163 Wealth Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Wealth

🌶️ Hot Wealth Essay Topics

  1. Colonial Division of Labor: Rich and Poor Nations
    The problem of social inequality is deeply historically rooted. People’s being divided into poor and rich is primarily connected with the appearance of propriety.
  2. The Influence of Popular Culture on Society’s Perception of Wealth as Life’s Priority
    The modern world has long entered the era of technological advancement that broadened the scope of popular culture manifestations.
  3. Government and Church’s Role in Wealth Redistribution
    The government should participate in redistributing wealth to the poor, as the church addresses economic injustice while faith organizations are involved in eradicating poverty.
  4. Are Rich Countries Morally Obligated to Assist Poor Countries?
    The problem of unequal distribution of benefits is relevant for comparing the levels of economic development of different states.
  5. Alessandra Rich Fashion House’s Launch of Menswear
    The paper presents an overview of Alessandra Rich fashion house, including brand identity, a brief competitor analysis, and a target market.
  6. Money and Wealth in Paul’s Case by Cather
    One of the main themes in “Paul’s Case” story is money and wealth, as the main character is oppressed by his position, in which he is forced to take care of his earnings.
  7. Why Some Countries Are Rich and Others ‒ Poor?
    This essay discusses various reasons as to why there are rich and poor territories and how these differences appear.
  8. The Great Gatsby’s Wealth and Its Hollow Pursuit of Daisy
    In The Great Gatsby, Jay wants to win back the only girl he ever felt he loved. It’s hard to blame Gatsby for attempting to win Daisy by impressing her with his material wealth.
  9. Income and Wealth Inequality in the US: Historical Trends, Causes, and Solutions
    Globalization and technology, factors that exacerbate wealth disparities, drive this paper to analyze historical trends and healthcare inequality in the U.S.
  10. Bernie Sanders’ Wealth Tax: Proposal, Challenges, and Impact on Income Inequality
    Examining Bernie Sanders’ proposed wealth tax, this overview explores potential challenges in administration, enforcement, and the risk of asset circumvention.
  11. Income Inequality: Causes and Impacts on Wealth Disparity
    Structural, political, and economic factors shape income inequality, and these elements contribute to the growing wealth gap in advanced countries.
  12. Wealth and Illusion in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’
    In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores the theme of American Dream. In particular, the author shows the decline of this ideal and people’s disillusionment with it.
  13. Money and Wealth in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
    The paper discusses what money means for Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway and how this theme is essential for developing topics like the American dream and love.
  14. The Wealth Management Analyst Project
    Corporations should use financial securities as their products because they are widely available and easy to find.
  15. “The Rich Get Richer…” Book by Reiman & Leighton
    The paper’s central thesis is that the justice system cannot cope with the rising crime rate and often condemns only the poor.
  16. The Book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki
    The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, is a source of valuable advice that allows the readers to learn financial literacy without having a special education.
  17. Wealth Management: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications
    One of the crucial components in the field of investing is the topic of wealth creation. This topic entails many steps in organizing the fundamental features of a portfolio.
  18. Johnson & Johnson Stockholders’ Wealth Maximization
    This study’s analysis helps Johnson and Johnson’s stockholders maximize wealth by investing in various items like mutual funds, real estate, and insurance.
  19. Personal Finance: Turning Money Into Wealth
    There are many different bond kinds, and each has benefits and drawbacks for the parties involved. Municipal and corporate bonds will be reviewed in this session.
  20. Racial Wealth Disparity: Causes and Consequences
    Racial wealth disparity is prevalent in the US due to historical racism. It remains an urgent issue because of the consequences of such roots fixed by institutional racism.
  21. Wealth Inequality and Redistribution: Robert Nozick’s Perspective
    Poverty and wealth inequality have been concerning society for a very long time. This paper examines Robert Nozick’s perspective concerning this issue.
  22. “The Story of the Rich Young Ruler”: Inviting Conversations and Critiques
    “The story of the rich young ruler” invites conversations and critiques, as several instances conflict with other teachings and experiences in the Bible.
  23. Taxation and Wealth Redistribution in Hong Kong
    In the case of Hong Kong, its tax system is proving to be effective because it favors both business people and individuals equally.
  24. Wealth, Opportunity, and Teen Pregnancy Relationship
    Girls from disadvantaged families are much more at risk of early pregnancy, as such children often suffer from a lack of sexual education.
  25. Christ’s Relationships with Wealth and Poverty
    This paper attempts to examine Christ’s relationships with wealth, money and poverty and provide an analysis of these relationships.

đź‘Ť Good Wealth Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Offshore Havens and Hidden Riches of World Leaders
    The article “Offshore Havens and Hidden Riches of World Leaders” analyzed is based on the fundamental concepts of descriptive statistics.
  2. Wealth and Poverty Sources in America
    This paper explains the causes and consequences of poverty in the United States, programs and systems to combat it, and government benefits to support families in distress.
  3. “Embarrassment of Riches” by Sheelah Kolhatkar
    The article “Embarrassment of Riches” addresses the tendency of ultra-wealthy Americans to consider income inequality and advocate the necessity to make higher taxes for them.
  4. Wealth, Poverty, and Systems of Economic Class
    By examining wealth, poverty, and economic classes from the perspective of social justice, the socioeconomic inequalities persistent in society will become clear.
  5. The Widening Gap Between the Rich and the Poor in the Global Community
    The paper argues that despite America declaring itself as one of the highly developed nations, it is still facing a high economic disparity level.
  6. Linking Income, Wealth, and Inequality
    The main reasons for inequality are unequal distribution of property, differences in educational level, skills, work experience, and other essential factors.
  7. Are the Rich Getting Richer? A Review of Data
    This presentation is developed to review the evidence on the topic of income inequality and answer the following question: are the rich getting richer?
  8. The Ethics of Wealth: Amassing Fortune
    One can argue that wealth accumulation under one man can be even more unethical than its redistribution among many individuals.
  9. Decrease the Disparity Between Rich and Poor Solution
    Human society has long been separated under the influence of the economic factor: while a small group of the elite has been enjoying prosperity.
  10. Debt Regime: Rich and Poor Nations
    Many countries suffered from the debt crisis in the 1980s when they realized that they are not able to pay their debts to the creditors anymore because of their earning power.
  11. The Growing Gap Between the Rich and Poor in USA
    For the society, the growing gap between the rich and poor means in simpler terms that the rich are increasing their wealth, whereas ordinary people are becoming impoverished.
  12. “Way to Wealth” and Crevecoeur’s Letters Connection
    The essay analyzes the work “The Way to Wealth” by Benjamin Franklin and John de Crevecoeur’s “Letters from an American Farmer” and compares their ideas of a nation’s prosperity.
  13. Wealth and Power: The Class Structure in the U.S.
    As the word “class” is polysemantic, different people tend to forth assumptions about the basic differences which make some classes of a higher or a lower standard.
  14. Depression Among Rich People Analysis
    Among the myriad differences between rich and poor people is the manner in which they are influenced by and respond to depression.
  15. Analyzing Singletary’s View on College Scandal and Access
    The main points made by Singletary in her article “Rich, Entitled People in College Scandal Aren’t Only Ones Mired in Access Mania” will be summarized in the paper.
  16. Economic Inequality: Factors and Solutions for the US
    Despite the attempts to reduce social discrepancies, economic inequality is still a burden on American society.
  17. Analyzing Trends in Wealth Inequality and Their Social Implications
    People are deprived of a possibility to benefit from the usage of giant sums of money and suffer from the lack of opportunities for their personal and professional growth.
  18. Inequality in Income and Wealth Distribution: Janet Yellen’s Analysis
    In the speech Perspectives on Inequality and Opportunity from the Survey of Consumer Finances, J. Yellen talks about the income inequality and wealth distribution in the US.
  19. The Impact of Railroads on America’s Wealth Growth: Historical Analysis
    This document discusses the development of the transcontinental railroad and its influence on the increase of wealth in America.
  20. Intellectual Property: A Valuable Commodity and Wealth Generator
    This paper overviews intellectual property, covering its various aspects, issues that it concerns, and the abuse of the legal system that companies perpetrate in this field.
  21. Impacts of Wealth Inequality on Democracy
    There are indications that the legislators are quite unresponsive to the needs of the poor Americans. The impacts of wealth inequality on democracy are discussed in this paper.
  22. Rich-Poor Gap in Wages, Technology, Society
    The paper is aimed at the investigation of the essence of economic inequality in the United States, factors that has led to such a divide, and possible solutions to reduce the gap.
  23. Antioxidant Potency of Polyphenol-Rich Beverages in the U.S.
    The authors of article under analysis aim to challenge the popular assumption of benefits of consumption of polyphenol-rich beverages based on their high antioxidant content.
  24. Wealth Disparities in America: Examining the Socioeconomic Divide
    The growing wealth inequality in the US is now a major social issue. Academics, including sociologists and economists, have explored wealth inequality from various perspectives.
  25. Unsuccessful Wealth Redistribution Under New Deal
    The plan to redistribute wealth under the New Deal program was not successful. The government was supposed to pool resources together and later redistribute them to Americans.
  26. The New Spirit of Capitalism: Wealth and Resource Utilization
    Capitalism is an economic policy used by the government aimed at minimal participation in production. This paper looks into issues associated with capitalism.
  27. Wealth Inequality and Its Effects on Democracy in America: A Critical Examination
    The purpose of this study is to explore how wealth inequality affects democracy in America and what the perceptions of that influence are.

🎓 Most Interesting Wealth Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Discuss How Migration Reduces Disparities in Wealth and Development
  2. Accounting for Cross-Country Differences in Wealth Inequality
  3. Housing Wealth, Credit Conditions and Consumption
  4. Wealth, Volume and Stock Market Volatility: Case of Hong Kong (1993-2001)
  5. Health and Wealth Among the Poor: India and South Africa Compared
  6. Income, Wealth, and Investment Behavior in the Black Community
  7. Wealth Distribution and Pareto’s Law in the Hungarian Medieval Society
  8. Human Capital and the Wealth of Nations
  9. How Wealth and Status Affect the American Justice System
  10. Health and Wealth Disparities in the United States
  11. Home-Ownership, Housing Demand and Household Wealth Distribution in Turkey
  12. Insurance and Wealth Building Among Lower-Income Households
  13. Disentangling Age and Cohort Effects on Home-Ownership and Housing Wealth in Turkey
  14. Wealth, Industry, and the Transition to Entrepreneurship
  15. Did the Church Exploit People’s Faith to Gain Wealth
  16. Differential Mortality and Wealth Accumulation
  17. Does Oil Wealth Affect Democracy in Africa
  18. Fundamental Paper Wealth and Monetary Policy
  19. Financial Integration and the Wealth Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations
  20. Out-Migration, Wealth Constraints, and the Quality of Local Amenities
  21. Favorite Sons: Intergenerational Wealth Transfers Among Politicians
  22. Wealth Distribution and Social Mobility in the US: A Quantitative Approach
  23. Colorism and African American Wealth: Evidence From the Nineteenth-Century South
  24. Wealth, Poverty and Sustainable Development
  25. Absolute vs. Relative Notion of Wealth Changes

đź’ˇ Simple Wealth Essay Ideas

  1. Colorism, Complexion Homogamy, and Household Wealth: Some Historical Evidence
  2. Cognition and Wealth: The Importance of Probabilistic Thinking
  3. Consumption, Aggregate Wealth, and Expected Stock Returns
  4. Health and Wealth: How Do They Affect Individual Preferences
  5. Income and Wealth Distribution Germany: A Macro-Economic Perspective
  6. Inflation Vulnerability, Income, and Wealth of the Elderly, 1969- 1979
  7. Financial Institutions and the Wealth of Nations: Tales of Development
  8. Optimal Financial Knowledge and Wealth Inequality
  9. Comparing the Similarities and Differences Between People of Poverty and People of Wealth
  10. Income, Wealth, and Equal Opportunities in Sweden
  11. Why Money Talks and Wealth Whispers: Monetary Uncertainty and Mystique
  12. Wealth Shocks and Macroeconomic Dynamics
  13. Health and Wealth Accumulation: Evidence From Nineteenth-Century America
  14. Inheritance and the Characteristics of Top Wealth Leavers in Britain
  15. Fiscal Policy, International Wealth Distribution, and Welfare
  16. Christian Attitudes Towards the Distribution of Wealth in the World
  17. Heterogeneous Beliefs, Wealth Accumulation, and Asset Price Dynamics
  18. Consumption, Wealth and Business Cycles: Why Is Germany Different
  19. Christians and the Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Resources
  20. Globalization and Wealth Issues in the Modern World
  21. Wealth Distribution and Investment Income in Britain
  22. Gain and Loss: Marriage and Wealth Changes Over Time
  23. Health and Happiness Gives Us All the Wealth We Need
  24. Inflation, Nominal Portfolios, and Wealth Redistribution in Canada

đź“Ś Easy Wealth Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. Financial Innovation and the Effect of Housing Wealth on Consumption
  2. China’s Evolving External Wealth and Rising Creditor Position
  3. Harnessing Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth in the Fragile Western African States
  4. Housing Tenure and Wealth Distribution in Life-Cycle Economies
  5. Life Cycle, Individual Thrift, and the Wealth of Nations
  6. Inflation and the Distribution of Income and Wealth: Are the Poor Hurt
  7. Household Wealth Data and Public Policy
  8. Income and Wealth Heterogeneity in the Macroeconomic
  9. Extraordinary Wealth, Globalization, and Corruption
  10. Globalization and Health Worker Crisis: What Do Wealth-Effects Tell Us
  11. Are Government Bonds Net Wealth? Evidence for the United States
  12. Income and Wealth Inequality in Australia
  13. Material Wealth and Its Effects on Society
  14. Income and Wealth Inequality in America, 1949-2013
  15. Inflation and the Redistribution of Nominal Wealth
  16. Life Cycle Models, Heterogeneity of Initial Assets, and Wealth Inequality
  17. Wealth, Financial Liberalization, and the Demand for Money in Japan
  18. Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects
  19. Government Debt and Wealth Inequality: Theory and Insights From Altruism
  20. Housing Wealth and Aggregate Consumption in Sweden
  21. Wealth, Status, and Opportunity in America
  22. China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund: Weakness and Challenges
  23. Modeling the Joint Distribution of Income and Wealth
  24. Federal Forest Policy and Its Impact on Income and Wealth in Rural Communities
  25. Wealth Inequality and Household Structure: US vs. Spain

âť“ Questions about Wealth

  1. Is It Better to Pursue Wealth or Happiness?
  2. What Is the Difference Between Profit Maximization and Wealth Maximization?
  3. How Does Wealth Affect Child Development?
  4. Do Governments Try to Redistribute Wealth?
  5. Should People Be Forced to Redistribute Their Wealth to Create a Fairer Society?
  6. Did Feudalism Foster Wealth and Well-Being?
  7. What Percentage of US Wealth Is Owned by Individuals?
  8. What Types of Governments Own the Majority of Sovereign Wealth Funds?
  9. Does Wealth Lead To Inequality?
  10. Is Consumer Wealth Classified as a Stock Variable or a Flow Variable?
  11. What Is the Difference Between Money, Income, and Wealth?
  12. What Is Cultural Wealth in Sociology?
  13. Does Profit Maximization Always Lead to the Shareholder’s Wealth Examination?
  14. What Is Private Wealth Management?
  15. How Do Insurance Companies Create Wealth?
  16. Are the World’s Wealthiest Nations Do Enough to Help the Poorer Nations?
  17. How Do Sociologists Use the Term Wealth?
  18. What Are Some Examples of Profit and Wealth Maximization?
  19. Why Was the Ancient Middle East So Wealthy?
  20. Why Are Many Wealthy People So Focused On Accumulating More?
  21. What Is the Wealth Gap Like in Us?
  22. How Do Traditional Indigenous Attitudes Toward Wealth Differ From Values That Prevail Today?
  23. Does Wealth Make People Happy?
  24. Is It Fair That So Much of the World’s Wealth Is in the Hands of So Few People?
  25. Should Wealthy People Help the Poor?
  26. What Are the Best and Worst Things About Being Wealthy?
  27. Is It Fair That Individuals Can Amass Great Wealth by Exploiting Their Country’s Natural Resources?
  28. What Is the Relationship Between Savings and Wealth?
  29. How Do Wealth and Income Affect Political Ideology?
  30. Do Gains in Financial and Material Wealth Provide a Premise for Colonialism or Imperialism?

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