Implementation of Instructional Technology

Implementation of instructional technology is becoming increasingly popular in contemporary times as technological advancement continues to be embraced across the world. The improving ratio of computer-per-student through different time frames reflects the need for instructional technology. Administrators across various geographical regions have varied objectives of adopting it. Some of the aims of adopting instructional technology include enhancing experimental learning, problem-solving and high order thinking, construction of knowledge, and creating a microworld (Picciano, 2011). These objectives have propelled various administrators across the globe to integrate technology into education at different levels, including at the most elementary stage. However, even though the goals are all important, solving problems more accurately and improving the order of thinking remains the most instrumental.

One of the fundamental aims of teachers and educational institutions is to enhance students’ capacity to solve problems. With technology, the goal is effectively achieved since students can easily offer solutions to the issues presented and those linked to what they are learning. For example, the use of smartboards in teaching mathematics at the elementary level can aid the student in answering the course questions efficiently. Additionally, through the knowledge and understanding developed, they can address fundamental real-life challenges around them. In more advanced stages of learning, it is evident that instructional technology enhances the student’s ability to study and apply problem-solving skills. For example, observing how concepts are utilized through visual technologies such as computers may help students to apply the concepts more accurately given a chance.

Additionally, education strives to enhance students’ intellectual development to improve and understand life better through high-order thinking. To improve the success of education regarding improving the scholars’ academic capabilities, educational facilities invest in various strategies. In contemporary times, the adoption of instructional technologies proves to be effective towards advancement of knowledge, hence its popularity. In conclusion, enhancing problem-solving skills and high order thinking has dramatically influenced the integration of instructional technology in the classroom.


Picciano, A. (2011). Educational leadership and planning for technology. (5th ed.). Pearson.

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