Let’s travel to the roaring 1920s with our collection of The Great Gatsby essay prompts! F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic novel, set amidst the luxury and decadence of the Jazz Age, thrills readers with its exploration of love, wealth, and the elusive pursuit of the American Dream. In the Great Gatsby essay topics below, you will find titles about the complex characters and their entwined destinies.
🪩 7 The Great Gatsby Essay Topics
📝 Best The Great Gatsby Essay Prompts
- How Money and Wealth Depicted in the Fitzgerald’s “Great Gatsby”Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby shows how wealth is a major element in the social order by showcasing, how money corrupts individual and classifies social groups.
- Symbolism in The Great GatsbyIn The Great Gatsby there are several symbols but the most powerful appears to be the eyes that overlook the valley from a bill board.
- Ethics in The Great Gatsby by FitzgeraldIn The Great Gatsby, many of the characters have questionable ethics. The story, written by Scott Fitzgerald, reflects a society where moral decadence thrives
- “The Great Gatsby” and “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”: Examination of Material WealthThe paper examines Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” and Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” focusing on the theme of materialistic wealth and its impacts on human life.
- Benjamin Franklin vs. Jay Gatsby: Character ComparisonThe paper aims to consider the character traits of Gatsby through the portrayal of Ben Franklin, discuss their aims and features.
- Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”: Literary DevicesIn the book Fitzgerald applies literary techniques such as dramatic irony, allegory, exposition, personification, and foreshadowing to accord the story a smart finishing.
- Love in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” and Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”The main characters of both modern and traditional works, “Pride and Prejudice” and “The Great Gatsby,” openly say that a human cannot hide her feelings.
- Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” as a Deconstruction of the American DreamOne way in which the movie deconstructs the idea of the American Dream is by showing that prosperity does not necessarily come in hand with virtue.
- The Sun Also Rises and The Great Gatsby: Comprare & Contrast‘The Great Gatsby’ by S.Fitzgerald and ‘The Sun also Rises’ by E.Hemingway touched the themes of human challenges, racism and isolation under the impact of war events.
- The Deception of the American Dream in The Great GatsbyFitzgerald’s magnum opus The Great Gatsby raises an important question about the legitimacy of the American Dream. The novel centers on Jay Gatsby, a millionaire who came from humble beginnings and spends his time trying to reunite with his former lover, Daisy. Gatsby’s warped perception of success makes him see…
- Green Light in The Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby of F. Scott Fitzgerald is known for its symbolism which is very mysterious and intricate as a lot of details.
- The Film “The Great Gatsby” and the American DreamThe film “The Great Gatsby” is just one example, which leaves hope for people that the American Dream in any of its interpretations is attainable for the majority today.
- Analysis of The Great Gatsby (2013)This work highlights the possible readings of the film The Great Gatsby according to rhetoric, semiotics, the gaze, and queer theory.
- The Role of Love and Women in Great Gatsby and the Sun Also RisesLove is inextricably linked to women in both Fitzgerald’s “Great Gatsby” and Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises” so much so that a serious discussion of one cannot be complete without the other.
- “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald“The Great Gatsby” is a recognized classic of American literature with the characteristic idea of that era – a dream that transforms into a tragedy eventually.
- The Great Gatsby: Gatsby and the Decline of the American DreamThis paper will research the decline of Gatsby’s American dream by summarizing the novel, defining the discussed notion, and providing several supporting examples from the story.
- Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway: Character AnalysisThis paper compares and contrasts two characters from “The Great Gatsby”, which are Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway, who represent the novel’s protagonist and narrator respectively
- The Great Gatsby: Book ReviewThe Great Gatsby involves the story of Jay Gatsby. In this book the character being played, namely Jay, is a character that is in the conquest of win back his only and first love.
- Failure of American Dream: “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald ReviewDespite the seeming glamor and wealth, the character of Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald is deeply and inherently tragic.
- The Great Gatsby: American Dream ConceptThe movie, The Great Gatsby, satirizes American Dream by showing that it is an illusion that cannot be attained: wealth is not always a product of hard work.
- “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Beliefs and ValuesThis paper uses “The Great Gatsby” book to describe the major events and experiences that influenced Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s beliefs and values.
- Gender in The Great Gatsby & The Yellow WallpaperThe complexities of men and women in the texts were examined and evaluated on the basis of sexuality and relationship and the inferences would be supported by the text itself.
- The Novel “The Great Gatsby” by FitzgeraldThis paper attempts to trace the peculiarities of the protagonist of the novel “The Great Gatsby” and argues that Fitzgerald has transferred some of his own peculiarities to him.
🎓 Interesting The Great Gatsby Research Paper Topics
- “The Great Gatsby”: What Makes Daisy So Attractive?
- Nick and His Experiences of Materialism in “The Great Gatsby”
- The Confrontational Relationship Between Tom and Gatsby in F Scott Fitzgerald’s, “The Great Gatsby”
- How Women Are Portrayed in “The Great Gatsby”
- What Techniques Does Fitzgerald Use to Convey the Main Themes in “The Great Gatsby”
- Contrasting Western Morals and Eastern Corruption in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
- “Love Conquers All: Analyzing Romance and Relationships Within “The Great Gatsby”
- “The Great Gatsby”: Morals and American Idealism
- Fitzgerald’s Personal Background Paralleled With the Character in “The Great Gatsby”
- What Makes One Great? “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- How the Lost Generation Is Represented in “The Great Gatsby”
- The Careless Gaiety and Moral Decadence of the Rich in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
- Jay Gatsby’s American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”
- The American Dream Turned Nightmare in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Greed, Lust, and the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”, a Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Ambition and Its Negative Effects: “The Great Gatsby” and Macbeth
- The Deconstruction Post-Modern Criticism of “The Great Gatsby”
- Morals and American Idealism in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Gatsby’s Unrealistic American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”
- American Culture During “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The East Egg and the Corruption of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Superficial Love and Realistic Love in “The Great Gatsby” by F Scott Fitz
👍 Great Gatsby Essay & Thesis Ideas
- Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ and the Illusion of the American DreamF. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” is one of the greatest novels written on the subject. At first look, Jay Gatsby’s narrative appears to be the American dream realization.
- The Great Gatsby: Illusions in Human ExistenceThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is often analyzed from the point of view of opposing dreams and reality, the spiritual and material world.
- The Great Gatsby as a Reflection of American CultureThe protagonist, Jay Gatsby, was the forerunner of an entire literary dynasty of rich personalities with a mysterious past.
- Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age Perception in “The Great Gatsby”The purpose of this paper is to analyze the features used by Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby in terms of its contribution to the reader’s impression and the work’s status.
- Infidelity in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”The Great Gatsby is the story of materialism, its pursuit, symbolism on those who possess it at different stages of life, and how the majority may decline morally in its lure.
- The Great Gatsby’s Wealth and Its Hollow Pursuit of DaisyIn The Great Gatsby, Jay wants to win back the only girl he ever felt he loved. It’s hard to blame Gatsby for attempting to win Daisy by impressing her with his material wealth.
- Imagery in “The Great Gatsby” by F. FitzgeraldThe principle imagery of the novel lies in its locations. There are three key locations, which signify different social classes of the American society at the time.
- The American Dream: Jay Gatsby’s Illegal WealthThe American Dream is a happy way of living believed in the US that anyone has a chance for success and can also rise to a higher social or economic position by working hard.
- The Great Gatsby: How Money and Class Create and Destroy RelationshipsMoney and class always played a huge role in the life of any society. Since ancient times, people have been marrying for money: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- “The Great Gatsby” Is the Best Fitzgerald’s Novel“The Great Gatsby” is practically the most successful book of Francis Scott Fitzgerald as it has been translated into many languages.
- Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’: A Novel OverviewIn his novel “The Great Gatsby”, Francis Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism to convey extra emotions, add different meanings, and allow for various interpretations.
- “The Great Gatsby” by Scott F. FitzgeraldThe theme of the American dream interweaves the entire plot of the novel The Great Gatsby. Each of the characters had their dream, but none of them could come true.
- Themes of Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”This paper analyzes “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. There are several themes in “The Great Gatsby”, including money, wealth, idealism, and love.
- Wealth and Illusion in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores the theme of American Dream. In particular, the author shows the decline of this ideal and people’s disillusionment with it.
- Money and Wealth in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”The paper discusses what money means for Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway and how this theme is essential for developing topics like the American dream and love.
- Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Book ReviewThe central thesis of the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is that American society in the Roaring Twenties is disillusionment and moral decay.
- Owl Eyes in “The Great Gatsby” by FitzgeraldThis paper discusses and examines the significance of the minor character Owl Eyes in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby”.
- Jay Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald and the American DreamThe American Dream means the individual’s striving for success, material well-being, and other kinds of achievement, implying an ascent to recognition, wealth, and fame
- The American Dream Discussion Based on the Film “The Great Gatsby”In “The Great Gatsby”, Franklin’s assertion the American Dream is available to all people is incorrect – Gatsby achieved wealth by fraud, but it didn’t fulfill his American dream.
- Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Book and Movie Comparison“The Great Gatsby” can be called a faithful interpretation, however, it still has some personal analysis of the director.
- “The Great Gatsby”: The American Dream Is Not Feasible for All“The Great Gatsby” declares that the American Dream is not feasible for all because neither virtuous character nor hard work leads to prosperity, and hope remains unrewarded.
- The Great Gatsby: A Book Review and SummaryThe Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is highly evaluated among literary critics and perceived to be one of the most prominent novels ever written.
- Pursuit of Daisy Buchanan in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”“The Great Gatsby” is a novel by F. S. Fitzgerald. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether Gatsby should have sought Daisy and the reasons why this pursuit was justified.
- The Great Gatsby: Chapters’ ReviewChapter 1: Nick Carraway decides to move from Minnesota to New York. He starts his story by mentioning that his father told him not to judge others.
- American Dream in Fitzgeralds’s “The Great Gatsby”Among the many concepts explored in Fitzgeralds’s The Great Gatsby, American Dream is one of the most notable ones.
- Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”: Gatsby’s Impossible DreamIn The Great Gatsby, the story concerns a mysterious character named Jay Gatsby. He is exceptionally wealthy, hosting parties at his manor attended by many people.
- The Great Gatsby: AnalysisThe main character Jay Gatsby returns after the overpast of World War I. As we see, he is a respectable veteran being newly wealthy. He settles in “West Egg”.
- Nick Carraway in “The Great Gatsby” by Scott FitzgeraldIn contrast to other characters in The Great Gatsby, Nick goes through a number of changes from the beginning to the end of the novel.
- Color Symbolism in The Great GatsbyThe novel Great Gatsby depicts the unique vision of the American dream and its impact on the life of a person during the 1920s.
- Society in The Great GatsbyThe novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a bitter satire to the American dream, which according to the ideas of the majority implies the heap of the happiness.
- In the Time of the Butterflies and The Great Gatsby: Compare & Contrast EssayThe settings of both stories help us understand the canvasses upon which the authors paint their pictures and contextualizes the actions of stories’ characters.
- Jazz Age & American Dream in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”The topic of changes in the American society in 1920s, in the book “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzerald, and the change of the concept of the American Dream.
- Masculinity in The Great Gatsby and The Breakfast ClubThe paper demonstrates how the American culture depicts masculinity as reflected in media (movies) and American literature in the course readings.
💡 Simple The Great Gatsby Essay Topics
- Difference Between Illusion and Reality in “The Great Gatsby”
- “The Great Gatsby” Through the Lens of Feminist Criticism
- How Money Widens the Gap of Loneliness in “The Great Gatsby”
- What Part Does Social Class Play in “The Great Gatsby”?
- Broken Dreams and Fallen Themes: The Corruption of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”
- Dreams Are the Main Theme in “The Great Gatsby”
- Connection Between Saint Hedwig of Silesia and “The Great Gatsby”
- Imagination and Its Effects on the World of “The Great Gatsby”
- Love Lust and Obsession in “The Great Gatsby”
- Beauty and Foolishness: The Role of Pammy Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby”
- Discover the Hidden Reality in “The Great Gatsby”
- Equating Money and Prosperity to the Power of Love in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- What Going From West to East Meant for the Characters in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- America and the Decay of Morality: “The Great Gatsby” and “The Sun Also Rises”
- How Does the Author Use Theme, Setting, and Character to Instil in the Reader a Desire to Read “The Great Gatsby”?
- Why Has “The Great Gatsby” Been Hailed as the Ultimate Testament to the Glamorous Side of the Jazz Era?
- “The Great Gatsby” Displaying the Corruption of the American
- “The Great Gatsby”: Fitzgerald Tying Is Life to the Book
- Pure Happiness and Self-Satisfaction in the Pursuit of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”, a Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “The Great Gatsby”: Evidence of Insecurity and Ambiguity That Question Nick Carraway’s Heterosexuality
- Ambition and the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”
- Existentialism, Jungian Analysis, and Marxist Criticism in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
📌 More The Great Gatsby Essay Prompts
- “The Great Gatsby”, Their Eyes Were Watching God and Grapes
- Man’s Dreams for Elite Social Class in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
- Similarities Between “The Great Gatsby” and Julius Caesar
- Lying and Its Consequences in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Emotion Over Reason: Frankenstein and “The Great Gatsby”
- Dreaming Can Bring Misery in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitgerald
- The Thin Line Between Dreams and Reality in “The Great Gatsby”
- Beneath the Surface Glitter, ‘“The Great Gatsby”’ Is a Profoundly Pessimistic Novel
- “The Great Gatsby”: Wealth Allows People to Be Careless and Dangerous
- Women’s Intentions Towards Men in “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald
- Breathing Dreams Like Air in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- East and West Egg in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Overview of How Fitzgerald Presents Marriage as a Dysfunctional
- Affairs, Wealth, and Murder in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
- American Dream and Materialism in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- How Does Great Gatsby’s Morality Apply to Modern Society?
- Achieving Hopes and Dreams in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Idealized Love Hope and Mortality in “The Great Gatsby”
- Death and the Relief of “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Analysis and Literary Interpretation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
- Greed for Success and Wealth in “The Great Gatsby”
❓ The Great Gatsby Essay Questions
- How Is the American Dream Corrupted in “The Great Gatsby”?
- What Characters in “The Great Gatsby” Represent the American Dream?
- How Did the Author Elicit Sympathy for the Character of Great Gatsby?
- What Are the Major Themes in “The Great Gatsby”?
- Does Money Buy Happiness in “The Great Gatsby”?
- Who Is the Most Tragic Character in “The Great Gatsby”?
- How Is Illusion Mistaken for Reality in “The Great Gatsby”?
- Is “The Great Gatsby” Movie Accurate to the Book?
- Does Money Cause Problems in “The Great Gatsby”?
- How Is Happiness Portrayed in “The Great Gatsby”?
- What Is the Main Message of “The Great Gatsby”?
- Should “The Great Gatsby” Still Be Read in Schools?
- How Does Money Affect the Characters in “The Great Gatsby”?
- What Makes Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” a Timeless Classic?
- How Is Violence Shown in “The Great Gatsby”?
- Does the Novel “The Great Gatsby” Relate to Modern-Day Society?
- How Has Fitzgerald Presented the Character of Daisy in “The Great Gatsby”?
- What Does Great Gatsby Say About Society?
- How Does “The Great Gatsby” Show That Money Can’t Buy Love?
- Why Does “The Great Gatsby” Criticize Society?
- How Is Social Class Presented in “The Great Gatsby”?
- What’s the Difference Between “The Great Gatsby” Movie and Book?
- How Does Fitzgerald Portray Class at the Start of “The Great Gatsby”?
- What Is Fitzgerald Ultimately Trying to Say About Money and Materialism in “The Great Gatsby”?
- Why Is Gatsby Known as Great?