Importance of Gender Reveal Ultrasound

In the majority of cases, those parents who want to know their child’s gender during pregnancy have an opportunity to do so via gender reveal ultrasound. In general, gender reveal ultrasound, also called fetal ultrasound, fetal anatomy survey, or sonogram, is a specific test that involves sound waves to create a child’s image in the uterus (Brennan, 2021). In particular, a health care specialist uses a transducer that, when pressed against a woman’s belly, sends these sound waves into her womb. Collected images are subsequently transferred to a screen where a specialist may see a child’s gender and inform parents (Brennan, 2021). Even though gender reveal ultrasound is a common practice of prenatal care, there is a considerable number of people who believe that it should be banned. This essay will provide several arguments in support of ultrasound as it has more substantial benefits besides gender reveal.

It goes without saying that during an ultrasound, future parents frequently ask about their child’s gender even if the accuracy of this diagnosis is determined by multiple factors, such as the equipment, the professionalism of a health care provider, and a child’s age. However, the primary purpose of the ultrasound is not gender reveal – this test is used to look for a child’s growth and development and detect potential fetal anomalies (Weiss, 2021). In this case, a specialist will have an opportunity to plan treatment if possible or inform parents about possible challenges related to a child’s health for reasonable decision-making.

At the same time, even if a child’s health is satisfying, gender reveal ultrasound helps parents prepare for a newborn following his or her gender. In general, “having a baby entails numerous preparations during pregnancy and an advanced level of organization and management once the baby arrives” (Private Ultrasound, 2020). In other words, a majority of people prefer to buy clothes and toys and decorate the house before a child’s birth, and knowing a gender will help them decide what color palette to choose. Moreover, gender reveal via ultrasound allows parents, especially those who do not like surprises, to prepare for a new role (American Pregnancy Association, n.d.). When they know a child’s gender, they may pick up a name, have a feeling of a child’s presence, and create a closer connection with him or her earlier.

At the same time, there is a belief that gender-reveal ultrasound contributes to an increased level of abortion and should be banned. To be precise, some women get abortions after finding out that a child’s gender will be opposite to the gender they want. Meanwhile, this statement cannot be regarded as reliable as there is no strong association between these events. If a couple wants a child, gender will not be important. However, if a child is unwanted, abortion may be inevitable and gender is just a seeming reason. Moreover, if a child’s gender is unfavorable and it will be revealed after birth, the child will be raised without love or will be given to an orphanage. In turn, with gender reveal ultrasound, parents receive an opportunity to get used to a child’s gender and change their attitudes to it before birth.

All in all, from a personal perspective, gender reveal ultrasound may be regarded as a highly beneficial option that should not be banned. First of all, it is important not for a child’s gender but for his or her health. In addition, gender reveal ultrasound contributes to the efficiency of parents’ preparations and helps them choose things for a newborn. Finally, it allows parents to prepare themselves in advance even if a child’s gender is opposite to the gender they want.


American Pregnancy Association. (n.d.). Knowing baby’s sex before birth: Some pros and cons of gender reveal.

Brennan, D. (2021). What to know about ultrasound to learn baby’s sex. Grow. Web.

Private Ultrasound. (2020). Gender scan – Pros and cons. Private Ultrasound London.

Weiss, R. E. (2021). Ultrasound signs for determining baby’s sex. Verywell Family.

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