Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Decision-Making Processes


The main takeaway is how big data has been used to transform research in many fields, such as business, accounting, and marketing. The article confirms that human resource managers can use big data analytics to influence the decision-making processes to improve the firm’s performance (Hamilton & Sodeman, 2020). Therefore, these firms should ensure that employees have the right skills and knowledge to improve the organization’s performance.

The New Surprise

The news that surprised me is that organizations use social media and employment applications to screen and hire employees. This approach surprised me because social media profiles are deceiving in nature. Many people on social media platforms lie about their capabilities and personalities for them to look good and presentable. This can make organizations screen and hire the wrong people basing their judgment on social media platforms.

Limitation of Authors’ Argument

The authors’ argument is limited since big data violates the Title VII of the American Civil Rights Act. That means these data are more likely to promote various forms of discrimination, particularly on ethnic backgrounds (Hamilton, & Sodeman, 2020). This perception makes it difficult for the author to argue that big data is essential in human resources in promoting employee development. Further, this data is challenging to use in making appropriate decisions and guidance in the institution.

The Benefit of Big Data to Human Resource Professionals

Human resources professionals can use extensive analytical knowledge to help improve a firm’s performance (Hamilton & Sodeman, 2020). The acquired skills will help the managers recruit quality staff through screening practices, empowering them to enhance performance. Subsequently, the expenses arising from screening and hiring employees are also reduced with the help of big data analysis practices. Therefore, it is an excellent approach to improving organizational performance.


The article about the bid data gives much knowledge on how one can improve organizational performance. The organizations’ expenses on hiring staff are reduced when extensive data analysis is done. The method also answers important questions for an organization to improve its performance. For this reason, I would recommend that my peers read this article to get information and skills in maximizing organizational performance.


Hamilton, R. H., & Sodeman, W. A. (2020). The questions we ask: Opportunities and challenges for using big data analytics to strategically manage human capital resources. Business Horizons, 63(1), 85-95. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, January 3). Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Decision-Making Processes.

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StudyCorgi. "Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Decision-Making Processes." January 3, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Decision-Making Processes." January 3, 2024.

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