The Healthcare Administrator: Leadership Abilities

When looking for a job, healthcare administrator leadership abilities are vital to demonstrate to potential employers. These leadership characteristics, in addition to the appropriate education and experience to match the qualifications and requirements of a position, will aid a healthcare administrator’s performance at work. A healthcare administrator can inspire employees to emulate the skills and attributes that contribute to a healthy work environment and assist a company achieve its objectives by modeling them (Alilyyani et al., 2018). Honesty, ethics, respect, confidence, and having integrity while making fair decisions based on the organization’s and community’s best interests are all attributes that will assist a healthcare institution achieve excellence.

In healthcare, the focus is on positive implementation of practices that lead to the greatest possible patient care and care delivery, regardless of the organization or position. Employees are more likely to follow an administrator’s lead when dealing with issues that involve ethical decisions, mutual regard, and confidence. Healthcare is closely connected with moral issues of life and death. As a result, the highest levels of ethical behavior are required. Healthcare CEOs must develop a moral tone for their personnel that is infused with honesty (Alilyyani et al., 2018). A broad view is required of healthcare CEOs. For guiding a team into the future, preparation, goal-setting, and a clear vision are all required. Leaders that demonstrate respect through listening to others, valuing and soliciting employee input, receive respect. Higher patient satisfaction and fewer poor health outcomes have been related to effective leadership.


Alilyyani, B., Wong, C. A., & Cummings, G. (2018). Antecedents, mediators, and outcomes of authentic leadership in healthcare: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 83, 34-64.

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