasia: Moral Obligations and Assisted SuicideThe article written by Susan Wolf urges the readers to reevaluate their views on euthanasia and assisted suicide.
- Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide: Controversies and Moral DilemmasFor any person who believes and declares that there is a supreme being governing and controlling the world and what happens, it means one is trying to play this superior being.
🎓 Most Interesting Suicide Research Paper Topics
- Suicide and the Concept of the Afterlife
- Suicide Among Young Rural Women
- Sleeping Pill Suicide Information
- Adolescent Suicide Prevention Evaluation Tool
- Old Age and Assisted Suicide Laws
- Suicide: Facts, Misconceptions, Causes, and Prevention
- Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors Have Befallen All Cultures
- Self-Harm and Suicide in Prison
- Physician Assisted Suicide: The Growing Issue of Dying With Dignity and Euthanasia
- Active Euthanasia, Passive Euthanasia, and Assisted Suicide
- Parent Neglect and Adolescent Suicide Ideation
- Adolescent Depression and Suicide Early Detection and Treatment of the Key
- Suicide, America’s Hidden Devastation
- Patient Care Plan Analysis: Suicide Attempt Case Study
- Suicide Among Homosexual Youths
- One Step From Suicide: The Controversy of Race in Society
- Suicide and the Predictions of Suicide
- Moral and Religious Differences Between Euthanasia and Suicide
- Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Are Moral and Ethical
- Risk Factors for Serious Suicide Attempts: Difference Between Older and Younger Attempters in the Emergency Department
- Suicide and the Agony of Separateness
- Adolescent Depression, Anti-depressants, and Suicide
- Suicide Among Active Duty Troops
- Suicidal Ideation Mediates the Relationship Between Affect and Suicide Attempts in Adolescents
- Suicide Bombers: What Makes Them Tick
- Suicide Prevention Among Gay Youth
- Suicide Prevention and Treatment of Suicide
- The Controversies and Issues Surrounding Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Theoretical Suicide and Truth in All About Suicide by Luisa Valenzuela
- The Controversy Surrounding Assisted Suicide and Whether It Should Be Legalized or Not
💡 Simple Suicide Speech Topics
- Suicide and Religious Beliefs
- Native Americans and Their High Suicide Rate
- The Good and Bad Sides of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Suicide Among Canadian Aboriginal Youths: Rates, Causes, and Solutions
- Adolescent Suicide Warning Signs
- Suicide Never Being Morally Defensible
- Night Falls Fast Understanding Suicide by Kay Redfield Jamison
- Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Allowed
- Suicide Not Being the Only Form of Violence
- Social Networking Causes Cyberbullying and Suicide
- New Methods for Assessing Rapid Changes in Suicide Risk
- Suicide and Suicide Prevention on the Navajo Reservation
- Alcohol Abuse and Suicide Attempts Among Youth – Correlation or Causation
- Think Once More Before You Commit Suicide
- The Association Between Dyslipidemia and Lethality of Suicide Attempts
- The Causes and Consequences of Cluster Suicide
- Suicide Affects All People of All Races and Ages
- The Relationship Between Shame Proneness and Suicide Attempt
- The Link Between Economic Downfall and the Horrific Rate of Suicide Cases in Japan
- The Laws Associated With Administering or Legal Consequences of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Those Left Behind: Euthanasia, Suicide, and Other Regarding Preferences
- The Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide Movement
- Natural Disasters and Suicide: Evidence From Japan
- Structural and Functional Abnormities of Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depressive Disorder With Suicide Attempts
- The Sociological Imagination and Durkheim’s View on Suicide
- The Advantages and Disadvantages of Physician-Assisted Suicide
- The Issue about Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide in the United States
- The Correlation Between Mood Disorders and Suicide Rate
- The History and Arguments on Morality of the Practice of Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia
- Social Psychology Behind Teen Suicide
❓ Research Questions about Suicide
- How School Programs and Connectedness Can Prevent Suicide?
- When Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder Attempt Suicide?
- How Does Suicide Impact New Zealand?
- What Are the Arguments against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide?
- How Does Suicide Affect People Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically?
- Does Depression Lead To Suicide and Decreased Life Expectancy?
- Is It True That Adolf Hitler Committed Suicide?
- Why Should Doctor-Assisted Suicide Be Allowed?
- Does Corruption Affect Suicide?
- What Are the Causes and Effects of Suicide?
- Why Do LGBT Students Commit Suicide More Often than Others?
- Was the Economic Crisis 1997-1998 Responsible for Rising Suicide Rates in East/Southeast Asia?
- What Is the Relationship between Dissociative Identity Disorder and Suicide?
- How Does Hamlet’s Reason for Avoiding Suicide Change Throughout the Play?
- Why Should Active Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?
- How Does Immigration Affect Suicide?
- What Is the Biblical Worldview about Euthanasia, Suicide, and Capital Punishment?
- Does Deinstitutionalization Increase Suicide?
- What Is the Reason for the Suicide of Vincent Van Gogh?
- How Do Suicide and Music Relate to Each Other?
- What Tool Is Available to Assess Adolescent Suicide Prevention?
- Why Painters Choose the Color White for Their Outfit as a Lens to Discuss Suicide?
- How Can You Escape the Thought of Suicide?
- Does Unemployment Aggravate Suicide Rates in South Africa?
- How Does Teen Suicide Affect Society?