Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City


Food safety is an essential factor in boosting the well-being of consumers on account of preventing poisoning and foodborne illnesses. The Missouri Health Department established distinctive measures for the food handlers based on the articulate essence of eliminating the considerate practices on contamination (4).


The major outliers on poor food production and distribution include the utilization of leftovers, inappropriate hot and cold storage techniques, and sullied ingredients. Therefore, the government institution indicates the articulate sustainable solution encapsulates the involvement of all stakeholders towards adhering to the indicated 2017 code on food. Foodborne sickness is a medical risk due to the potent outbreak, hence the prominence to incorporate strict measures on the control of the chain of production.

Poor food handling in the markets is a prominent threat to the health index among the counterparts. According to Gizaw, the dynamic contaminants enshrine microbial, chemical, food additive misuse, adulteration, and genetically modified foods (3). The divergent indicators intensify the significance of the proper production of food. The researcher argues that different individuals steward edibles within the outlets locally and internationally. As a result, the mismanagement across the supply chain fosters the emergence of foodborne diseases. It is the core responsibility of authorities and the administrators on the processing to establish critical methodologies promoting sustainability across the network for better health.


Improper food handling is a multidimensional phenomenon that involves the intersection of dynamic interdependent variables. Goodman depicts that the key outlier involves determining the food environment, dietary behaviors, and individuality (92). Ideally, the researchers postulate that the core foundation entails promoting healthy feeding. However, the distribution of fat-rich edibles risks consumers excessively gaining weight. Therefore, the vital responsibility encompasses identifying the menu plans and limiting the use of ingredients rendering the threat of foodborne illnesses. Despite a significant association between the intersecting quotients, unhygienic food management further disregards balanced nutritional therapy.

Works Cited

Gizaw, Zemichael. “Public health risks related to food safety issues in the food market: a systematic literature review.” Environmental health and preventive medicine 24.1 (2019): 1-21.

Goodman, Melody, et al. “How segregation makes us fat: Food behaviors and food environment as mediators of the relationship between residential segregation and individual body mass index.” Frontiers in Public Health 6 (2018): 92.

Missouri Health Department. KCMO Food Code – 2017 Full Final – 9.14.2020 JMS Edits. 2020, Web.

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